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I was surprised we didn't call 911. Sterling made me call some people he knew. There was blood everywhere, which freaked me out, but I wasn't leaving his side.

"Don't cry, baby. I'm fine." He wiped my tears while being hauled into the ambulance.

"I want to ride with him!"

"I'm sorry, you can't," said one of the paramedics.

I ran to my car so I could follow. It took about 30 minutes to get to what looked like a gated community... My heart was racing. All I could think about was him getting medical treatment in time.

We pulled up, but I was stopped at the gate.

"I'm with Sterling. I'm a friend."

The security guard came out of the booth. "Access denied."

My heart broke as the ambulance drove out of sight. I just prayed that he would make it.

"Move it, miss. You're blocking the entrance."

I accepted defeat and backed out. While I drove home, the feeling of loneliness came over me. The thought of Sterling not making it tore me apart, and I realized I do have feelings for him.

My phone buzzed. It was Larenz...but I didn't want to talk. I pressed ignore and continued driving as tears fell down my face.


I've been shot before, but this time, I felt different. I was actually scared I might die this go round.

Merla walked into the room with concern on her face.

"Damn, is it that bad?" I asked.

She stood next to me, taking a look at all the tubes running in my body. Her hand touched mine.

"The bullets that hit you weren't regular bullets."

"What was it?"

"They were somehow injected or covered in wolfsbane. You were shot over 15 times, but only 2 bullets penetrated your body. The others were surface wounds and bruises. I don't think any other werewolf would be that lucky."

I took a deep breath and winced at the pain. It triggered my cough, and Merla poured me a glass of water.

"Who were you with tonight?"

"No one."

She tilted her head in doubt, and I sighed.

"I was with a woman."

" it may be true after all."

I looked at Merla, confused at her words. Then I thought about the cameras and what I did to Tamryn in the training room.

"What may be true?"

"Velma the Oracle said something ethereal was with you tonight. It was protecting you, and I've been getting a different energy from you as soon as I walked in here."

My curiosity was rising, and I gave the water back to Merla.

"What is the energy you feel?"

"A Nova."

"I'm listening."

Merla took a seat to gather her thoughts. Her face relaxed, and a soft smile formed on her face.

"A Nova is usually known to be an astronomical occurrence. A bright star in the sky that fades over time. But in our world it's an energy that is given at birth to a creature or being."

"So, it can possess any specimen?"

"It only settles in a female host. I experienced this same energy from your mother when I first met her."

My mother, Selia, died a few years ago, and my father has not been the same since. Once again, Tamryn was in my thoughts.

"Would you like to tell me who this young lady is that you're so enamored with."

"Her name is Tamryn."

Merla smiled. "The aura around you brightens when you say her name."

"So, you're saying that Tamryn is a Nova, and she can protect living things from harm."


My brows furrowed.

"A Nova only protects her offspring or the person she naturally is attached to."

"A mate."

"Her mate. You don't choose her...she chooses you. Once her body senses you as the'll have difficulty not desiring her or staying away and vice versa."

I grinned, thinking about our encounters.

"She may not even understand why she's so drawn and attached to you, but she will either give in or be unfulfilled."

I felt a rush of energy. "I'm Tamryn's mate?"

"Let's hope so."

Soon, Nicky came in, and he looked pissed. "Someone ransacked your studio apartment."

"Was the safe touched?"

"No, that's what's so surprising. I don't think they took anything of value."

"That was supposed to be a hit. The ransack is to cause confusion." Merla stood up.

The realization hit me again.

"Damn, someone really wants me dead."

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