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Minjeong opens her apartment door to a grunting Ryujin, and a very drunk Jimin at her side. Blinking awkwardly, her mouth opens and closes to say something, but nothing comes out.

Ryujin sees her from the corner of her eyes, and lets out a sigh. "Can you help me get her inside, please?" The nurse didn't seem surprised at all to see that she lived next door to her ex girlfriend, so Minjeong can only assume that Jimin hadn't told Ryujin about her yet.

Scratching her head, Minjeong stammers. "U-Uh, y-yeah s-sure."

She's immediately at Jimin's other side, throwing her other arm over her shoulder. Ryujin manages to get the key into the hole, kicking the door open, and leading the three of them inside of Jimin's apartment.

Once they get Jimin onto her bed, Minjeong's first instinct is to bolt out of there as fast as she can, but before she could say her goodbyes, Ryujin is asking for her help in settling Jimin into bed.

"Listen, I don't think she wants me to even be in her apart—," Minjeong starts to decline, but Ryujin is pretty adamant about needing her help.

"She's not even awake. It's fine."

Blinking awkwardly, Minjeong only obeys, taking Jimin's other foot and trying to get her shoes off. She grabs one of the pillows at the head of the bed, putting it between Jimin's arms and laying the older woman on her side.

"She sleeps best when she's hugging something." Minjeong mutters.

Just like her.

Ryujin eyes Minjeong, and the corner of her lips curl with subtlety. Minjeong was all talk at this point, because Ryujin can see clearly that Jimin's feelings did not go unreciprocated.

"I didn't know that."

Eyes widening, Minjeong steps away from Jimin. "I-I... sorry. That was—, I overstepped."

Ryujin chuckles, "why are you panicking? Do you see me panicking?"

"N-No, but..." Minjeong stammers.

"Relax, Minjeong." Ryujin waves her hand to tell her it's no big deal. "Thanks for helping me get her in. She's had a rough night. One too many drinks."

Minjeong glances at Jimin, and her chest constricts. When she noticed Ryujin's eyes on her, Minjeong immediately averts her gaze away.

"I'll get going." Minjeong excuses herself, "goodnight, Ryujin."

Before Minjeong can step out of the room, Ryujin quickly thinks on her feet. Closing her eyes shut and cursing under her breath, she calls out for her quickly. "Wait." She says, trying hard so that her voice wouldn't wake up Jimin.

Minjeong stops right at the door, turning to give Ryujin a confused look.

Ryujin glances at Jimin again, making sure she was indeed sound asleep. "She'll hate me for telling you this, but I think she'll appreciate it later on." It was more to assure herself, but she tells Minjeong anyway.

"I'm not her girlfriend." Ryujin clarifies, "I don't exactly know why Jimin hasn't told you that yet, but we're not dating."

Dropping her hand from the door, Minjeong blinks in confusion. "B-But I saw—,"

"Yeah, I know what you saw." Ryujin waves her off, glancing at Jimin again. Uncomfortable with the idea that the cardiothoracic surgeon would wake up through their conversation, she pushes Minjeong out of the room and quietly closes Jimin's bedroom door.

Ryujin makes Minjeong take a seat in the living room, and she makes the observation that Ryujin felt... well quite comfortable in Jimin's apartment.

"We used to sleep together, but we only used each other for, well, just that. Nothing more." Ryujin felt weird saying it, like she was explaining to someone's wife why she had slept with their husband. These two were still madly in love even after a decade, Ryujin might as well see it that way.

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