Best At Loving You

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"My brain is about to explode."

The heavy textbook is thrown onto the floor with a loud sound that startles Minjeong away from where her nose was buried in her own pages. She looks around the room and sees her exhausted fellow surgical interns. She frowns and presses her hand on the page that she was on, making sure the pages don't blow over and she'll lose her spot.

"We just took a five minute break." Minjeong says.

"That was three hours ago." Mark deadpans, his head dropping against the couch.

"I'm hungry." Shuhua says with a pout, hand to her grumbling stomach.

Minjeong averts her gaze to Soojin who had not made one peep or complaint. The latter was focused, not having bothered to look up from her own book and notes to cater to their whining friends.

"Should we take another break?" Minjeong suggested, a little hesitant as she looked down at the chapter she was on. "M-Maybe after I finish this chapter."

"Minjeong!" Mark groans, his legs kicking against the carpeted floor, arms flailing and shoulders shaking with tantrum. "Please, if I don't get food in my stomach, my brain will rot and I will absolutely combust."

Soojin heaves a heavy sigh, catching Minjeong's attention before she could even respond to Mark's whining.

"I can't focus with all your complaining."

Mark pushes himself off of his relaxed position against the foot of the couch, giving Soojin a look of offense. "Well excuse me for being a normal human being who needs to eat to have a functioning brain. What are you two? Cyborgs? Even cyborgs need to be recharged, do they not? Where's your stupid charger, maybe I can replace it with that stick up your ass!"

Soojin remains unfazed, her steady, steely gaze piercing through Mark.

Mark falters under the intensity of Soojin's eyes, raising his hands up in the air. "I'm sorry, that was mean. I'm in a mood. I get mean when I'm hungry."

Minjeong blinks at them with doe eyes, slowly folding the corner of the page she was on, and closing her book. "Well, alright then." She finally stands up from her spot on the floor, leaving her book on her coffee table. "Maybe we should eat before we start ripping each other's heads off."

"Please!" Shuhua and Mark chant dramatically.

Chuckling, Minjeong grabs her phone to skim through food options, reading them aloud to see what they would agree on. In the midst of their indecisiveness, a knock sounds at her door. She doesn't have time to run to the door when it opens, revealing her two best friends and girlfriend holding takeout bags in their hands.

"Surprise." Jimin grins, eyebrows bouncing in greeting.

"Do they bear nourishments?" Mark yells from the living room, splayed on the floor in the shape of a starfish.

"Yes, we do."

Mark immediately sits up, eyes wide and shining. "Oh, I've never loved you more, Dr. Yu." He gets on his knees, hands reaching for the bags. "Minjeong, I am in love with your girlfriend."

Jimin glares at him, pushing the takeout bag in her hands into his face. "In your dreams, Lee."

"This is Yizhuo and Aeri, my—," Minjeong starts to say, but is immediately waved off by the other interns.

"Of course we know them." Shuhua clicks her tongue, "how could we not know the very famous CEO of Naevis Fashion Line? And of course, her fiancé, one of the best criminal law attorneys."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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