Chapter 30

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- I knew you'd haunt all of my what if's -

Aiden didn't ask me to come over for the next few days. I knew it made sense, and he didn't think it would be fair if only he had some fun, but it didn't make missing him any easier. At least we still kept up our running routine, but I wasn't allowed to touch him then. I couldn't wait to lay in his arms again. When Friday came around, I was finally all set again, and another party was coming up. This time Aiden wasn't sure if he would come; he was once again working late at the garage. I tried not to be disappointed; at least I'd finally see Gene again that night.

He'd been occupied with learning for his medical exams, and I barely saw him at lunch, let alone aside from campus. We kept each other updated with texts, but it wasn't the same. But now he was finally done and ready to celebrate. I gave him a warm hug, and he squeezed me back and lifted me up a little. He had missed me, too, I could tell. His dark green shirt, combined with his grey pants, looked great on him, and I couldn't wrap my head around Regina breaking up with a guy as sweet and handsome as him. We poured ourselves some drinks and sat on the porch, for old time's sake. "So, how's things with your lover?" He winked. I rolled my eyes in awe. "He's amazing. The sex is amazing. And we even started to spend more time together." Gene raised a brow. "Do you think it could be more than friendship?"

I circled the outline of my glass. Why did people hand out glasses anyway? Those fraternities had too much money; I was surprised I never heard of any accidents. "I don't know ... he's very sweet and attentive; he even took me to his favorite spot. And sometimes he's giving me that look ... I don't know, it's hard to tell." Gene sighed. "Well, I'm glad he's making you happy. Just don't try to read too much into him being friendly; maybe he's really just interested in your friendship and crosses the line sometimes. Guys are dumb." He shrugged.
He was right. And I tried my hardest not to read too much in any cute gestures towards me and just enjoy the moment.

"I know, and that's why we won't talk about him tonight. Now what is up with you?" I lightly nudged my leg against his. "Oh, not so much ..." He mumbled. "Rege is driving me insane. Three nights ago, she drunk-texted me, telling me breaking up was a huge mistake, and I told her that we could meet up and talk about it; then, the next day, she made out with a new guy right before me. Why are women so evil?" I sighed. "Not all of us are, but you definitely fell in love with quite the bitch. Is she here tonight?" He wasn't sure. In the end, we decided not to talk about our love life for the rest of the evening, poured ourselves some more drinks, and danced for a while.

Then Gene saw some of his friends hanging out in the kitchen and introduced me to them. They were also becoming vets, and I had expected some way nerdier-looking people, but they were all great. I ended up sharing some popcorn with a girl my age called Lynn, and we exchanged numbers. She was also from Seattle, and talking about the city we both loved didn't hurt for once. I saw Zack eyeing her from across the room and ended up introducing them to each other. "I owe you." He mumbled on their way to the dance floor and few minutes later, and I couldn't hide the grin on my face. Apparently I could call myself a wingman now.

Time flew by, and we started dancing again as well. I was deeply focused on the Swedish house mafia, one of my all-time favorites, when something caught Gene's attention, and I saw him frown. "What's the matter?" I turned around. There she was again, his beautiful ex-girlfriend, making out with a blonde football player. Gene swallowed hard. She seemed to know he was watching her as she suddenly turned around and gave him a challenging look. I just shook my head in disbelief. What was wrong with this girl. I turned back to Gene. He looked pale. "How do I deserve this?" I touched his cheek and tilted his head in my direction so he had to face me. "You don't, Gene. This is absolutely ridiculous. She broke up with you, so what's her problem?" I hugged him. He stroked my back, still deep in thought. "You should also start looking for other girls; get some distraction." I muffled against his chest. He nodded. "I just can't seem to let go of her yet. But I guess you're right." I squeezed him tight. My best friend deserved the world and nothing less.

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