Where We Left Off

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Minjeong sees Jimin walking into the OR from the viewing room up top. She had just ended her shift at the clinic and had no luck with obtaining Chan's signature this time around. It didn't seem like she'll be seeing the OR any time soon, and although it was a bit frustrating to be withheld from it, everyone around her seems to think this was a good idea.

She just wishes Chan would tell her exactly what she needed to do and say for him to give her the damn signature.

Jimin meets her eyes as she looks up towards her. The OR nurses were tying the gown around her body, and putting her sterile gloves on her. The older woman smiles with her eyes, the surgical mask blocking her lips.

Minjeong smiles back, before opening the folded paper in her hands. She presses the paper against the glass, smile widening as Jimin reads the note.

Can I take you out on a date tonight, Dr. Yu?

Jimin's eyes find hers again after reading the note, a softness and adoration blooming through her gaze. She gives Minjeong a thumbs up in return, which makes Minjeong's stomach swarm with butterflies.

With a small hop of excitement, Minjeong's smile gives Jimin strength for the surgery she was about to do. It was a lengthy surgery, but nothing Jimin hadn't done before, nor felt confident in.

Yu Jimin never enters an OR without her confidence.

Jimin keeps her eyes trained on Minjeong's lips as the younger woman mouths words to her.

Good luck, Yu Jimin. I'm proud of you.

"Alright." Jimin lets out a deep breath as she watches Minjeong disappear from the viewing room, "let's save a life today, team."


"I could cry right now."

Aeri stands before her friends, hand to her face as her eyes pool with unshed tears. She stares at the set up that she and Yizhuo helped Minjeong with, letting out another sound of awe.

"You think she'll like it?" Minjeong bites her thumb, "she'll say yes?"

Her friends snort, rolling their eyes. "If Jimin says no to being your girlfriend again, I will jump off of a plane without a parachute."

"And I will jump after her." Aeri quips, smiling sweetly at her fiance.

Their words don't take the worried look off of Minjeong. She had been planning this for a while now. They hadn't had the conversation about what they were or if they were putting a label on their relationship, but Minjeong knew that Jimin was just going at her pace.

So... This was Minjeong's initiative. It was bold, romantic, and something that she had been dying to do.

Minjeong's initiative.

"Minjeong, promise me one thing." Yizhuo holds her by the shoulders, a serious look on her face. The latter looks at her with wide eyes, giving Yizhuo her full attention. "Promise us that you two will not get married before we do."

Minjeong's shoulders relaxed. "Yizhuo." She clicks her tongue, shaking her head with disbelief. "You're thinking veryfar ahead. She still has to say yes to being my girlfriend."

Yizhuo clicks her tongue in disagreement. "Please. You two have been in love with each other for over a decade. Thisdoesn't mean you're restarting your relationship, Minjeong. You're both just... picking up where you left off." she motions towards the romantic layout that Minjeong had prepared.

There were rose petals splattered on the floors, flowers in a well put together bouquet that Minjeong had done herself. Pictures of their history hung by a string and falling aesthetically from the ceiling. The lights were dimmed to a romantic mood, and an adorable fort made from white sheets with pillows and blankets ready for them to get comfy in for a movie after dinner.

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