Big fic updates + some extras

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Let's just jump right into the updates for all my active fics: 

•Next L book will be hopefully ready for posting by next week or so, got a little behind schedule because I was checking the times the canon events happen so there's no plot holes. This is a very timey-wimey fic.

•so, pretty when I cry is almost done. Like only a few chapters left. BUT- I've been hit with a sudden massive writers block for the ending. So what I'm going to do is have a chapter that can serve as an ending to the main conflict and leave room for a bigger final battle if I end up coming up with something for it later. So it's basically going to be like an open ended ending so I'm not leaving y'all hanging, but it can be expanded on.

•I'm pretty sure I'm set on the next Lukadrien book after that, but obvi that'll take a while longer because I'm still wrapping up pretty when I cry.

•all the one shots aren't on any schedule, I just add to them when I have ideas. So they'll all be sporadically updated as usual.

•I want to add some (supergiant games) hades stuff to my catalogue (aside from my two short Hypnos centric ones). But the fandom on wattpad is small, so I think I'll write it off platform and when it's done just post it all at once. That way the small fandom on here can read it without getting halfway then completely forgetting about it. It'll be Zagnos obvi.

Alright time for the other updates:

•once I've gotten the ball rolling on top surgery I'll definitely be updating you all. It can be a pain in the ass getting bookings and waiting lists etc so I'm going to definitely explain everything for you fellow trans ppl on how I did it so you can copy if your country has similar procedures. Obvi we'll be leaving out the more personal details, but our list of dysphoria symptoms goes back to age fucking 6, so there'll be a LOT to talk about.

•current system headcount is 15 and it has been for a while, I think this will be it for a while unless something big happens. Some of them may do some introductions later.

•my original fantasy series is still in the editing stage. I've decided to edit everything and finalise it before posting the last batch of chapters so I can fix the errors and finish them with a neat little bow.

•Zag and Hyp are wanting to start their own series based on Greek myth, after I suggested a funny idea and they ran with it. So that may pop up soon, we can't copy supergiant games designs ofc so they're drawing up original designs for the gods based on original myths and their exomems.

•if my any chance you guys were into YouTube mermaid shows circa late 2000s - early 2010s I have a tumblr blog @ mertubenostalgia where me and a few others in the community hunt down old lost series. There's currently a hunt for one none of us have been able to find so if anyone likes lost media, mertube or watched it as a kid and might remember the lost series, go check the blog out. The help is appreciated.

•updates in general are a bit scattered atm because renovations are happening. Just today I WAS going to update a fic but installing an air con went wayyy too far into the night and I gave zero time left in the day.

Ok, those are our updates for now. Thanks for the patience!

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