Chapter 18

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I woke up when someone was shaking me. "Jenna, wake up. You're okay; it's all just in your head." I blindly pushed the person away, shivering, still hearing that scream in my ears. The person kept shaking me, and I heard even more steps and worried voices. Then I opened my eyes. It took me a moment to realize where I was. And given the worried faces I was staring at, I had been the one screaming.

Zack was kneeling before me, only wearing boxers and a tank, still holding my shoulders. "Are you okay? "he asked, a worried look in his green eyes. "I - I don't know." I creaked. Zoe sat down next to me and put her arms around me. Then I saw Aiden standing in the door frame as well. He frowned and slowly walked in, sitting down at my desk. Zoe kept rubbing my arm, and I closed my eyes, hiding my face on her small shoulder. "It was just a bad dream, Jen." she whispered. I nodded, but then the memories came flooding back. The blood, the screaming, the door slamming, that hit against my jaw. The bruises. I lost control of my breath and started sobbing.

Zoe hugged me even tighter; Zack sat down next to me and hugged me as well, and even Aiden seemed to get up as I felt a familiar hand stroking over mine. "It's all good."- "It was just a nightmare, Jen."- "You're safe." They all took turns in comforting me. Aiden squeezed my hand even more. I hadn't been planning on crying in front of him ever again. The first time had been humiliating enough. But here I was, balling my eyes out, just a couple weeks later. "Do you want to talk about it? "Zoe carefully asked and stroked my back. I shook my head and sobbed again. "I- I can't, I-" she immediately shushed me again. "It's all good. You don't have to." We stayed quiet like that for a while, all of them holding me until my breath finally started to slow down. The pictures were still there, but they'd lost their sharp pain. Now it just stung really bad.

"I'm sorry for waking you guys." I finally said and rubbed my eyes with my free hand. They all protested. I kept focusing on my breath as they talked about me above my head. "She's not going to sleep alone tonight. That could've turned into a massive panic attack. " Zoe clarified. Zack nodded, and Aiden ran a hand through his hair. They all looked tired. "I'll be fine." I whispered. They ignored me. "I'll stay." Aiden said. The others looked at him in surprise, as did I.

"You've got a test tomorrow, Zoe, and you have to get up early, Zack. I don't have classes; it's fine. I could feel Zoe grimacing. "I'm her cousin; I should be the one who stays." I answered before Aiden could. "And as your cousin, I demand you go to bed. I'm fine, for real." I tried to give her a smile, but it was painful to watch, given her response. I saw Zack exchanging a look with Aiden I couldn't identify, then he nodded. "Alright, Jen." Zack stroked my back one more time and slowly got up. I'm right across the hall if anything's up. You got this." Then he headed towards the door. Zoe was still hesitant. "You barely talk to her, Aiden. Are you sure you know how to comfort her?" She skeptically asked. I could feel him rolling his eyes without looking up. "Do I have to remind you of how many times you came home as a sobbing mess, Zoe. She'll be fine."

Zoe sighed one last time and squeezed me. "You know I'd stay; that test is just really important ... are you comfortable with him staying?" she said, looking very guilty. I shook my head. "Yeah. Please don't be. Good luck, okay? And thanks for being there." I squeezed her hand, and she got up as well, shooting Aiden one last warning look. "You be nice." She closed the door, and then there were only the two of us.

I looked down on my hands. "You really don't have to stay as well. I'll be fine. Sometimes those nightmares are still haunting me. I guess it's just a phase." I quietly said. He didn't have to know about the nights Nate had to drag me under the ice-cold shower to stop me from hyperventilating. Knowing fully well that he was the reason. Aiden let out a sigh. I could sense the slight discomfort this whole situation was giving him. We definitely crossed a line here. But then he replied, his voice sounding decisive. "You scared the hell out of me, J. It's fine; scoop over." I did as I was told, feeling guilty that he had to stay the night. And even more guilty because I wanted him to stay so badly.

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