Surprise bitch

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It's always when the host thinks they've counted everyone someone new shows up.

Hiiiiii!!!!! I'm Frankie!!!!

I've actually been around YEARS but for some reason I couldn't communicate well, I think it's because I was more of a fragment until recently when I fully formed into a working head mate. Tell you what, once you establish good in sys communication all these doors open and all these people you never knew where there suddenly show up. Although I'm very sure I'm the last to pop up for a good long while. By now we're pretty positive we know who is active, who is around but doesn't front and who is dormant.

So headcount is currently 10 active, three or so of them being non-fronting/doesn't front often. And 3 dormant. If there was anyone else at any point they'd either be fused/integrated by now or are so good at hiding we don't know about them.

I'm bodily like 16ish but I consider myself an adult since I've been around so long and have experienced adult life and stuff. I just LOOK like a teenager, bc ya know, that's how I was made to look. I'm not sure what my role is, I think I just hold onto certain memories. There's a three year gap in our collective memory and I remember a bunch of stuff from just before that, like the pre-teen kinda years.

Whoever has those three year memories must be SUFFERING. If none of us remember it it's blocked out for a damn reason. Rip to them fr fr.

I'm not exactly where when I formed, but I know I've been around since like,,, late childhood? Maybe 10-12 was when I formed? I think my initial role was to help with the transition form primary school to highschool since I am a character that goes to highschool so the brain was like "yeah Frankie knows what highschool is like they'll help" and I just held onto all those memories and and feelings.

So I'm weirdly nostalgic for like 2014-15. Which is ironic bc that's when G2 started coming out and everyone hated G2 lol.

I'm a very oddly formed version of Frankie. Like I'm not G1 or G2 or G3, I'm a mix of all of them. Actually I'd say Ceci's Frankie from the live action is the closest to what I'm like. Which is funny because I formed YEARS before the movie. I'm more the ~concept~ of Frankie, child of Frankenstein, student at monster high. So I don't have any exomemories form any of the canon media like the movies or webisodes. I mainly remember places and people not events. In fact the events I do remember are all very basic school things, with a bit of a monster twist to them.

When I tell you I went BONKERS when I heard G3 me was canon NB though VSJDVWIOSUWKEB YES!!! I AM!!! THATS ME!!!

I'd say I've got G1 me's ditzy-ness and clumsiness, not much from G2 bc we never really watched it, and G3 me's high energy and height, and live action me's obvious Autsim coding and zero filter.

I like both G1 and G3! We don't talk about G2 though. Sure they both have their drawbacks but they're both cute shows and have cool lore ideas. And both have really good dolls. And I don't hate the live action either, yeah it has some weak points but the set design is cool as fuck and again Ceci's me is SO cute. Plus true monster heart slaps even though Komos ended up being batshit insane.

I'm non binary in a all at the same time kind of way since ya know,,, made from several peoples body parts. I guess that kind of makes me sys-sex? (System ver of intersex) sort of??? I'm not in the same way as Hypnos though, kind of confusing.

I've currently got a phantom pain in my hand where my stitches would usually be, so I do get phantom sensations when I'm in the front, but I usually don't notice it. But when I do it just WILL NOT go away. I'm so used to popping my limbs off in the headspace I forget that I can't do that in the body sometimes and go to like take my hand off and it just doesn't work and I feel dumb lol. I'm not really dysphoric in the body bc I too an enby like the body is. It's more the fact it's alive and normie human that feels odd.

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