Everything and More

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Minjeong winces when she accidentally pricks her finger with the needle in her hand. She's been so out of focus lately that she was starting to piss herself off.

Soojin boasted about being recruited by Dr. Jeon to be his new intern on his research, and it spurred a type of jealousy in Minjeong that she didn't want to feel. She was always hard on herself, but Minjeong always did more than well for herself.

Now she felt stuck. Lost.

People kept telling her that she was just a surgical intern. That she should branch out and see if other specialties called out to her, but Minjeong felt like she was ten steps behind everyone.

"Minjeong, you won't believe it." Mark barges into the skills lab, Shuhua behind him with a tray of food.

"What?" Minjeong's shoulders were depleted.

"Dr. Kang let me assist in an internal fixation procedure." Mark seats himself on the seat across from Minjeong, a grin on his face. "She's so cool, Minjeong. A total badass."

Minjeong lets out a weak chuckle, "I'm happy for you, Mark."

"Soojin got to assist Dr. Jeon in one of his surgeries. She's in there right now." Shuhua says, biting into an apple slice.

Minjeong's heart drops to the floor. That should've been her. It would've if it wasn't for Yu Jimin.

"T-That's... I'm happy for her too." Minjeong clears her throat, trying her best to not look too torn down that it wasn't her in that operating room.

"Did you get to assist Dr. Yu with any surgeries today?"

She gives Mark a blank stare, before looking back down at the stitches she had been working on. "No. I was in the pit the whole day."

"That sucks."

Minjeong snorts, shaking her head at Mark's lack of sympathy. Well, she did tell him that she enjoyed the pit. Obviously she lied to try and avoid her ex at all costs.

"Nothing I hoped for myself is working out for me." Minjeong says, a sad chuckle coming out of her. "Sometimes I feel like I don't even belong here."

"That's nonsense." Shuhua shuts down her insecurities right away. "You deserve it just as much as the next doctor. We work hard to be here, Minjeong. That's why we're here."

"Your time will come, Minjeong. For now, just take what's being handed to you." Shuhua tells her, "there's many things you can learn in every experience. Might not be one that you're looking for, but you'll learn something new every time."

Minjeong sighs, "yeah."


Minjeong winces when Jimin cleans up her scratched cheek, pulling back slightly. Clicking her tongue, Jimin gives her a stern look, and Minjeong settles into a pout.

The older woman continues tending to her cuts and bruises, a frown never leaving her lips. Obviously Jimin was upset, not at Minjeong, but just at how her girlfriend got herself into the situation that caused her to be all bruised up.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong." Jimin tells her, and despite how upset she looked, her voice still spoke to Minjeong like soft flowers on a spring day.

"Then why are you so upset?"

Jimin furrows her brows, "why wouldn't I be upset, baby? You're hurt." Her voice was a little more stern this time and it made Minjeong's eyes well up with tears.

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