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This Edson plot is lowkey cooking

Selena is all alone and Edson decides to walk up to her. His heart is racing and his palms are sweaty; he cannot mess this up. He takes one more shot of vodka before he makes his way toward her.
Edson: H-hey...

Selena looks up and is shocked to see Edson at the club.
Selena: Hi, uhm...what are you doing here...?
Edson: Memo and Michele forced me to come here. I didn't want to do anything and then I saw you walk in-
Selena: I know what you're trying to do and it's not going to work.
Edson: Selena, let me at least see the kids.
Selena: That's why I'm in Mexico, so the kids can see you for your game tomorrow. They're at the hotel with the ladies. I will always let them see you, you're their father after all.
Edson: I need you back...please...

Selena looks away from him and he makes her look at him again.
Edson: I need you in my life Selena...even if we're not married, we can start all over again! We can build trust, and love each other like we used to...Do you remember our little spot for ourselves? Where we would go after school to do whatever we want? We were high school sweethearts...
Selena: Edson, we're not teenagers anymore...
Edson: Do you...regret being with me?
Selena: No, of course not, but the spark is gone unfortunately. I'm sorry, I'm just feeling better with-
Edson: Neymar. Of course Neymar. Every woman's dream guy. Just tell me, other than the looks and money, what does he has that I don't...?

And Neymar walks over to them.
Neymar: Ah Edson, odd to see you here.
Edson: You're going to step away from my wife.
Neymar: She isn't yours anymore, you two are divorced and you just have to face it.

Edson is balling up his fist; he was ready to beat the living shit out of Neymar for taking away the most precious people that he had in his life. He ended up relaxing his hand to not make a bad impression in front of Selena.
Edson: Can I talk to her in private?
Neymar: Amor, do you want to talk to him?
Selena: Fine, I won't take long.

He kisses her cheek and they go to a more quieter spot.
Edson: So, he calls you amor now huh?
Selena: Are you here to talk to me or criticize me?!
Edson: No, I want to talk about us...

He slowly grabs her hands.
Edson: Selena, since the first time I laid eyes on you, I knew that I wanted to see you in my future life, I've done everything to have you in high school and more efforts to fly you out with me because I wanted you to have a better life. Please I beg you, I beg you to come back home and I'll give you everything you need...we've been through so much and we always got over it! We don't need to be married again but we can love each other like we used to...we can build up the love and trust again...mi amor, I'd do anything for you...to have our family reunited...I've never felt such love for a woman other than you...give me another chance...

Edson is in tears as his hands start shaking.
Edson: Do you remember the dream house you wanted...? I'll get it for you! I know everything about you...You mean a lot to me Selena, I just cannot live without you...
Selena: Edson, I'm sorry but I just couldn't stay in this relationship anymore...
Edson: Why? What was wrong?
Selena: We were not clicking anymore...our arguments became more frequent than usual, I couldn't handle it anymore I'm sorry...

Edson lowers his head; it's true that they had many arguments and it did go worse than usual. It's also true that they were close to having a divorce earlier but they both back out of it for the sake of the kids.
Edson: And...our children...
Selena: We'll co-parent.
Edson: I signed the papers thinking that you'd back out last minute but you truly signed it...you really had enough of me...? You truly don't love me anymore...?

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