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Here's the playlist for those who wanted it! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/168okoMbeUe2EWBcr8ONf1?si=VO_sULwjQaO7_JSSABFI9Q&app_destination=copy-link more songs are coming up👀

"You said WHAT?!" Leilah lets go of Cecilia.

She just told her that her mom is behind all this.
Cecilia: L-let me explain!
Leilah: Fine.

They let her get inside the house and she takes the med kit so she can use it herself.
Cecilia: I-I'm sorry for everything! Really! My family got b-blackmailed by your mother! A-and I had to follow her instructions so we can be safe!
Leilah: What did she blackmail you for?!
Cecilia: She said she has family secrets...E-especially a lot of t-things about my father...He got paranoid when he saw her and t-told me to do what she says...So she does have secrets about him...
Leilah: Hard to believe you right now...
Cecilia: I'll tell you everything from start to finish...


"Ceci, please come home quick!" her dad, Fernando called her so she can hurry up home. She took an Uber to her parent's house and opens the door to see her dad and a woman sitting on the couch together. Her mother is out of town during that time.
Fernando: Ceci, you're here! Let me introduce you to Serena Reyes.
Cecilia: What is she doing here?
Serena: I need you for a big service!
Cecilia: Which is...?
Serena: Do you know Kevin Alvarez? The footballer?
Cecilia: Yeah, what does that have to do with me?
Serena: Sit!

She sighs and sits down on the couch.
Serena: Well, I'm going to need you to break his relationship with my daughter...
Cecilia: By doing what...?
Serena: Anything in your power to make him fall in love with you or cheat on Leilah...
Cecilia: Hell. No.

She gets back up and walks up the stairs until her dad shouts at her to come back down.
Fernando: If you don't do this, our whole family is destroyed! Please Cecilia...
Cecilia: I don't want to do that shit!
Fernando: I know I know but please! It's for our family! Please!
Cecilia: Why are you so fearful of this woman?!
Serena: Oh if only you knew Cecilia...Me and Fernando go waaayyy back...Just get back down and I'll explain to you what you'll have to do.

She hesitates but looking at the fear her dad has, she sighs again and listens to what Serena has to say.
Serena: Look at you, you're attractive! If you wear a couple of outfits like Leilah, I bet you can get his attention! You have a couple of features just like her! I heard you're going to get a job on the national team right?
Cecilia: Yes...
Serena: Perfect, you can start making your moves there.
Cecilia: Why don't you want your daughter to be happy with the man she has?
Serena: That man, is a lying cheater and I wanna prove that to her so she can finally open her eyes to his stupidity. I'll come back tomorrow to get you some clothing alright?
Cecilia: Sure...

Serena leaves the house and Cecilia is fuming at her father.
Cecilia: What the actual fuck?!?!
Fernando: I'm so sorry Ceci...
Cecilia: I don't know what kind of secrets are you hiding but it better be for a good fucking cause that you're hiding it!!
Fernando: I'll tell you everything once it's over alright?
Cecilia: Better be. I'm going home. MY home.

Flowers. - Toxic pt2Where stories live. Discover now