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"Is she mad?"

As soon as Aeri had heard that Minjeong found out about their little scheme, she came rushing to make things right. Minjeong had already fallen asleep after the clear exhaustion of crying in Jimin's arms in addition to being tired from work.

Jimin took the bag of food from Aeri's hands, welcoming her into Minjeong's apartment.

"She's just upset. She's not mad, Aeri. Don't worry." They make their way into the kitchen, and Jimin starts unloading the takeout from the bag. It was nearing midnight, and Minjeong had only been asleep for a little over an hour.

Jimin figured Minjeong would wake up in the middle of the night from hunger, so she had asked Aeri to bring food on her way over.

Aeri looks like a kicked puppy abandoned by its owner.

"Aeri, don't worry." Jimin chuckles after glancing up to see her friend's expression. "She's not mad, Aeri, I promise." She rounds the kitchen island to give her friend a hug, "if she was, do you really think we'd be standing in her apartment right now?"

Hugging her back, Aeri pouts. "We both have spare keys, so yeah, it'd be possible."

Jimin rolls her eyes, "just believe me. I'll wake her up in a bit to eat and we can talk."

The latter had no choice but to just believe Jimin for now. She had been worried about it all night, already thinking of arguments to say, or just going straight to begging for forgiveness on her knees. Aeri knew Minjeong wouldn't have been okay with what they were doing, but she understood the urgency of the situation from Jimin and immediately acted on her feet.

Jimin and Aeri prepared the food on the kitchen island for when Minjeong was ready to eat it. Aeri kept pestering Jimin to wake her up, but Jimin kept telling her to give Minjeong five more minutes to rest because she was crying all night.

"That doesn't make me feel better." Aeri pouts, "we made her cry."

"I know, Aeri." Jimin sighs, "but we'll make it up to her, okay?"

Jimin announces that she will finally wake Minjeong up, but the jiggling of keys coming from outside of the front door stops her. The two aren't surprised when Yizhuo appears with her own take out bags in her hands.

"I brought dessert." Yizhuo says in a whisper, "this will make her feel even better."

With raised brows, Jimin gives Aeri a look.

"What? You know it will make her feel better." Aeri argues.

"Chocolate cheesecake, ice cream," Yizhuo rummages through the bags of dessert, "and I even got her favorite drinks. They were about to close, but I stood outside their doors to take one more order. Left a big tip to make it happen."

A smile widens on Jimin's lips, shaking her head. "I'll wake her up now so she can see just how ridiculous her friends are being."

"Ridiculous?" Yizhuo scoffs, "if anything this will make her fall in love with us. She'll probably leave you for us."

Jimin chuckles, waving her hand behind her as she tiptoes towards Minjeong's bedroom door. Opening it slowly, she could see the little bump on the bed where Minjeong still sleeps soundly under the thick comforter. The soft glow of the moon streams through the sheer curtains, illuminating Minjeong despite the darkness of the room.

Jimin's heart softens at the sight of her, looking so serene and beautiful. She almost didn't want to wake her up, but Jimin knows that if she didn't, Minjeong would feel absolutely horrible in the morning for not having had dinner.

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