Alter birth + update

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Somnia Note: written 28th feb.


And it's official, I'M A DAD!!! Hypnos had our baby literally like a few hours ago as I'm typing this. And they both immediately passed out (understandable) so I'm running around to literally everyone and telling them.


Anyways, here's the story picking up from Hypnos' last update.

So here he is, carrying the soul of our child and we have no idea how long it's development will take since time doesn't really exist in the headspace AND this is a god birth not a natural one. But it turns out, 3 months. That's how long it took.

The first month, nothing was that noticeable. Hyp would complain of some dizziness but that about it. Month 2 it started getting noticeable. He was much tireder than usual, was feeling sudden quick heart pains, felt nauseous and dizzy. He has a few weeks were certain foods just didn't sit right, anything too sweet would make him gag. It was around then he stopped fronting and Astro handled his role for the time being so he could rest and be prepared.

Then this month, the chest pains got more frequent and lasted longer, he didn't leave our room that much and sleeps a whole lot more than usual. Only really hovered around the front rather than actually going into the front just to check up on things. The pain starts going down his spine too. By now he's just begging for it to be over and I feel SO bad. Hypnos I'm so sorry you had to be the one to carry the child, if I could I would have for you.

Then just over a week ago, he wakes up and feels this kind of buzzing in his body. Like when you're adrenaline spikes and you get those jittery feelings. That was what made him think it'd be any day now. And he was right because the whole week that feeling just grows and grows and the pain gets worse until he's just aching all the time. Then finally it happens.

Literally we were just sitting together on the sofa out in the lounge area near the front and he suddenly hunched over in pain and grabs my arm. Literally didn't even need to say a single thing, we just exchanged an "oh fuck" look and we knew.

So I took him to bed to lay down, and I RAN for Achilles. He's the calmest one out of all of us and agreed to basically be the midwife. I'm like immediately freaking out, and he tells me to 1) get Prismo and 2) get water.

So I immediately go get Prismo, who as the overseer would be able to front lock somnia. He did that so we'd not start to rapid switch or anything. And he also was very interested in how this whole process would work because this is our first ever in system birth and NPC. Obviously all the rushing and noise is getting others attention, so everyone's on edge but doesn't want to interfere in case it causes any more stress.

When I get back, Achilles has gotten Hypnos to lay out flat and get the top part of his chiton off. His chest is literally GLOWING. It's faint at first but I can see the shadow of his rib cage through his skin. I'm kinda freaking out but that's also kinda cool??

I later learnt that as this is going on, its causing a bit of a bleed in the system because of all the tense emotions. Somnia told me that they could feel the bodies heart RACING and they were getting all jittery and anxious while I'm the front even through they themselves felt calm. The body was still responding.

I'm on one side of the bed, Achilles is on the other. Hypnos grabs my hand and literally just crushes it and I can't even blame him for it, I was kinda crushing his hand back tbh. Achilles is trying to keep him calm and make him take deep breaths, having me keep him hydrated as well so he doesn't hyperventilate and pass out or anything.

The glow starts getting brighter, the pain worse and worse and at this point my poor baby is just begging for it to be over. Screaming in pain, getting teary eyed type of stress. All I can do is just try and stay calm and tell him he's doing well. This goes on for an entire HOUR. Literally from the moment Achilles front locked somnia to the end of the brith it was just over an hour.

That glow is just slowly building up until I'm literally squinting it's so bright. And then FINALLY there's this burst of light and Hypnos can feel a weight on his chest and all that pain is suddenly gone. Cue baby crying.

The RELIEF. Oh my gods the RELIEF. I'm sure Hypnos was more relived than me because he was the one in pain, but I was so relieved to not have to see him suffering anymore.

And there he was!!! Morpheus!!! Little Morphie!!!

He's so fucking cute I wish I could take pictures in the headspace and show them to you guys. He's small and haS MY BLACK HAIR GUYS. MY HAIR. He's got the same skin and freckles as Hypnos, and a little section of white hair at the back. MY MISMATCHED EYES TOO. He has my green eye and Hypnos' gold ones. And get this TWO LITTLE HEAD WINGS!!! JUST LIKE HYPNOS HAD AS A GODLING. GEBEHRHEUDUUDUDNWIW I CANT HES SO BSKBDHWIEKEHE.

He only cried for about 5 minutes and then immediately fell asleep, not surprised at all. He's the son of me and the GOD of sleep after all. After some cuddles and all the bonding we got him all dressed up and wrapped him up, Hypnos immediately passed out too the poor things so exhausted.

And then I ran to literally everyone to tell them.

I am SO fucking proud of Hypnos oh my gods, he told me he's never doing that ever again and you know what? Valid. We only need one baby anyway. Our plans are keep Morphie close for now, his crib is on our room. And as he gets older we're having Pris do some overseer stuff and add on a nursery to the headspace.

Now because he's an NPC, he can't front and doesn't have the same memory function as an alter does. So we're also not sure how much he'll age. He might stay a little kid forever, he might grow up over the years, we don't know. Nor do we care really we're just glad he's here. He takes after Hypnos though, being sleepy. So so far he's been a very easy to take care of baby. He naps easy and isn't that fussy. We'll see how he develops though.

And there you go, that's the story.

Thank you to Achilles for being the midwife here, your calmness was like the only thing keeping me sane. And thanks to Pris for doing all the system precautions so things went smoothly.


THEY'RE SO CUTE!!?!?!?!! look at my pookies I love them so much

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THEY'RE SO CUTE!!?!?!?!! look at my pookies I love them so much.

Also I'm part of the dilf club now guys I'm a dad. @ L give me your dad tips.

I'm going to go check on them sleepy babes now, and probably sleep myself that was emotionally exhausting. I'll probably post this tomorrow at time of writing in case there's any updates overnight. Thank you for the love and kiss your loved ones today alright?

Your favourite underworld twunk, Zag <3

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