Give up

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They reached out, feeling into his mind. They felt themselves snag on something. They grinned. Excellent. It was difficult to do this from a distance but they would make it work. Like crawling along tendrils, they lowered part of themself into the mind of Fwip.

Once they felt they were secure, they let go. At first it was like reaching into darkness, before the shadows cleared and they could see through him.

They sat up, well as best they could with the rope that bound them. They glanced over, spotting Tango. Crawling over to him, they rested a hand on his shoulder. Within moments they felt Tango's mind flicker to life.

Growling, they pulled the ropes off. Once they were free they stood up in unison, like some kind of mindless zombie, which they may as well be.

Like the marionette and the puppeteer, they made their way to the outside.


I stumbled back in horror as chaos ensued. Doc leapt at Cleo, wielding a trident. Cleo ducked just in time before striking back.

Then Pearl began to scream.

No, no not again, I took deep, shaky breaths, trying to calm myself, we outnumber them, we can win.

Doc roared in fury as Hermit's and Emperor's piled on him, preventing him from fighting.

I turned my attention back to Pearl. I could tell by the way she moved that she was fighting her own mind. The way she twitched, and the way her eyes filled with fear and pain. I knew that feeling all too well.

"Etho..." I spun around to see Grian, "if they take us, you must flee, there's no winning".

My eyes widened. They must be attempting to take Grian as well. His eyes glowed a bright purple as the smaller man twitched and shook as he no doubt fought his own battle. Then I felt them slither into my own mind.

"Hello Etho".

"Long time no see".

"Go away..." I grunted as a wave of pain hit me, "I'm not one of you".

"You know that's a lie. Join us and you will be free".

"Learn to let go".

"No, I don't want to hurt them" I gasped, "leave me alone".

I could feel it happening again. The excruciating pain as wings tried to grow. But this time I would fight them. I had to.

I glanced around the room. Grian, Pearl and I were all knelt to the floor, twitching and shaking. Jimmy was shaking his head as though he had something irritating him. I saw Martyn. The Listener looked haunted, terrified.

But this was a battle we would win. As long as I won my own.

"Come on, let it out" they hissed.

"Stop fighting. You will never win".

And then I spotted Bdubs. Curled up in a ball, he was trembling. I saw Ren shake off False and Gem before striding over to him.

"Hello Bdoubleo" I heard the dog hybrid growl, "so we meet again". Bdubs shot to his feet, raising his shield.

"I did what I had to!" He said fiercely.

"Leave.. him.. alone" I tried to stand up but the pain was too great. No matter what I did my body wouldn't move.

"I did it" I heard Grian whisper in disbelief,  "I escaped again". Grian stood up. He must have beaten the thoughts back. He marched off towards Ren.

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