Third Time's the Charm -113-

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Despite being in the presence of a world class model, you were the one sitting pretty as they fought Phantoms. With Grim currently M.I.A. and you with no means to defend yourself, you were currently left to do the most horrendous thing of all. Rely on a man of all things.

Eventually they managed to rid of all the Phantoms, but not before they let out an ear straining screech causing you to flinch from your seat against the wall. Then, once they were defeated, they exploded. Black goo flooded the floor as Vil jumped away as to not stain his clothes.

Epel cringed at the scene and blinked. "Did the Phantoms just turn into some kind of... black ink?!" He exclaimed with a twisted up look. Vil glared at it in disgust. "It's blot. Take care not to touch it. It could contaminate you." He warned quickly.

Rook dramatically gasped. "Quel dommage! Look at the floor where the blot spilled. It's losing its color, and becoming withered and cracked." He observed. You stood up and crouched near the blot with a contemplating look. "Mhm... I've seen this from other overblots. It's like... it's draining its life source... from a rock of all things."

Your fellow first year's eyes widened in realization and fear. "And.. Idia and Ortho are trying to let these things loose on the world?" Epel muttered slowly, not believing or even wanting to believe the very thought of it.

You quickly stood up in distress. "I usually just have to save NRC, not the entirety of Twisted Wonderland! Plus... my cat is still missing!" You yelled. Rook just smiled stiffly and patted you on your head.

Vil's expression hardened into something more serious. "If they succeed, the world will spiral into pure chaos. We must stop them." He took a deep breath. "Even if it means crushing their hopes and dreams in the process." Rook hummed in agreement. "...I suppose so. Those Phantoms were small, but it's clear many more are waking up. We must get to the bottom level before... Hm? It would appear we've reached a dead end."

Looking up, you did notice that the rocky ledge hallway did seem to end there. Epel hummed in agreement. "You're right. There's a big door at the end of the stairs." The lavender haired boy pulled out the map before letting his eye follow across the paper. "According to the map, that doors leads to a Phantom containment facility."

You sighed and put your hands on your hips. "So it'll be crawling with Phantoms... I really hope they haven't thawed yet..." You muttered with a sigh. Epel pumped his fists up determinedly. "Don't you worried," he reassured, "No matter what they throw at us, I'll capture 'em with my signature spell!"

An arm slipped around your shoulder and gently pulled you into the person's side. Vil grinned over teasingly at Epel as he began leading you down towards the door. "My, don't you sound dependable. Well then, shall we head in?"

Entering into the area, you flinched at the brightness of the red lights filling up the entire room. In the center of the hallway was some type of river while the walls were stacked up with some weird type of high tech boxes, some of which were fallen and cracked.

Vil looked around with pursed lips. "Well, here we are... the Phantom containment facility." He said slowly, looking around in disdain. Epel gulped, eyes darting between all the fallen containment boxes. "Do all those big metal cubes have Phantoms in them?" He drew out hesitatingly.

There was a sudden, boastful laugh from somewhere in the room. "They sure do! Pretty neat, huh? The room's packed with Phantoms from all over the world. It's like monster city in here!" You sweat dropped at the cheery voice. Every time he spoke, the less and less he was beginning to sound like a robot.

Suddenly there was a loud banging noise, the four of you whirling around to see the once open door now sealed completely shut. Epel ran over and grabbed the handles, using all his strength to open it to no avail. "The door just shut! Rrgh... It won't open!" He informed with wide eyes.

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