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What's y'all dream destination? I'd love to go to Madrid 🤭

"So, do you want a baby with me?" Diego asked.
Diego: We took care of many babies and kids for our friends so why not have one of our own?
Alejandra: It's a good idea...
Diego: You don't sound too excited about it.
Alejandra: I'm not ready yet, I'd love to but not now.
Diego: I understand...

Diego was a bit upset that she was not ready for a baby.
Alejandra: But that doesn't mean I don't want a family with you; just patience.
Diego: I'll wait as long as possible, whenever you feel comfortable amor. There's no rush. 
Alejandra: Thank you for understanding Diego.

She smiles and kisses him; yes, Diego didn't get the answer that he wanted but he knows that it'll eventually happen.

 He knows that she's the one for him and that soon, they'll be blessed with a baby.

On the road, Edson is swerving left and right since he's partially drunk. The kids are in the back giggling and screaming without actually knowing what's going on. Mariane is holding Thiago in her arms who is crying loudly.
Mariane: Edson, pull over and I'll drive.
Edson: No! I'm okay!
Mariane: You almost hit a tree! You have to pull over!

She takes the steering wheel and makes him step on the brakes to pull over. Mariane took the keys out to completely stop the car.
Edson: Hey! What the fuck?!
Mariane: Either you sober up right now or I drive. If I let you drive right after you had a lot to drink we would be 6 feet under! There are kids in the damn car you cannot drive like this!
Edson: Fine, you can drive.

They switch spots and she continues to drive. Edson drinks some water and holds his son. Sometimes, he would at her; even a little smile escaped from his lips. Mariane finally drove to Edson's home where he put his address for her.
Mariane: Here we are.
Edson: Thank you, If you didn't stop me I would've done the most stupidest shit in my life...
Mariane: You're welcome, my home isn't too far, it's in the next neighbourhood so I'll walk.
Edson: Let me put the kids to bed and walk you home, a beautiful lady like you shouldn't be walking all alone at night.

Mariane blushed and accepted Edson's offer; he was a bit open to moving on but not so much. Anything that could make him forget about Selena is a plus. Once he put the kids in bed, he walks out of the house and walks alongside Mariane.
Mariane: Quiet night isn't it?
Edson: Yeah, it tends to be quiet around here which is nice. How are you enjoying your new job?
Mariane: If we take away the scandal with Memo, I'm absolutely loving the vibe with everyone!
Edson: We tend to be welcoming and thank you for not suggesting the coach to sub me out.
Mariane: You were confident to go out and play so I couldn't oppose you against that.
Edson: Thank you, really, you don't know how much it means to me...The kids were extremely happy after the game.
Mariane: That's all you Edson, all you.

They both smile as they finally arrive at her home.
Mariane: Thank you for walking me home.
Edson: You're welcome, have a good night Mari.
Mariane: You too.

Edson and Mariane hug each other before she enters her home. He was quick to go home and fall asleep thinking about the night that he just had; a disastrous start but a smooth ending.

Leilah and Kevin are now in bed cuddling.
Kevin: I booked the flight to Milan for Friday.
Leilah: Perfect, Milán has training tomorrow so I'll take him.
Kevin: Sounds good to me, Don't forget to send me some pictures and videos alright?
Leilah: Of course, I can never forget that.
Kevin: Awesome, goodnight sweetie.
Leilah: Goodnight, I love you.
Kevin: I love you more.

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