What You Want

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When Dr. Kwon calls Minjeong to her office, she did not expect to see her parents sitting across from her boss with grins on their faces.

"M-Mom, Dad..." Minjeong blinks in surprise, "you didn't mention you were visiting..."

Her mom stands to greet her with a hug, her dad only dipping his chin down to acknowledge her. Minjeong's dad was the less affectionate, and tough love kind of father. He exerted more pressure on Minjeong on how he wanted his daughter's life to be, rather than her mother, who has toned down over the years.

"We were just saying hi to an old friend." Baekhyun nods towards Dr. Kwon. Furrowing her brows, Minjeong glances towards Dr. Kwon. She had no idea her parents were acquainted with her boss, but she shouldn't be surprised. Her parents held a very high status within the medical field. They must acquaint themselves with many brilliant people within medicine.

"We were just talking about you, sweetie." Taeyeon motions for her to take a seat on one of the chairs.

"I heard the cardiothoracic surgical program here is the best." Baekhyun says, and Minjeong's heart almost beats out of her chest. "There hasn't been any campaigning for it though. Who's leading your numbers, Dr. Kwon? They must be recognized."

Dr. Kwon chuckles, "campaigns aren't really my priority, Dr. Byun. My hospital has already built its name, and so has my staff. They are brilliant people."

"And so why haven't I heard anything about your incredible cardiothoracic team? It shouldn't be a surprise that I, a fellow heart surgeon, is interested, right?" Baekhyun shrugs, his smile ever so kind that it sort of scares Minjeong.

Dr. Kwon returns his smile and leans back into her chair. "My chief of cardiothoracic surgery doesn't like the spotlight. Prefers to save lives just for their passion alone. Like most of my staff do."

Minjeong feels the air in the room churn into cold ice. She watches her father's expression tighten.

"What are you insinuating, Dr. Kwon?"

Her boss shrugs her shoulders. "Nothing, Dr. Byun. I just don't know what you're asking."

Releasing a sigh, Baekhyun taps his fingers against the leather of his seat. "I just want to make sure that Minjeong has good mentors to learn from."

Dr. Kwon glances at Minjeong. "I was under the impression that Dr. Kim wanted to go into neurosurgery. She's been very passionate and persistent about it thus far. Despite my encouragement for exploration."

Minjeong avoids her father's steel gaze, while her mother doesn't seem surprised, though disappointed.

"Nonsense." Baekhyun laughs, "she'll build a name for herself as a cardiothoracic surgeon. Like her parents."

With a laugh, Dr. Kwon tries to hide her disbelief. She glances at Minjeong one more time and meets her eyes. "Don't you think Dr. Kim can decide for herself? She's an intern. This is the year for exploration and discovering where that feeling of passion for surgery comes from. That's not something someone else chooses for a surgeon."

Another curt chuckle comes from Baekhyun as he rises from his seat. He glances down at his daughter briefly, hands on his pockets, before walking towards Dr. Kwon's wall of achievements.

"Impressive wall, Dr. Kwon."

Dr. Kwon notices the way Minjeong's hands are tightly intertwined together in her lap, a troubled expression on her face that she was so badly trying to hide.

"Thank you, Dr. Byun." Dr. Kwon responds, looking away from Minjeong to focus on her colleagues. "It's no Nobel prize, but I'm proud of the career that I've built."

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