One year on T!!

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Heyyy guys this is your official one year on testosterone update. I'm gonna be going into detail here so if you don't wanna know the gross details then maybe skip this lol.

Let's go over effect by effect:

•mensuration stops
For us it stopped around 3 months in, we were also on meds for it though so that probably helped. Not everyone will stop having periods, for some it will just be less frequent and heavy but we're lucky sons of bitches that got it to stop. For a hot second we thought it came back, but it was literally just like two spots because the body was trying to get rid of everything.

•voice deepens
HEHEHEHAKSNSJOW YES IT HAPPENED. It started to drop at 3 months (3 months is when everything starts happening lol) but it wasn't super noticeable. 7 months it became very noticeable and now we can hear and feel our own vocal fry. It's not QUITE the deepness we want but damn close to it. I'd give it a little longer.

•facial and body hair grows
This is the one effect of T I don't like because it's EVERYWHERE. Literally why is there so much fucking hair men are like damn Sasquatches. Easy enough of a fix though, just shave it off. I noticed facial hair maybe 5 months in, but it's very faint. Again not everyone gets facial hair because it depends on genes and stuff, but since all the men in our family have full on beards it's no surprise it started to show up. I don't like it though, I just shave it off. Also thicker eyebrows.

•body fat is redistributed
Definitely. Half our damn pants don't fit anymore because our waist and hips have changed shape. There's no curve anymore, we're as flat as a cereal box. Although you know what's so strange? T gave us booty. That's the opposite of what's meant to happen but for some reason we got booty now. Had to buy not only new pants but new underwear because nothing fit right anymore. Shoulders are broader for sure, some of the more fitted tops we have don't fit anymore.

Facial shape changed too. There's more chin and jaw definition now, and brow bone looks more deep set and defined. Haven't noticed anything with the nose or cheeks.

Overall we're kind of wider I guess. There's no cinched waist like we used to have.

•muscle mass and strength increases
Tbh I can't say much about this because we're lanky as shit and don't actively work out (we gotta start that tbh it's just cold as fuck rn). We surf though, and over last summer was around 3-4 months on T. I did find it a bit easier to paddle, like we had more arm strength. But I'll have to report back on this once it warms up and we start sport again. We're all swimmers and surfers, summer sport people.

•bottom growth
Alrighty time for the gross details some of you won't like. So skip if you want.

This happened QUICK. Like I didn't think it'd kick in so fast but literally like a month in a put some shorts on that were a bit too tight, and ouch that shit crushed my tiny dick. I haven't like, taken a ruler to measure but I'd say it's pretty average for a year on T. The average size for most people overall is 1-6cm, I'm shit at numbers so I genuinely couldn't tell you my size. I'd have to literally get a ruler and measure lol. But from sight it say average. And shit dude I didn't expect how fast it happened, if you're going on T be prepared to sit uncomfortably for a few months and get new more breathable underwear.

Other effects that fall under bottom stuff I also can't really say, because I haven't had the chance to experience them. So sorry, no information on the sex stuff. Haven't fucked anyone recently lol.

•other effects
Body heat went up, it's easier to sweat now which is annoying but not the end of the world.

Hair got like... frizzer? I'd heard hair texture can change a little on T but it's not very common, but I wasn't really expecting it. It didn't change much, but it definitely floofs up more now. It's not as pin straight as it once was. I think that also has a bit to do with cutting the long hair off too, there's less weight to it now.

Horn knee levels??? Through the roof for a few months. T is basically second puberty so thats to be expected. Damien took care of that, he's the sexual protector after all. Many a spicy drawing was made by him in that time.

Acne. Damnit this again? Right when our teenage acne cleared up too. It's settled down again now but there's a few months you break the hell out. Annoying but easy to deal with as long as you're doing skincare.

•Other transition tidbits:

Binder is getting a bit worn out at the back, but it's been what, almost 2 years of very regular use? It's lasted well. Still got some wear left in it before we gotta get a new one I recon. We gave a GC2B one, and we did size up because #sensoryissues. So while it doesn't flatten completely it's damn near close, and with loose clothes you can't really tell. Only down side is how much you sweat in summer on T and in a binder.

Also occasionally use trans tape because we surf and swim a lot. It definitely works best on smaller chests. We're roughly an A-B so we can manage it. It takes a few tries to get the technique down but once you got it it works great. Breathable, waterproof, you can sleep in it. We usually keep it on for maybe 3 or so days before taking it off and having a break. It holds up on the water great and there's definitely a noticeable difference. Went snorkelling without it and in the skin tight rash guard we wore you could absolutely see the tit shape™️. But then we went surfing with with it and there was significantly less tit shape™️. As long as you use the correct tape, removal oil, and methods for your body, tape binding is fine.

And that is a year on T for you guys. Next step is top surgery, which I'm desperately saving up for. Hard to do when you're unemployed atm but when I go back to the gender clinic for the one year update I'll see what my options for top surgery are. We want either a double incision or inverted T, both of which I'm pretty sure are options given our body type and size. I don't doubt we'll probably have to sit on a waiting list for a hot second because there's barely any surgeons in our state. That'll hopefully give us time to save up though. That whole journey will be updated too, I'm literally busting out of my skin ready to start it GET THESE TITS OFF ME.

But that's all for now, hope this helps other FTM/NB people out there. Trans rights baybee.

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