To Mend Broken Hearts

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"She'll like it right?"

Minjeong bites on her thumb, eyes filled with concern as her friends Aeri and Yizhuo help her set up birthday decorations in Jimin's room. She'd probably been asking them twice every minute, too much anxiety coursing through her body.

"Of course she will." Yizhuo assures her, "trust me. Jimin will like anything you do. It's kind of ridiculous."

Minjeong didn't have the energy to even throw Yizhuo an offended look.

"B-But, like... this isn't crossing a line? I mean we've only been dating for three months. Is this appropriate?"

Aeri snickers, "you're surprising her for her birthday, Minjeong. I think three months of dating is appropriate enough to do that." The sarcasm wasn't taken well, as Minjeong's mouth drops, scoffing. "It's not like you're asking her to marry you."

"Thanks for the support." Minjeong says with her own version of sarcasm.

She wipes her sweaty hands on her jeans, trying to even her breathing as Aeri blows up the last balloon, placing it aesthetically on Jimin's bed.

"I hope she gives you extra lovin' tonight." Yizhuo winks at her, cleaning up the wrappers from the ground and crumbling it up into the trash bag.

The faint sounds of footsteps outside the door raises Minjeong's panic. "Oh my god, that's her. Get out, get out!" She hastily pushes the two girls towards the window.

"Seriously, Minjeong? Why can't we use the door?" Aeri quietly grumbles, a leg already out the window with Yizhuo following suit.

"Have mind blowing sex. Love you." Yizhuo blew her a kiss, giggling quietly to herself as Minjeong finally gets the both of them out.

The door swings open, and Minjeong lets out a gasp, twirling around to meet a surprised Jimin at the doorway. The older woman was still fresh in her part-time job uniform, looking very exhausted.

"Surprise!" Minjeong says with a nervous smile, hands outstretched in front of her in a jazz-hands motion.

"Minjeong?" Jimin tilts her head, closing the door behind her. Her eyes light up when she roams her eyes over the cute balloons and roses on her bed. There was a cute teddy bear next to the roses, wearing a birthday hat, and a box nicely wrapped on the other side.

"H-Happy birthday, Jimin."

Jimin turns to her and a small smile forms on her lips, eyes glazing over. She approaches Minjeong slowly, taking her nervous hands into hers, lifting up to her lips, and placing sweet kisses onto her knuckles.

"Why do you seem nervous, baby?"

Minjeong blinks, "I-I... do you like it?"

Jimin's expression softened, "of course. I love it, baby. Thank you so much." She presses an assuring kiss onto Minjeong's lips, "is that what you were nervous about?"

Minjeong nods subtly, "w-well you said you didn't really celebrate your birthday anymore ever since your mom passed... I-I... I didn't know if it was appropriate. W-We've only been dating for three months a-and... Well, I wanted to make your birthdays special again because birthdays are supposed to be special and you deserve to feel special on your birthday and—," Minjeong starts blabbing, and Jimin can see the nervousness seeping through every word.

Jimin found it to be super cute.

"I love you."

That seemed to stop Minjeong's blabbing. Her eyes grew wide, and although her blabbing had stopped, she was a stuttering mess, now trying to find the right words.

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