Answering questions

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Hello again, it's L.

As stated before I've collected some of the questions you've asked and I'm answering them. I added a few some of the other alters suggested as well, I won't ramble, I'll jump into it.

Q: about how long do you front for?
A:Usually a few hours at a time, I'm always pretty close by or co-conscious with whoever is in the front to watch over them and make sure everything is ok. Although I do have times where I front for whole days if I have a task to do in the physical world.

Q: how many alters are there?
A: that we know of, currently seven. Which is actually a pretty small system, the average seems to be about 20ish. So all things considered we're quite small. Not a problem for us though, it makes things easier. Although I wouldn't put it past us to form another person in the future depending on the circumstances.

Q: are all the fanfics embarrassing or weird?
A: not really, I find it more endearing than anything else. Somnia had a hardcore cringe moment when they realised I knew about everything, but I just laughed and told them it's fine. It's actually pretty interesting to explore ways the story could have gone if something had been changed, or if two characters had a different relationship. And the lemons? Honestly I find them entertaining, in a morbid curiosity kind of way.

Q: what's your best exomemory?
A: as I stated before my memories are a bit of a blur. But one of the clearest ones is also the best, I can picture it so vividly and it's always a major nostalgia hit. My successors were introduced to me before I started to travel, and they were very little when they came into the orphanage. I was probably about 16 when I first met them, and at the time had no idea how to interact with kids. But they seemed to find my lack of child care skills funny because they followed me around a lot. This particular memory, it was bucketing down outside so the kids playtime was happening inside that day.

We were all sat in a playroom, and I was trying to keep them entertained. Near was tiny, probably only 3 or 4. Mello must have been 5 and Matt 6. The older boys are being rowdy, but not causing any trouble so I just let them play wrestle and keep an eye on them so no one gets hurt. But Near is too timid to engage in rough play so he just kind of watches them for a moment, decided that he doesn't want to get thrown around and comes to sit with me instead.

So he just silently walks over and climbs into my lap and watches the older boys roughhouse with me. I think I love the memory so much because it was around the time the four of us really started to bond. From there on out we trusted each other more and more and became the found family unit we ended up being.

Q: what's fronting in a trans body feel like?
A: definitely different. I've gotten used to it over time but there's always something that feels a bit off. Being AMAB myself, but not really caring for gender it's not so much the overall appearance that feels strange. It's the physical things. It feels kind of like everything is there but in the wrong spot, there's weight and shape in the wrong place but it's not like there shouldn't be weight and shape there. It's just shifted into a different spot and I feel like I should be able to push it back into the right place. And with the body being on T for (as of writing) 7 months, it's gotten to the part where the voice is starting to drop and the vocal chords thicken. So whenever I speak I can feel this extra pull on the vocal chords that I don't usually have.

Q: what's it like being the parental figure to the systeen?
A: it's actually really nice. I never had a childhood, so it feels nice to be able to give a teen the youth they deserve. I may not be able to fix the things that happened to them as a kid, but I can at least support them as a teen. Because teens are still kids in a way, just a bit taller and with better language skills. I care deeply for them, I never saw myself as a dad before they reverse adopted me, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. And yes, they were the ones who initiated the bond, I didn't ask them if they wanted to be adopted they asked if they could be adopted. I obviously said yes, since they clearly needed an adult in their life to rely on and I didn't want to see them go through what I did.

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