Take Your Time

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Jimin sits comfortable on the yellow couch. She was certainly less anxious than Minjeong had been for her first individual session, Dr. Choi had observed. And it certainly wasn't a mystery to her, nor was it hard to underhand why Minjeong had relied so much on Jimin emotionally ever since they were young.

Jimin seemed to know and understand her own feelings well. Something that was a vast contrast to Minjeong, who questioned herself too much.

"Minjeong said she likes you." Jimin tells Dr. Choi, catching the older woman by surprise. Her surprise turns to amusement as her lips widen into a smile. "Which means a lot because... well, obviously, this is a new environment for her. And talking about her feelings is still something she's trying to be comfortable with. And—," Jimin stops herself from babbling, smiling and dipping her chin. "Just... Thank you. For making her feel safe."

"Yeah?" Dr. Choi chuckles, "I'll make sure to let Minjeong know that I like her too." She glances at the proud smile on Jimin's face, "she's doing a great job, Jimin. And she's lucky to have someone like you to remind her."

Jimin smiles to herself, looking down at her fingers as they twiddle.

"I know she's a delight to talk about, Jimin, but let's talk about you." Dr. Choi motions towards her, "what was Yu Jimin like as a child?"

Chuckling, Jimin shrugs. "I don't know." She tilts her head up and hums in thought, "I thought I was a delight, but my mom would tell you I was a troublemaker."

Dr. Choi notices the sad smile and distant eyes. "Are you close to your mother?"

"She was my rock." Jimin grins, "I am who I am because of her. And, I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but I think I'm a pretty charming woman, don't you think, Dr. Choi?" She throws her a confident smile, "she raised me right. She would always tell me to hold myself at the highest standard, so that I would always work hard to meet them."

"Is that something you think you've done ever since you were little?"

"Yes." Jimin says with no hesitation. "I think I've accomplished a lot for myself despite the cards I've been dealt with. And it's because I worked hard for it."

Dr. Choi hums, "very admirable, Jimin."

Jimin flashes her a smile of gratitude.

"Do you still remain close to your mom? What about your dad?"

Clearing her throat, Jimin heaves a sigh. "My mom passed right before I started high school. My dad... I don't know." She shrugs her shoulders, "I don't remember much of him. I think he's dead. I mean, if he drinks that much alcohol, it probably would have taken him by now. Or not. I haven't really been curious."

Dr. Choi analyzes her calm expression, before nodding to herself. Jimin refrains from raising a brow, only clearing her throat. She answered as genuinely as she could, the way that she knew her feelings, but being under Dr. Choi's stare makes her feel like she was lying.

But she wasn't. Jimin knew her feelings well. She always has.

"You were okay with him not being around much?"

"What child doesn't want a complete family?" Jimin almost laughs, "but if I had to choose, I preferred that he wasn't around much. When he was, all he did was drink. And drinking made him an asshole."

Dr. Choi's lips subtly rise to a smirk.

"Excuse my language, Dr. Choi." Jimin mutters soon after.

"I welcome it." Dr. Choi says with a smile, "I like to see raw emotion, Jimin. That's the whole point of therapy, is it not?"

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