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Tamryn and Marcus' drive to the resort was quiet. His current energy was beginning to cause her regret going on the trip. His change in mood was instant, and the sweet guy he usually was went out the window.

"So...Are you going to tell me who that guy was?"

She was hoping he wouldn't bring Sterling up but knew better.

"He's a friend of mine."

"An old friend or new friend?"

Tamryn looked at him, not sure how to answer.

"I haven't seen him in months...I guess he's an old friend."

"You guess?"

The silence between them returned, but this time, she was grateful for it. An uneasy feeling began to grow inside her and a plan to leave the resort once they got there inched into her thoughts.

Finally, he pulled into the parking garage of the hotel and parked. Before turning the car off, he grabbed her hand and held it.

"Tamryn, I really do like and see a future with you. But before we go any further, I need to know if I'm wasting my time?"

"No...I really like you too. That's why I want to take things slow and get to know you better."

Marcus smiled. "Good to know. Let's forget about earlier and enjoy our weekend, okay?"

She gave him a nod, and they kissed. The uneasiness she felt still didn't go away. It was the same feeling she felt right before Sterling got shot.

Tamryn checked her phone, and when looking back up, she could see someone in the side mirror ducking behind another car.

"Marcus, don't get out yet. Lock the doors."

"What's wrong?"

She continued to stare, not saying a word, then he turned off the car and opened the door.

"I think you need some rest, babe."

He got out and closed the door, but Tamryn stayed in the car. Her phone began to buzz while in her hand. It was an unknown number...something told her to answer.


"It was nice seeing you, Tamryn."

She thought she would be upset hearing Sterling's voice, but she wasn't. The sound of his voice sent tingles down her spine as she looked in the side mirror.

"Did you miss me?" He asked.

"How did you get my number?"

"First, answer my question."

"Yes, but I have to go."

Once she hung up, she heard a loud shatter of glass, causing her to duck in her seat.

"You fucking bastard!"

She heard a woman yell. When she looked back the woman looked stressed, holding a hammer.

"Stephanie, what the hell are you doing here?!"


"Damn, she hung up."

Sterling smiled, happy to hear that Tamryn missed him. He drove back to his city and decided to go directly to Onyx pack territory.

When he pulled into the back roads, going down the gravel trail, he got an unsettling feeling in his gut. He grabbed the gun from the passenger seat and slowly drove toward the estate.

Onyx territory was its own city with a neighborhood of houses, two schools, a small hospital, a municipal building, and the mansion in the back, which was the Alpha's home.

"Where is everyone?"

Sterling continued to drive down the street, and that's when he saw a crowd surrounding the municipal building. Everyone began to split apart at the sound of his roaring engine.

"Oh no."

Ahead was his best friend, Nicky, battered and bloody. His body was tied to one of the columns of the building.

Sterling got out and ran towards him. He could feel his heart breaking the closer he got to the scene. His hand checked for a pulse, and there was nothing.

"Who did this to you?" His eyes filled with tears.

Then Sterling noticed a small note stapled to his chest, he took it off.

I believe he belongs to you. If you want to be next come see me. -RWP

"Alpha, we told him not to go. He wouldn't listen."

"You let him go alone?"

His Delta looked nervous. "I didn't think he was going to go. He left while the rest of us were training."

"Get him down from there...NOW!"

Sterling walked away past his car. His mind was all over the place as his rage began to grow.

"Alpha wait! Before you do anything crazy, let's discuss things with the Elders."

He looked at Merla, then continued walking away from her. His Delta, Nian, was about to go after him but was stopped.

"Let him be alone. I don't think you want his rage taken out on you."

Sterling's anger was through the roof, and as he walked off, his body shifted into his werewolf form. His clothes ripped off his body as his bones cracked to accommodate his huge form.

He ran off into the woods to get away from his current reality as the moon guided his path.

My best friend is dead....he's fucking dead!

His speed picked up then he noticed the shadows of multiple figures trailing on the distant sides of him. The unpleasant scent smelled familiar then he growled.

"Fucking rogues."

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