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My pack meeting was about to start with the elders. The Onyx Pack was racking up felonies and the elders weren't too happy.

Seven of our eldest werewolves sat before me, my Beta and Delta. Today's werewolf society has become weak, in my opinion, and I refuse to be bullied by rogues and other species of our world.

"The Onyx pack meeting is now in session. Alpha Sterling, are you able to stand questioning this evening?"

"Yes, I am."

I didn't know what they were going to ask me but I was ready. Nicky sat next to me and patted my shoulder for reassurance. Right or wrong, he always has my back.

Merla, the mother of our pack, leaned forward. She was the most lenient of the seven, but today, she looks pissed.

"You had a birthday party at a nightclub. We instructed that you lay low until the Foxbury brawl smoothed over."

"Then there was a shooting the same night at your party....When will you learn to listen?" David asked, adding to Merla.

"My pack members surprised me with a party, I didn't want to disappoint them."

"You are the Alpha. Did you not inform them what you were instructed to do?"

I was caught. "No Elder. I didn't, but..."

"NO BUTS!!" My father, Axis, shouted.

"You have been purposely going against our orders. Your ego is too big to listen to common sense. You are turning this pack into a bunch of criminals!"

This is the same man who did 10 years for burglary and attempted murder. I still stayed respectful.

"I know I've made mistakes, but I am growing and still learning."

Carson leaned forward. "How much more learning do you need, Alpha? It's been five years. You seem to get more savage every year."

I sat back realizing this meeting wasn't a discussion. It was a lecture and scolding. My mind was beginning to block everyone's voices out.

"I think he needs balance...female energy and influence, " Merla got my attention.

"He has numerous females that he entertains..."

"That's just sex, elder. He needs a mate, his Luna. A woman who will calm his impulsiveness and rage. Can't you males see? He's like a lost puppy."

A few snickers were behind me.

"I wouldn't go that far, Merla." I tried to save face.

"No disrespect to you, Alpha. You need a mate, a naturally selected mate...not the females from your harem."

"Um, I object!" Iris shouted from the back.

My father interjected. "Silence! Alpha, do you yearn for a mate?"

Tamryn instantly popped in my mind. A smile formed on my face, forgetting I was being watched by everyone.

Merla smirked. "I think he may already have someone in mind."


I stood outside watching some of the males fight. It was training day, and everyone looked forward to showing off their skills. It was a warm summer's day as the sound of children playing was heard in the distance.

"Here you go, Daddy."

Michelle handed me a cold bottle of water while Iris gave me a sad look. She obviously had an issue with what Merla suggested in the meeting, but I ignored her.

"Are you really going to find a mate?"

I took a drink. "I'm letting nature take its course."

Now, her arms were folded against her chest. She was completely facing me, but I continued to watch the fight.

"So, we're not good enough now?"

"I didn't say that..."

"But the elder did, and you didn't disagree."

"We all are destined to have our natural born mates. Aren't you a bit curious about your own mate?"

"No...mine was very abusive. So, I rejected him."

I looked at her, not knowing that information.

"My apologies. Hopefully, you get a second chance mate."

"You are my second chance, Sterling!"

Iris' eyes began to water, and Michelle held onto my arm. It made sense why she clung to me so fast when we first met and why she stayed after all my indiscretions.

Iris noticed some of the men looking at her, and she quickly straightened up and wiped her tears. She doesn't like people thinking she's weak.

"You're thinking about that human girl...aren't you?"

Now Iris stood in front of me, and Michelle let go of my arm. Usually, I would just fuck her into letting shit go, but I didn't care if she was upset about me wanting Tamryn.


She smirked. "She's human. The pack will never accept her."

"You should speak for yourself, Iris. There are werewolves with human spouses."

"Yeah, but not the Alpha or anyone else in high ranks."

"Well, there's always room for change."

Michelle stood next to her. "But she's already with someone."

"Yeah and so were both of you...and yet here you are."

They stood speechless, like I thought they would and I walked away. I was over the interrogating for the day.

I sat in my home office, looking over cars we did custom work on. They looked bad ass and made me proud of my guys. All my workers were very talented and it showed in our high volume of requests.

"Ay, Sterl. You have a visitor."

I looked and to my surprise, Larenz was standing outside my door. My annoyance was about to show but then I remembered he has something of high value, something that I want and need.

"Hey, Larenz, come on in. It's good to see you."

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