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The following days became a struggle; Milán became uncontrollable, he asked for his dad and it stresses her out. This stress is also not helping the fact that she's pregnant and doesn't know if she wants to keep the baby. The only plus sign is that the public doesn't know about their separation, if they do, the situation will be much bigger than it is. Everyone is questioning what was wrong with Kevin during the Germany game but he hasn't told anyone the real cause just like everyone who asks Leilah why Kevin isn't around her anymore.

Rubi and João are still with her at home to help her around the house. They receive great news though, Magui has been found and arrested. It's a big sigh of relief for both of them so they can now focus on getting her to jail for the rest of her life and they can enjoy their relationship with no fear. 
João: We'll have to go back to London to speak to my lawyer and get to trial as soon as possible. 
Rubi: Okay but I don't think we should leave Leilah and Milán all alone, you can see that she's struggling a lot. 
João: You're right, I'll ask if she wants to come with us. 
Rubi: Good idea. 

They go over to Leilah to propose to her to go to London with them and with a lot of convincing, she accepted. 
João: Great! And I know a guy that is pretty good with kids! You know Mason Mount right? 
Leilah: I know him but never met him.
João: You'll like him! You can always ask him to come over and babysit if ever you feel overwhelmed. He always does that for his teammates on the England squad. 
Leilah: I'll think about it. I will come to London with you guys. 
João: Awesome, I'll help you pack up. 

They both go upstairs and he helps her pack up. 
João: I can't believe that Kevin has done this to you...After all the effort he made to have you back...
Leilah: Well, he did. We can't change that destiny. I keep doing that simple mistake instead of taking the man who treated me right from the start...And it was you...Even if Magui came to play, I got too afraid and left instead of staying strong. I fought the wrong battles...and that's what I deserve...
João: Everyone can have a happy ending, no matter what is your background or your past. Your time will come that's for sure. Just maybe not with Kevin.
Leilah: I fucking married that man João, I can't ask for a divorce just like that...
João: You can, he treated you like shit this whole time!
Leilah: Yeah but...
João: Leilah...

She starts crying and João pulled her into a hug. 
Leilah: Why do I keep loving him...
João: It's natural, you have a long history with him and it's hard to get out from it...Trust me, if you managed to get out from Alejandro then you can get out from Kevin...We're gonna help you get your mind off of it.
Leilah: Sometimes I just wish that Milán was yours...
João: Life said otherwise, there's no time to look at the past constantly, we have to look forward to the future. Your life will get better soon for sure. 
Leilah: We'll see. 

They then prepare Milán's luggage and the doorbell rang. Leilah went to open it and all she saw was a bouquet of flowers on the doorstep. 
Leilah: It's from Kevin...

There's an envelope as well in which it says: 

Dear Leilah,
 I know that you blocked me on every social media platform but I just needed to write this for you. I've said it many times already but I'm very sorry for breaking your heart. You deserve better than this; a happier life, a man that will bring you a smile on your face every day. I thought that I'd be that man, I've made you promises that I couldn't keep and I let you down. I got you flowers, your favourite ones, just like the ones you held on our wedding day. I replay that day every time and I know you're probably thinking why the fuck did I do all this. Sadly, I don't have an answer to that. I want to give you the world, everything that you need I can provide for you. Leilah, you've got me addicted to you and I know that you feel the same. We're connected, somehow someway. Please never forget the good moments we had...Because I never forget them and I'll never forget your wonderful smile when it shines bright for me, your sparkly eyes, the hugs and kisses that we share and so much more.
Take care of yourself, 
Love, Kevin.

Her hands were shaking while reading the letter; he is pulling the strings of her emotions to have her back. She cannot give in, she cannot let him get with it easily. She decides to send him a letter as well and sent it as quickly as possible so she can finish up the last preparations for the trip to London.

Leilah: Can we go now? Please? I don't want to regret it. 
João: Sure, I'm just waiting on the green light from my pilot. 
Leilah: I wanna get out of here...
João: It's understandable, we're gonna land in London as early as tomorrow morning. Regardless, I would've gone back this week for Champions League, we play Dortmund. Care to watch it. 
Leilah: Sure, It'll make me forget my problems.

João finally got the heads-up from his pilot and they are all on their way to London for a better life. Kevin doesn't know that they all left and believes that the letter he wrote for her will be effective and will make her at least talk to him. He's now staying in a hotel that is not the team hotel until he figures out the housing plan with Leilah if she wants to talk about it.

The plane trip to London is giving her flashbacks to the day she ran away from Kevin because of his aggressive behaviour. If only she had stayed there and refused his advances, she might have lived a better life, right? If only she stepped back and continue her life in the UK but she cannot change that anymore. 

Milán is strangely quiet during the trip which gave Leilah a chance to sleep without him nagging her.

"Babe, give me one more chance! Just one more!" Alejandro shouted to Leilah; she caught him cheating on her once again. 
Leilah: No! I'm fucking done with you!! I gave you so many chances to change but you don't seem to learn your lesson!! I am FUCKING DONE!! 
Alejandro: M-my love, please...I love you-
Leilah: I heard that same line over and over again!! I don't want you anymore! Fuck you! 
Alejandro: I gave you everything!
Leilah: You gave me nothing! You used me! I have had enough of you! Pack your shit right now!

Alejandro grabbed her wrist and she slapped him with her other hand; fighting to get out of his grip. She told him to stop repetitively but he never let her go as he slams her onto the wall quite hard. 
Kevin: You'll never get away from me...

Now it's Kevin that is holding her against the wall as she cries out to stop. His hands were on her cheeks and their lips were inches close. 
Kevin: Sshh...we're meant for each other baby...
Leilah: N-no...no...I don't want you...
Kevin: Just relax...

Kevin kisses her and soon her cries stop. 

She gave up the fight and got addicted again. 

Addicted to a lovely poison. 

Kevin receives the letter from Leilah and he's very excited to see what she could have written him. But his facial expression soon changes when he reads the letter: 

Dear Kevin, 

I received your flowers and they were lovely, thank you. But this situation is too much to handle and I think it's best for us to separate until further notice. I just cannot wake up every morning knowing that my husband cheated on me and lied straight to my face. I thought you changed but I guess I was wrong. I defended you through everything just to be a second-placed woman for you. I need real actions and until then, I'm saying goodbye to us. 

The letter got him into tears but the worse thing was what was inside the envelope.

She sent back her ring and her anklet to him. 

✨And the ring and the anklet are OFF! Is it a big step or a big regret for the future? Once again, can Kevin pull it through or this relationship is over? And let's celebrate that Magui is ARRESTED!! Give me your predictions! Let me know how do you feel about this and see y'all in the next chapter!✨

E.M.M.L 😘

Flowers. - Toxic pt2Where stories live. Discover now