Chapter 24

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I slept in that day and missed most of my classes. I had texted Alice the night before, telling her I didn't feel well and wouldn't come today. When I finally got up, the house was completely empty. I made some toast and coffee and headed to the guy's Xbox. What the hell was wrong with me? I slowly started turning into one of them. I internally scolded myself but pressed the on button anyway

. I was in the middle of my quest when the door lock turned. Aiden walked in, wearing his running shoes. He must have gotten up late as well. He stared at me in disbelief for a second, then he started laughing. "What?" I tried to act bothered. I loved to see him laugh after the pain he went through last night.

"Now, this is something I've never thought I'd see. Jenna Mason playing the Witcher without anyone forcing her." - "Oh, shut up, it's fun." I gave back. He sat down next to me and looked at the screen. "Okay, what the heck are you doing?" I glanced at him for a second. "I'm doing the side quests." He sighed. "Jen, no one's ever doing those quests. They're completely unnecessary." I raised a brow. "I know." - "Then why are you doing just that?" I shrugged. "That's exactly why I'm doing it. No one does them. I feel bad for that guy or girl who put them in, and now no one actually ever doing them. I'm always team underdog." He gave me an amused grin, but I could also see that look in his eyes for a second. I had kind of gotten used to it. "The underdogs are the best." he agreed and took a sip of my coffee.

He watched me for a few minutes, sometimes frowning when I messed up the combinations but not once correcting me. Then he got up while pulling his shirt over his head. "I'm taking a shower. Wanna join me?" I didn't have to think twice.

It turned into the best shower I had ever taken. We hadn't had sex for the last three days, and my fingers hungrily stroked over his body to take off his pants. He just grinned, watching my hasty moves. But when he saw the lacey see-through slip I was wearing under my band tee, his grin froze, and he knelt down, slowly kissing his way up my thighs and my middle. Then he took it off.

I put my hair into a bun so it wouldn't be in the way and get too wet, then I quickly followed him into the cabin. His back was facing me, the long muscle strands looking even hotter under the water. I hugged him from behind and gently started stroking his stomach and further down. I stroked him until he groaned, then he turned around and lifted me up to press me against the wall.

I gasped at the heat difference; it felt so cold compared to his hot body and the even hotter water. He gave me a hungry kiss and lifted me up even more. Then he thrusted inside of me. Oh wow. Doing it in the shower was another first for me, and the thought of his sole muscles lifting me up in the air was ... hot. I stroked his arms and gave him a hot kiss back. He started moving faster and moaned against my neck.

"You're gonna have to touch yourself this time. I need my hands." he murmured. Wait what? I looked at him in disbelief. He wanted me to ... masturbate in front of him? "I- ..." I stammered. "Just do it, Jen. It's hot." I still stared at him, but he continued to move, then let go of one of my hips for a second to place my hand between us. "Just imagine it's mine, then." He gave me a smirky grin and bit my neck. Oh boy. I kept still for a few seconds, still gathering my thoughts. This felt so ... intimate, and I was kind of embarrassed. "Do it for me.", he murmured again. Oh, well. I tried not to overthink it. He must have seen every inch of my body now; I guess it was a little late for being shy anyway. I didn't want to be boring or uptight. Who knew what he had done with girls before me. And I didn't want to go there. So, I slowly started moving my hand.

I bit my lip when he thrusting on my inside combined with my outer stimulation. "Fuck, that's hot." he gasped and gave me another deep kiss. I slowly started to relax and kept my eyes shut. I tried imagining his hands were touching me instead of mine. My breath got faster, and so did his. Then he suddenly changed his movement; now, it was more of a rubbing against me, and I gasped. This felt even better. I felt the tingling slowly starting. "Fuck, Aiden." I pressed onto his mouth, and his moves got even faster. He smiled against my mouth, and it sent me over the edge. "Oh God." I groaned and felt my muscles tighten around him, feeling the instant release.

It only took him a few more thrusts to finish himself, and I looked him deep in the eyes, still breathing hard doing so. He rested his forehead against mine, and some water drops got caught in his long lashes. I grazed his cheek and waited for him to calm down. "You gotta do this more often, Jen; it was so hot to watch." My cheeks turned red. He laughed. "I really don't understand why you'd still be embarrassed in front of me. "I have fucked you in whatnot positions, fingered you, ate you ..." I pressed my hand against his mouth. "Stop it!!" I moaned, and my cheeks turned even redder.

He just laughed even harder against my hand. I rolled my eyes and let him while letting my fingers follow the contour of his sharp jawline. "That was another first for me." He raised a brow. "The shower or getting yourself off in front of a guy." I painfully moaned again, and once again, the corner of his mouth started tucking. "Shut up. Both, actually." He grinned. "Well, thanks for letting me be the first to witness it. Like I said, hot stuff." I just groaned, and he finally put me down on the ground.

He started to lather himself in shower gel and I just watched him in awe, then he started doing the same with my body. With his bottle. Was it on purpose or a pure coincidence? In my imagination, he did it to mark me as his. He carefully let his hands slide over every inch of my body he could reach. I closed my eyes; that felt amazing. After he was done, we quickly washed it off and stepped out of the shower. He handed me my pink towel and put his grey one around his waist. "Alright, gotta go. I'll be late for work. But thanks for the show." he grinned, slapped my butt one last time, and left the bathroom. Jesus.

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