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I knew this day would come, but I kept it from Alpha Sterling so he wouldn't worry.

Once his Nova would be found, an evil entity was going to reveal itself and wreak havoc on him.

We turned around, and there stood the shadow demon with a dozen of its minions. Taking the souls of beings was its favorite pastime and made it grow stronger.

Sterling stood up. "Merla, what the hell is that?"

It lived off of the negative emotion of humans...make it a supernatural being, and its ten fold.

"It's a shadow demon. It knows your Nova is with you."

"What?" Tamryn got on her feet with Sterling's help.

It set its focus on her, and he stood in front of her. Its growls made the ground vibrate. Soon, pack members made their way back outside. After the confrontation earlier, they already had their weapons in hand.

Feeding time.

The shadow demon's words sent his followers on a frenzy attacking pack members while the rest were fighting back or running for their lives.

Before I could shift, I was tossed to the side like a ragdoll. I was still stronger than the average male human, but my old age was no match for the evil creature.

I want her...give her to me.

Its fiery eyes glowed while its mouth drooled and dripped down its chin. Multiple horns spiked from its head along with the teeth from its mouth.

"Fuck no!"

Sterling stood his ground, protecting his mate. He ripped apart the lower demons coming towards them with ease not letting one touch Tamryn.

You should just give her up. All you're doing is putting your precious pack in danger.

The shadow demon lifted his hand, snapping the neck of one of the pack's guards.

"Not happening." Sterling ripped the head off another demon.

A loud roar came from the shadow demon and suddenly snatched the alpha up by his neck using its tentacles.

Sterling struggled to get free, and I did my best to move but felt my leg was broken along with my ribs.

Then, a bright purple light shined with intensity, and when my eyes went in its direction, I could see it was indeed, Tamryn.

Her eyes peered toward the shadow demon, and it screamed in agony. It let Sterling go as it turned into a black mist.

"Keep going, Tamryn!" I painfully shouted encouragement.

But quickly, the black mist went inside of Sterling, causing him to convulse with foam coming from his mouth. Tamryn stopped and stared in horror.

"Sterling, no!!"

My eyes widened. "Oh no...this can't be."


Sterling stood up with voided eyes and spiked teeth. His growls were deafening, making us cover our ears in pain.

"Alpha, you must fight it! Take back your consciousness!" Merla shouted.

I stood frozen, then out of fear, focused my light on him. The creature screamed from within Sterling, but soon his voice took back over.

"Aaah!! Tamryn, stop!!"

His voice sounded so clear, I quickly obeyed, and fast like lightning, he was directly in front of me with his hands around my neck. I struggled to breathe and felt myself get lightheaded.

"'re hurting me."

Sterling wasn't present in his thoughts while my feet were lifted off the grass. Both my hands grabbed the sides of his head.. I ignited them with light.


He immediately dropped me and shifted into his wolf. I screamed at the sound of his bones breaking to accommodate his werewolf form.

As I caught my breath, he growled at me, then took off running. He jumped the gate, and his surviving minions followed, leaving behind injured pack members and a few of their own corpses.

"STERLING!!!" I cried out to him, not knowing what to do.

Every time I get him back, something breaks us apart, and my heart can't handle it.

"Sweet girl, that wasn't Sterling!" Merla shouted.

She was badly injured but seemed to slowly regain some strength.

I couldn't hold back my tears. "I have to find him...I need to help him!"

The demons left behind turned into ashes as we all got up, assessing the damages. My mind was on Sterling, and a million scenarios were taking over.

"What's going to happen to him?! How does he get that demon out of him?!"

Merla was now standing and limping towards me.

"I have to find him. I can't leave him out there alone!" My tears fell at the thought of losing him for good.

Merla hugged me. "We will find him, Tamryn. But we have to make a plan first and get prepared. He is not the Sterling that you love. He is an absolute monster."

I understood her words, but it didn't ease my pain. I pulled away as frustration began to take over me. My hands wiped my tears, and I stood up straight.

"Well, let's get started with this plan. If you all aren't ready by tomorrow...I'm going without you."

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