Chapter 1

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Qingxi Village is very close to the mountain, so it got its name from the Qingxi River next to the village.

The second room of the Shen family in the west of the village is very lively today.

Shen Shunfu passed away two years ago, and under the help of his wife Wei Lanxiang, he found a marriage for his second son, Shen Xuanqing. He married Lu Wen, a native of Anjia Village, who was three villages away.

The twin son of the Lu family, Lu Wen, is famously good-looking, and he has been in school for a few days in the town, no matter how he speaks or dresses, they are all different.

She looks good and can read and read. From Wei Lanxiang's point of view, she is naturally suitable for her second son. She asked Shen Xuanqing what she meant, and when she saw that her son was willing, she made up her mind and promised a bride price of twenty taels of silver. The marriage was decided, and today is finally the time to get married.

The gongs and drums were beating, the suona was playing joy, and the welcoming team came back. As soon as they stopped, they were surrounded by people to ask for money.

The more people attending the wedding, the happier the host will be. Naturally, the Shen family is not stingy about throwing out the wedding money. Someone took out a lot of copper coins from the red cloth and sprinkled them into the crowd, and everyone rushed to grab them. more lively.

Amidst the sound of firecrackers and joy, the tall and tall Shen Xuanqing, wearing a red cloth, took out his new husband with a red hijab from the sedan chair, walked all the way across the courtyard into the main room, stepped over the brazier to pay respects, and led People go to the new house.

Rao usually doesn't have much expression, today is a big day to marry her husband, amidst the booing of all the young men, Shen Xuanqing's face and eyes are full of satisfied smiles.

In the new room, Shen Xuanqing led Lu Wen to sit beside the bed, and then went to close the door.

According to the rules here, he can't take off the hijab right now, he can only come in after toasting the guests outside.

The person by the bed kept clutching the fabric on his legs after sitting down, Shen Xuanqing didn't think much about it, thinking that Lu Wen was too nervous. He looked at those thin hands, and thought that Lu Wen was indeed working at home, and there were still old scars on his hands, which should have been scratched.

After getting married, someone told him why he came back after marrying a young master who couldn't even do a job. Isn't this nonsense?

When I was looking for a matchmaker to discuss marriage, the other party said that the Lu family's raising Lu Wen is indeed a bit delicate. Although he can't do heavy work, he is diligent and quick. He can cook and do laundry. Let the family members go to the town to sell the bags of medicine, either to earn a little for themselves, or to subsidize the family.

Shen Xuanqing never thought of letting her husband do heavy work to earn money to support the family. He even knows how to cook and wash a little. In order to hunt, he often lives alone in a wooden house in the mountains for ten and a half months. If he can't cook, he can only eat. dry food.

After he came in, he stood by the bed for a while, not knowing what to do, as if he was made nervous by his husband, he walked around the same place for a few steps, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet. If other people saw this appearance, Inevitably, I have to laugh at him a few words.

"I'll go out to toast first."

Finally, Shen Xuanqing remembered that there was still this matter, and walked out.

As soon as he opened the door, he stopped again, turned his head and said to the person beside the bed: "I asked Shen Yan to bring you something to eat, and put the cushions first." The person sitting by the bed tightly gripped the cloth on his

leg , Shen Xuanqing saw that he heard it, maybe she was too shy to say anything, so she didn't think about it, and closed the door after going out.

The people in the room sat stiffly, and when he was the only one left, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, his back slightly bent.

Not long after, the door was pushed open again, and a girl in blue new cloth came in with soup noodles. It was Shen Yan, Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yaoqing's younger sister.

She looks twelve or thirteen years old, with a round face and almond eyes. She smiles when she sees the newcomer sitting by the bed. She is a little curious about this husband brother who has only met two or three times. She is the prettiest, her elder brother Lu Wen is already pretty, but I don't know what it will be like today.

"Brother Wen, I brought you noodle soup, and Mother even asked the aunt who helped the cook to put eggs in it, eat it while it's hot." Shen Yan said, and

stuffed the bowl and chopsticks into Lu Wen's hands. She didn't move, her hands holding the chopsticks were tense, she smiled and said: "

Brother Wen, I'll go out first, just put it on the table after you finish eating." It's not the time yet, Lu Wen naturally can't show his face in front of outsiders.

Shen Yan was young, so she didn't think too much, so she also closed the door and went out.

After there was no one in the room, the person beside the bed carefully placed the dishes and chopsticks on the edge of the bed, then lifted the corner of the hijab, and looked around the room quietly.

If Shen Yan was present, she would definitely recognize that the person in the room was not the Lu Wen she had seen before.

Compared with Lu Wen, who was a bit more elegant in reading and writing, Lu Gu looked very thin because he couldn't eat enough and had to work all day long.

The window of this room faced the front yard. Fortunately, in order to prevent the bridegroom from being seen by others, the window was closed and the window was bolted from the inside.

It was very lively outside, someone was comparing wine with Shen Xuanqing, Shen Xuanqing should finish the drink first, the crowd burst into cheers.

For Lu Gu, the excitement of others was frightening, he was uneasy, and when he thought that he was really stuffed into the sedan chair and arrived at Shen's house, his face turned even paler.

He didn't know what happened to the Shen family, but he knew that Shen Xuanqing lived last year or the year before last. He and a few other children went to the tofu shop to exchange tofu. There were people fighting on the road. Among them was Shen Xuanqing, who was tall and strong, with black hair. As soon as a fist passed in the face, the person fell down.

Lu Gu, who was beaten every now and then, took a step back. If it hit him, it would be much more severe than the stepmother's stick and cane. Maybe he could go to see his own mother directly.

Someone told him that the man was the Orion of Qingxi Village, and Lu Gu remembered it from then on. Anjia Village and Qingxi Village were not close, but they were not too far away. Fortunately, he did not meet again. Pass Shen Xuanqing.

He didn't have much contact with people, and he didn't dare to take a second look at such a vicious man, but three months ago, the matchmaker told his brother Lu Wen about a marriage, and it was Shen Xuanqing.

Lu Wen was born to his stepmother Du Hehua and the first man. After the man died, he took Lu Wen and remarried to the Lu family.

Lu Gu felt a little startled when he thought of Shen Xuanqing, but when he thought about it, it had nothing to do with him. It was a kiss to Lu Wen. He couldn't eat enough all day long, and he had to worry about where to find some wild fruits to fill his stomach. That's what matters.

What's more, at home, the stepmother would call him except when ordering him to work, and even his own father didn't pay much attention to him. Lu Wen only knew about Lu Wen's engagement by listening to others.

So even if he found out about this, he didn't even ask a word when he returned home, and kept his head down while working without speaking. He was looking for something, and the work was good. He was most afraid of starvation and beating.

In the area of ​​Fenggu Town in their area, after the matchmaker had made an agreement with the parents of both parties, they still had to let the two young people meet.

There are also rules for meeting each other. If you want to meet in another family with a daughter or a pair of children, most of them are sitting in front of the window and doing work. Stay for a while, so that we can meet each other without causing gossip.

Logically speaking, Shuang'er couldn't go to the man's village, so when the two saw each other, it was Shen Xuanqing who came to Anjia Village.

That day, Lu Gu was stuffed with dirty clothes by his stepmother. On the way to the river, he saw that tall figure from a distance, so he went around from the other side.

The stepmother often scolded him for being an unlucky ghost. Sometimes Lu Gu thought to himself, as if he really didn't have any good luck. He was afraid that his bad luck would happen. Miserable, so avoid as much as you can.

Now it's all right, he really is an unlucky ghost, even such a ridiculous thing as a substitute marriage fell on him, and the stepmother coaxed him by saying that she found him a good marriage out of kindness.

If it was really a good thing, how could it be his turn.

He doesn't know what his stepmother thinks. Although he doesn't know how to read, he also knows that Lu Wen and Shen Xuanqing asked someone to write a marriage letter. They all said that everything was written in black and white, and the matter was settled after writing it. It must have been written in the marriage letter It's Lu Wen's name, not his, so how dare such a thing happen.

It's not that he doesn't understand that the stepmother is just coveting the twenty taels of bride price and doesn't want to return it to the Shen family.

Ordinarily, the Shen family gave so much gift money, and it would be a heavy gift in any village, which shows that the family background is not thin, and everyone thinks it is a good marriage, but Lu Wen wants to regret the marriage.

Others don't know, but Lu Gu knows a little bit. He overheard the conversation between Lu Wen and his stepmother six or seven days ago. Lu Wen seems to have close contacts with people in the town. That person should marry Lu Wen, but Lu Wen Wen was already engaged.

He was really unlucky, his stepmother found out when he overheard this, at first he thought he was about to be beaten, but who knew that his stepmother's eyes rolled when she squinted her eyes, and smiled at him, even holding his hand gently Paida, who looked like a loving mother, made Lu Gu terrified.

As soon as he heard that he was going to give Lu Wen the marriage to the Orion in Qingxi Village, Lu Gu shook his head at that time. When his stepmother saw it, she gritted her teeth and scolded him for not knowing what to do. It made him want to shrink back, and he didn't dare to say that he didn't want to.

Not to mention, from that day on, the stepmother no longer let him go out to wash clothes and change things. She could only stay in the yard and do needlework. The stepmother was still watching him all the time, obviously afraid that he would run away or is to tell other people.

It's still busy outside.

Lu Gu sat on the edge of the bed and didn't dare to move, but his stomach couldn't live up to it, and he was gurgling because he was seduced by the smell of meat outside.

Early in the morning, he was dragged up by his stepmother to wash and put on makeup, and she insisted on putting on a wedding dress for him, and put Lu Wen in the sedan chair without even giving him a stutter.

It's not that he didn't resist. He even ran over the wall at night the day before yesterday, so as not to be found and beaten to death by Shen Xuanqing after the incident was revealed.

In the woodshed, he was gagged with rags, and his throat was blocked when he cried and shouted. Fear and despair made him tremble all over, but he was beaten severely. After that, for two consecutive days, he could only eat a rough meal every day. Cake, he didn't even have the strength to run far.

The noodle soup was hot, with oily scallions floating in it. The lack of scallions was just for taste, but there was a lot of oil. Shen Yan also said that there was a poached egg underneath.

Lu Gu looked at the bowl of noodles, he hadn't eaten such hot noodles for a long time, it was still made of fine white noodles, even with eggs.

He picked up the bowl, first took a sip of the hot soup cautiously, the oil and shallots were fragrant in his mouth, he had only tasted such a good taste when he was a child, and almost forgot what it was like, so he couldn't help it anymore, and started to gobble it up.

There were not many noodles, they were just for him to fill his stomach. After the noodles and eggs were in his stomach, Lu Gu held the bowl and was reluctant to put down the noodle soup.

Now he is the only one in the room, no one will take the bowl from him, and no stick will fall down, so he sips such a fragrant green onion noodle soup, trying to remember the taste.

With a click, water fell into the soup. He wiped his tears, thinking that it would be good to eat a bowl of hot noodle soup before he died, at least he would not be a starving ghost.

The Shen family's target is Lu Wen, and once they find out that he is not Lu Wen, they will definitely not let it go.

Lu Gu has heard more than once that someone beat his wife or husband to death. In his opinion, Shen Xuanqing is very vicious, and today may really be his death day.

No matter how much noodle soup there was, Lu Gu was a little bit reluctant when he put down the bowl. He turned pale when he heard someone outside making noise about the bridal chamber, and quickly sat back on the bed and put on the hijab.

He was holding the fabric on his legs tightly, panicked and lost, his body was trembling slightly with fear, but fortunately the noise outside was suppressed by the laughter of Shen Xuanqing and the others, saying that the new husband was timid and cheeky Bo, who is not in good health, it's not good to be frightened, it's better to eat and drink with good wine and food outside, and it's lively when everyone fights and competes with each other, and the bridal

chamber incident gradually subsides, Lu Gu seems to have narrowly escaped death a feeling of.

But after the banquet, the guests dispersed, and the shadow of death enveloped him again.

The door opened and closed, and someone walked towards the bed. Soon, in Lu Gu's low vision, a pair of boots that farmers don't often wear appeared. The new boots were big, obviously men's, enough to see opponent's physique.

Lu Gu was trembling, the knuckles of his hands holding the cloth turned white, and the moment the red hijab was lifted, his blood seemed to be frozen, and his mind went blank.

Shen Xuanqing, who took off the hijab, saw the appearance of Qing Fulang, the smile on his face disappeared, and he became stiff all of a sudden.

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