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I was going to open the door whether I had backup or not. But I mind linked my Gamma letting him know the current situation.

Davis had a few of his men with him and the way Mackey banged on my door, this isn't going to end pretty. My mind was focused on keeping Tamryn safe... knowing she was messing with Davis made me claiming her very important.


The loud sounds hit my door again. I grabbed my 12 gauge shotgun and swung open the door. The barrel was inches from Mackey's face.

"What the fuck do you want?"

His head jerked back and Davis walked forward.

"I know Tamryn is in there."


"If you don't want any problems, you need to hand her over to me....her rightful owner."

"Rightful owner? She's not a fucking pet."

I kept the rifle steady while my pack members surrounded Davis and his crew. The four men began to look around, noticing a small crowd gathering.

"Sterling, there's no need for all of this. Just give me what I want, and this can be over."

"Hell no."

"I know you blew up my vehicles a few weeks ago. But I'm willing to let that go...just give me my mate."

My teeth began to grind. "She's not your mate."

"You're only making things worse for yourself, Aubreo," Mackey chimed in.

Flashbacks of Nicky's bloodied and bruised body being tied up, kept replaying over again in my mind. The pain of his loss hit my heart again.

Thinking I was distracted, Mackey grabbed the barrel and I swung my fist, breaking his jaw. He fell back onto the ground and when he got up I shot a hole through his chest.

"MACKEY!!!" Davis yelled.

"Get him and get the fuck off my property."

I pointed the gun in their direction, there was no doubt in my mind that I could end all of their lives right now.

"Alpha Davis, please do as he says and Alpha Sterling, please lower your weapon." Merla appeared.

She walked closer to the men. "An eye for an eye...You killed Sterling's Beta, he killed yours. Time to move on."

Davis and myself have influence in our society, and revenge is expected but still has to be fair.

Personally, I wanted to wipe all of them out. But I respected Merla's decision, especially knowing some of my pack member's lives would be in danger if a shootout began.

Merla's words were heard, but my pack pulled out their weapons, waiting for my signal to attack. Just one whistle or snap of my finger and it will be a bloodbath.

"Get Mackey!" Davis ordered his men.

"This isn't over!" He pointed his finger at me and I didn't budge.

They grabbed Mackey's lifeless body and put him in the back seat of the SUV. Once they drove out of the gate everyone went back to their normal routine.

Even though I didn't get to kill Davis, Mackey was well deserved. I knew he killed my best friend and shot me at Onyx Customs. His death is enough...for now.

I got him for you Nicky.


I sat on Sterling's bed with my back against the headboard. I heard talking as I waited for all of this to be over. My name was said a few times and I regretted ever messing with Davis.

Don't be afraid, Tamryn.

My eyes looked around for the voice. A soft purple light brightened the room and a female figure came into view.

You finally know what you are. Do you accept your power?

She was stunning. Her skin was the midnight sky filled with tiny stars and her white locs flowed past her shoulders covering her bare breasts. Her lower half was wrapped in flowing white fabric.

"Who are you?"

Your ancestral star guide.

"You're a Nova?"


"Sterling told me, I was one and that I was born from the stars."

Your mate is correct.

My eyes widened. "My mate? But I'm not a werewolf."

You don't have to be.

She moved closer to me, dimming her glow.

Although, the power of a Nova is only birthed through a female. She can pass the DNA to her child whether they be male or female. But he is just a host. The male won't have any physical proof of being connected or have the power.

"Sterling said his mother was chosen by the stars."

Yes, she was...your story is the same.

Her energy felt warm, soft, and inviting. I wanted to get closer to her but stayed where I was.


A loud gunshot rang out, causing me to duck. The woman put out her hand.

Come with me, Tamryn. You are not safe here.

With full trust, I grabbed her hand, and we teleported out of Sterling's room.

I wasn't sure how to explain where we were but our surroundings, whether it be above or beneath was different tones of coloured skies filled with stars.

The air was cool and fresh while our bodies floated above the surface.

"Did my mother know I was a Nova?"

No, but she knew you were special. The man that came into her life would have brought you harm. Your mother was already in debt to him and knew he would find her no matter where she went.

My eyes instantly teared up as my heart broke for my mother. I could still see the pain in her eyes even when she had a smile on her face.

"Is she still alive?"

She slowly shook her head.

Sterling needs you, Tamryn...just as much as you need him. You are his purpose.

He now filled my mind, and a smile naturally formed on my face. I wiped my tears.

"What do I call you?"


My eyes focused on hers, and I walked closer to her. She opened her arms, and I walked into them. She held me, and my life flashed before my eyes. My emotions ripped through from all the hurt and pain I endured along with the joy I felt.

After a while, calmness came over me when I realized all the joy I felt was at the daycare and with Sterling.

"He really is mine."

She let me go with a smile that warmed my soul and made me feel safe.

He is about to go through a change that will shift his very existence. But he's going to be fine...cause he has you. Go to him, Tamryn, and let him love you.

She wiped my tears as I gave her a nod. Soon, everything went dark and the light sound of voices echoed in my mind.

"Tamryn? Tamryn!"

I awoke with Sterling and an older woman next to me. I was lying outside in the grass. Sitting up, he hugged me tight, then looked into my eyes....he was crying.

"I'm okay, baby...see." I touched his cheek then wiped his tears.

"Tamryn, I love you."

"I love you too."

With those words, multiple growls sounded behind us.

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