Chapter 16

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When he saw the change in my eyes, he immediately tilted his head and kissed me. And it was ... perfect. He tasted like mint and bourbon and Aiden, and it was the best combination I had ever tried. It wasn't gentle, it was longing, and he grabbed my waist and lifted me up against the door. I wrapped my legs around him and moaned into his mouth. It wasn't on purpose like I usually did, but I could tell how much it turned him on. He pressed me against the hard wood and parted my lips so he could slide his tongue inside. I felt dizzy. He felt way too good. My hands rested on his chest, I couldn't remember lifting them up, but now I put them inside his hair and pressed his head against mine. It felt just as good as I imagined it would, and I stroked through it, enjoying everything inch of him. "Fuck, Jenna." he groaned, and then I didn't feel the door pressed against my back anymore as he carried me toward his bedroom. "Please don't make me stop." he murmured against my lips, and I shook my head and bit his lip as an answer.

He opened the door, closed it with his foot, and carried me towards his bed. I still couldn't wrap my head around all of this happening. In front of his bed, he put me down and started kissing and biting my neck like he did in the car. He let his hands slowly slide down my waist and towards my butt. Then he pressed himself against me. Fuck. I could feel him hard against me and couldn't believe I had that power over him. I kissed him again, then I put my hand under his shirt, letting my hands wander over that beautiful body. His smooth skin felt even better than I had imagined. It wasn't enough, though, so I tugged on his shirt to signalize him to take it off. He pulled it over his head and watched me with accelerating breath as I took my time to discover every inch of his chest, abs, his perfectly v-shaped muscle. Finally, he was mine.

I let one finger slide underneath his pants for a second, then I gave him a light push against his chest so he would sit down on the bed. He looked up at me; his hair was a mess, his lips already swollen, and the longing in his eyes made its way straight between my legs. His hands slid down my waist to the buttons of my shorts. He slowly unbuttoned them and followed their movement as they fell down my thighs. Then he gave me another hot look before pulling me closer and touching my middle to find the buttons of my bodysuit. "I never thought bodysuits were hot until now." he whispered in a raspy voice and opened the buttons. While doing so, he started stroking me, still above my slip. Then he lifted the fabric and kissed the bare skin underneath my belly button. It made my toes curl.

Another thing that felt even ten times better than in my dreams. His hands stroke my butt as I slowly pulled up the fabric while looking into his eyes. They were locked with mine until I was finished, then, after a second, he turned his gaze down my upper body. "God, you're beautiful." he murmured and lifted me up again. He positioned me on his lap, and I dug my hands back into his hair and kissed his neck while he let his hands slide over my body, touching my chest, lightly squeezing it, and stroking it with his thumb. His breath got faster as I continued caressing his neck, and I started grinding myself against his crotch, which was followed by a deep groan. Then he pulled me up again and put me on the pillows while sliding above me. His weight was pressing me down; I felt him hard against me, and his pressing against the thin lace I was wearing drove me insane. We kissed again for a minute and kept moving against each other when I decided he was still wearing way too many clothes. I put my hands between us and started unbuttoning his jeans.

He got up for a second to take them off after pulling a condom out of his back pocket. I slid back on his bed to position myself on the pillows and swallowed when I saw it. I couldn't help but feel a sting. If he didn't use it with me tonight, then ... Aiden saw what I was doing and shook his head, positioning himself over me again. "Don't even dare." He simply said and gave me a kiss that made me forget all of it. I had never felt so wanted before in my entire life. Once again, I put my hands between us and started stroking him while he placed kisses on my collarbones. "Not yet, babe." he murmured and started kissing his way down to my stomach. I forgot how to breathe. He slowly put his arm between the bed and me, then positioned his head between my thighs. He kissed his way around my slip and continued with the inside of my thigh. It felt so good and, meanwhile, absolutely torturous. "You're ... mean." I complained and couldn't help but lift up my hips towards his face. I could feel his grin between his continuing kisses. Then he slid a finger underneath the lace, gently pulling it down. And then he was ... everywhere. He pressed a kiss on my middle, then I felt his tongue sliding across me. My muscles tensed. Fuck. He continued his motion, painfully slow, and gently put a finger inside me. I was more than ready. I could feel his grin again, and couldn't help but give him a light headbutt. But then his strokes got harder, and I had to dug my fingers into his hair. He kept teasing me while carefully pulling one finger, then two, in and out of me, stroking me inside. My thigh muscles tensed again. It drove me insane. He breathed against me, looking up for a second, and the hot look in his eyes, combined with his wet lips, was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. "Fuck." I gasped and let my head fall back as he continued to lick, kiss and stroke me. The pressure within me started growing rapidly. Why did this only take him minutes. His mouth became more demanding, which made me moan again. He kept getting faster, and I could feel the tingling start. "Fuck, Aiden." I gasped, my legs started trembling and my head was about to explode. His grip got tighter and I grabbed his hair even harder. He was everywhere, his soft, but demanding lips wiping away any sane thought in my brain and I nearly lost it. My whole body tensed, he whispered, "Come for me, babe." between the sucking, and that's what finally got me off. I let out a sharp breath and tried not to be as loud as he continued caressing me until my lungs forgot how to work.

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