Writing while plural (+some cosplay stuff)

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This is something I've found rather interesting, so I'm writing a little post on it.

So as you all obviously know I write stuff. I mean you all came from my fanfics. But I don't only write fanfics I have an original story I've been building since 2012, the first official draft is up on this page so please do give it a read. It's called Izroulia, and the second one is in the process.

But anyway writing has DEFINITELY affected the plurality. I've been doing it almost daily for years now, it's part of the routine and everyone in the system knows about it. I've had some of them even step in to help with writing at times.

Fictives form based on the connection the host (or others regularly in the front) have with the source material. And being autistic as well and experiencing special interest and hyper-fixations means it's pretty common to get fictives, as we have such strong connections to the media we like.

I mean L formed because of my special interest on him. The brain knew he'd be able to help and protect us and that I'd listen to him because I loved him so much and POP into the system he came.

The way a fictive forms can also be affected by the way the system/alter views that character. Example: If you view a character as a mentor/parental/teacher figure then it's more likely they'll form to take the roll of a caretaker.

So I don't doubt that some of our fictives forming was influenced by the fanfics we've written. Hypnos for example, formed with the appearance and some exomemories based on Hypnos from the game hades, but because I've written about Hypnos as just a general Greek myth figure in various stories, alter Hypnos holds not just the memories from the game hades, but from Greek myths about him in general because I was consuming and writing about them.

He may look like the version of him from the game and have a major crush on Zagreus (yes I know about that Hyp) but he also recalls his time as a godling, having his own children, the Zeus incident etc.

I think that some of the fics I've written over the years must have come from things I was picking up on from the fictives too. Because a lot of the head canons that make recurring appearances in my fics have all turned out to be things the fictives hold as an exomemory or identity with. E.g. writing L to be lax about gender and alter L being gender queer, writing Lukadrien fics and alters Luka and Adrien ending up in sys dating etc. Its like occasionally I'll have a detail about a character come to me out of the blue, and in reality it's just that fictive seeping into be via a system bleed or the gatekeeper sharing our memories with each other, or them being super close and co conscious so I can tell what they're doing.

It makes me wonder if theres any more fictives of characters I've written about lurking around and we just haven't made contact with them yet.

Then there's the whole OC thing. I cannot tell you how many times I've drawn an 'OC' only to later find it was an alter and they were trying ti communicate with me. Damien, Des and a few others that want to stay offline, they're all people I'd drawn thinking I came up with them, only for it to turn out they were here long before I knew of them. So I'm not surprised at this point if one day an alter of a character I've 'made up' turns out to actually be an alter.

I mean for a while Des and I were so closely connected our identities blurred together, before they properly split off into their own person. Like they were a part of me, an alternate version of me. And if that can happen I don't doubt there's a chance other OCs I've made are actually just alters trying to make themselves known by communicating their appearance or name to me.

I drew a picture of Damien several months before I actually met him, only to find out he'd been around even LONGER than that. Since before I drew him.

It's kind of a weird think for think about, his writing fanfic has effected how our fictives formed how many OCs were actually alters.

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