Ignite Through You

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"Then why?" Minjeong says, broken, "why did you still leave me?"

Jimin liked to think of herself as someone who lives with no regrets. And in this life, so far, she's only ever had one. At the moment it seemed like her only choice. She wasn't the type of person to make irrational decisions out of impulse. No, Jimin thought it through. Every pro, every con. Every outcome, every side, corner, whatever it may be. She thought it through, and still made that decision to leave because Jimin was desperate to give Minjeong what she wanted. What she worked hard for.

Even if Jimin had to sacrifice giving all of herself to Minjeong in the way Minjeong would have preferred. That was Jimin's way of giving Minjeong her all.

Ironic, yes.

And till this day, Jimin doesn't really know if she does regret her decision. Maybe she would have done it differently, but Jimin thinks that every scenario that she played out in her head would have had the same ending.


So, maybe Jimin still lived a life with no regrets.

Or maybe Jimin is just lucky enough to make up for it and remain impenitent.

Minjeong was here.

Jimin could see how much she's grown, how far she's come with the dreams she wanted to achieve.

So when Minjeong asks her why?

Why did she leave?

Jimin's answer is simple.

"Because I love you."

It's the truth. No matter how ridiculous and vague it was, everything that has urged Jimin to make her decision was all because she was just a young teenager that was hopelessly and completely in love with Kim Minjeong.

"You have to give me more than that." Minjeong says once they're between their apartment doors at the end of the hall. This was where they usually parted once the day ended. Jimin would smile at her and tell Minjeong to sleep well, and she would settle for giving Minjeong a soft kiss on the forehead.

"I'm still confused, Jimin." Minjeong says with glassy eyes and a trembling bottom lip.

Jimin takes Minjeong's hand in hers, and softly nods. She raises their hands and places gentle kisses on Minjeong's knuckles to soothe her.

"Okay, my love." Jimin whispers, "let's talk inside."

She leads Minjeong into her apartment after unlocking it. Jimin takes Minjeong's bag from her shoulder and places both of their belongings on the couch, before leading the both of them to sit.

"How do you feel?" Jimin asks her first.

"No, Jimin—," Minjeong's eyes close in frustration, "I just need to know."

"I don't want to overwhelm you." Jimin tells her, "we've just spent the past two hours in therapy, and I know being in that environment isn't something that's easy for you—,"

"Just tell me!" Minjeong's voice rises out of frustration. Weeks ago, Minjeong was wary, tiptoeing around this conversation even though they should've had it sooner than now. Minjeong doesn't understand her own emotions either, but she was trying to figure them out.

Jimin doesn't seem phased by her outburst. Her eyebrow twitches and she blinks patiently at Minjeong.

"I'm sorry." Minjeong says, regretful. "I'm a mess."

"I wanted you to be happy." Jimin says after a beat. "I wanted you to live lightly. I wanted you to live without such heavy shoulders. Because even if I helped you carry all that pressure you had put on yourself, you still tried to hold everything in your hands. Because that's the kind of person you are."

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