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I opened my eyes and looked around. The familiar walls of Hermitopia surrounded him.

What am I doing here? I wondered. It was all over and webwere in Hermitcraft now, so what was I doing here?

"Bdubs" came a deep voice behind me. I spun around to find Etho breathing down my neck.

"Hey Etho" I grinned. My smile fell as Etho stepped closer, large purple wings protruding from behind him.

"What... but we freed you" I took a step back, "you're not a Watcher anymore".

"I always come back" Etho's voice suddenly distorted, as though coming through a radio.

"What..?" I continued to back away, fear rising up in me.

"Traitor" Etho spat, "worthless, failure, moron".

"Please stop..." I felt hot tears gather in my eyes. My back hit the wall and I was trapped. Etho continued to close in on me.

"You betrayed the ones closest to you" Etho snarled, "you should be ashamed of yourself".

"I'm sorry..." I stammered, closing my eyes, "I didn't mean for this to happen..."

"Look at me when I speak to you" Etho gripped my chin tightly with cold hands. I kept my eyes shut, not wanting to see the hatred in his eyes.

"No..." I whimpered, "let me go..."

"Never" Etho growled in my ear, "not until I'm finished with you".

"No, not again.." I cried, opening my eyes, "don't hurt me.."

"I will do as I like" Etho hissed. The silvernette grabbed my collar, throwing me off balance whilst simultaneously kicking my legs out of from under me. I felt Etho's knee press down on my back. Memories of last time flooded through me.

"You deserve this pain" Etho spat. I closed my eyes, waiting for the knife to be brought down on me.

But before it landed I was pulled roughly out of my dream and into the waking world.

"Bdubs? Bdubs?" Came a familiar voice, "are you okay? You were dreaming".

My eyes shot open and I sprang up in bed. Fear and guilt overwhelmed me. My breathing short and ragged, I didn't even notice the silvernette trying to comfort me.

"Are you okay?" I looked up to see those same heterochromic eyes. The eyes of the person who hurt me.

As Etho reached out to place a hand on my shoulder I kicked my legs back, springing away from him. My mind was a blur. All I knew was that I had to get away. Letting out sobs of panic, I fell off the bed and landed on the floor with a thud.

"Bdubs?" came the same voice.

"...stay... away" I said breathlessly. In the darkness I looked up to see Etho standing over him.

"Don't hurt me please" I whimpered.

"Hurt you?" Etho sounded confused, "why would I do that?"

"You hurt me" I whispered.

"Hey, come here" Etho began to approach me, "it was just a dream..."

I tried to scramble away but Etho grabbed me and held me tight. Fear and adrenaline coursed through me. Etho forced me to face him, hugging me tight. I sat there as I hyperventilated. We sat there for what felt like forever before my breathing began to ease. My senses began to return to me.

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