Chapter 3

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The following day, I got up earlier than yesterday to return before the others were up. I put on my running outfit and quietly left the house. On my way out, I recognized the car in the driveway. Aiden seemed to own the black Jeep. Of course, he did; hot guys like him always drove cars I loved. I started running and turned up the volume of my music. The miles flew by, and I began to relax.

I wanted to ask Josh or Zack what gym they attended and added it to my mental checklist. Running was great, but getting back into a routine would be even better. The song changed, and the deep bass sounds of my running playlist started filling my ears when I saw a tall guy with dark hair running a few hundred meters in front of me. I'd only known him for two days, but I would've recognized that body anywhere. He must have taken a bigger route than me; otherwise, I would've seen him earlier. I slowed down. I knew I was overthinking, but I didn't want him to see me or think I was following him. I decided to turn around and jogged all the way back I just came from.

Back at home, I saw a pair of running shoes standing outside. He must have been faster than me anyway. Inside the house it was quiet, I just heard the shower running upstairs. I made myself a coffee and put my oatmeal in the microwave. I decided to eat outside on the porch while waiting for the bathroom to be empty. I sat down on the small bench and took off my sweater; it was way too hot. When I was about to finish my last sip of coffee, the door suddenly opened, and Aiden walked out of it. He frowned, surprised for a second, then he gave me a quick hi and started walking towards the car. "You're going to get cold like that." he added and unlocked his car. "I know, bad habit. Nice car, by the way." I gave back before I could stop myself. He opened the door and smiled. "Thanks." His eyes rested on my sports bra for a split second, so fast that I wasn't even sure they did. Then he closed the door, and the car left with a loud roaring sound.

Zoe and I spent all afternoon at Target and the thrift store, so we decided to grab some takeout on our way back. I was very content with the things I bought: a new chic lamp, a little old stool that I wanted to use as a nightstand, some large picture frames that I wanted to lean against the empty walls, and a few candles. Combined with the cream throw pillows and curtains; it would finally feel like it was my room. Back at our place, Clara was doing some homework at the dining table; the rest had left for a frat party. Zoe wanted to join them and asked me to come along, but this time I said no. I really needed a quiet evening all to myself. She helped me carry my new furniture upstairs, and I hung out in her room while she got ready. It was the first time I was in here. The walls were covered with prints and photos, she had a bright throw blanket and pillows spread over her bed and clothing racks everywhere. She had great taste, and all the nice clothes made me jealous. While I helped her pick a skirt and crop top, I asked about our roommates. The guys were all friends before moving in together; they'd been renting the house for two years now. Initially, they had been skeptical when Zoe applied for the spare room. They had originally been looking for more guys, but, of course, she'd convinced them otherwise. A few weeks later, Clara had joined them.

I was surprised to hear that Josh and her used to date for a few weeks before calling things off and staying friends. "Oh wow, Josh didn't really seem to be her type." I slowly thought out loud. "It took her some time to realize it." She laughed, and I tuned in. "Anyways, since then, there's this unspoken rule of not dating any roommates. All of us were glad they handled it so well, but at first, it's definitely been awkward." I felt a little pain poking in my heart. The rule absolutely made sense, and Aiden didn't show any slight interest in me, but I couldn't help but think about his half-naked body in the hallway. The possibility of anything ever happening between us just got even smaller. And I should finally get over it.
Zoe didn't realize my mood swing and continued talking about them. They all played basketball together in their free time, loved their Xboxes, and Aiden was obsessed with cars. Apparently, he helped in a car shop downtown a few times a week.

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