Do What You Want

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Walking into her apartment, Minjeong isn't surprised to see Yizhuo pacing around her living room while on a work call. She simply sighs, walking into the living room and dropping her bag on the couch.

Minjeong lets Yizhuo finish her phone call, patiently waiting as she tries to loosen up her tense body by relaxing on the couch.

"Okay, perfect, Mr. Reed. Bye."

Yizhuo groans and tosses her phone on the single couch behind her.

"Tell me why men think it's okay to speak to women like we're their doormats?"

"Tough call?"

Scoffing, Yizhuo lifts Minjeong's legs up, before sliding under to sit on the couch. Once she's comfortable, Yizhuo rests Minjeong's legs on her thighs, massaging them subconsciously.

"Mr. Reed is the lawyer I'm up against in court tomorrow. He's a pretentious asshole that works in another firm."

Minjeong snorts. "Well, I hope you tear him up in court."

"Oh, you bet, I will."

Before Minjeong can say anything, she hears the door open and close.

"Knock knock."

Rolling her eyes, Minjeong doesn't have to turn around to know who had just come into her apartment.

"You know, saying knock knock doesn't make barging into someone's apartment less rude."

Aeri frowns, "yes, it does."

"No," Minjeong rebuts, "for one, you didn't actually knock. And for two, you didn't wait for an answer."

Bending down to kiss Yizhuo on the forehead, Aeri then greets Minjeong with a hair ruffle, much to Minjeong's dismay.

"Maybe you should've locked your door."

"I did!"

"Maybe you shouldn't have given us spare keys." Aeri sticks her tongue out.

Yizhuo smiles, "I use mine responsibly."

"No, you don't." Minjeong counters.

A mischievous laugh is all Yizhuo gives her. Once silence falls, Minjeong lets her eyes close briefly, appreciating the little massage Yizhuo was giving her.

"What do you want for dinner, Minjeong?"

With furrowed eyebrows, Minjeong cracks an eye open and eyes Aeri who had asked her the question. "It's 9pm."

"Have you eaten?"


"Exactly." Aeri scoffs. "Let me be nice. I'll cook for you."

Yizhuo smiles adoringly at her girlfriend.

"This is weird." Minjeong groans, twisting her body on the couch. "I'm getting massages and dinner from you two?"

Suddenly sitting up, Minjeong suspiciously squints her eyes at her two best friends. A finger is pointed at them accusingly, "did you two do something? What was it?" She wags her finger, eyes looking around her apartment for any signs of damage. "Did you break another picture frame? Where'd you hide it?"

"I swear, I didn't." Yizhuo raises her hand in scouts honor, although she's never been a scout before.

Minjeong's legs are softly thrown off of Yizhuo's legs as the younger woman stands up to head to the kitchen. She heaves a sigh, before forcing her tired body to rise and follow after her friends into the kitchen.

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