Chapter 121

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It is not easy to cut wheat, and it is not so easy to thresh wheat. Every day, I make my face dirty, and my face becomes more dirty when I sweat it. It was dry and itchy, which made me uncomfortable.

The old cow pulled the stone mill with a rope and rolled it back and forth on the wheat. At this moment, Shen Xuanqing was leading the cow, and Shen Yaoqing and Lu Gu turned over the wheat with a long fork. After turning over, the stone mill rolled over again, and so on. The wheat grains are completely removed.

After turning it over again, Lu Gu straightened his waist to rest, but right now it's okay to just turn it over, his waist hurts when he cut the wheat, so he had to squat down to cut the wheat, but his legs became sore after squatting for a long time.

A cloth towel was wrapped around his head to prevent the fly ash from making his hair too dirty, and his mouth and nose were covered with a cloth. The heat was a little hot, but there was no need to eat ash, and his throat would not be so dry.

The weather has been beautiful lately, the sun is shining brightly, and there is no sign of rain. It was the time of threshing wheat, no matter how hot it was, no one would look forward to rain, otherwise once the wheat grains germinated, half a year would be considered dry.

Both Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yaoqing slept here at night. They were busy during the day and watched the show at night, and they even had to bring their meals. The better thing is that the two of them don't need to pack their bedding to sleep on the valley field, and there is a house here to live in.

"This year's day is really good." Wei Lanxiang wiped the sweat off his face, leaned on a wooden fork and said beside him: "When I was a girl at home, it rained one year when threshing wheat. The wheat stubble kept crying, the harvest was not good that year, so we had to tighten our belts to live." "

We will be fine this year." Shen Yaoqing interjected beside him.

While talking, Shen Xuanqing led the old cow and pulled the stone mill over, and then there was another round of turning and rolling, and the dust rose again.


took several days to grind and thresh, and the tired people were exhausted, but this is not the end. They dry in their own yard, instead of taking the milled wheat back home, after picking out the straw, they spread the wheat directly to dry.

The thirteen mu of land has grown more grain than before. Wei Lanxiang's favorite thing to do every day is to come to the new house, squat in the wheat, grab the hot wheat grains, and look at them Grain leaked from her hand, and she stood under the sun and squinted her eyes to see, her breath was full of burning dust and the smell of wheat.

They spread out the wheat piles during the day, and at night they had to roll them up and put them under the main room to prevent rain.

If it is too late to put it away at night, the grains are prone to sprouts when they are exposed to rain, and they will become hot when they are piled up together. You can feel the heat when you put your hand in it. , easy to grow hair.

In this way, it is necessary to work hard every day and be cautious. Only dried grains can be stored properly.

After it was completely dried, it was only two days before Shen Yuping got married. Because it was new grain, someone came to the countryside to collect it, and the price was still high. The price of grain always fluctuated very quickly. Who knows whether it will rise or fall later, it is not enough Be careful, Shen Xuanqing made the decision, keep enough for the family, and sell the rest of the wheat.

Because they have rice and wheat here, and they eat them mixed together, so there is no need to keep all the wheat.

After the grain was sold, the new wheat hoarded in the shady and low house was full, not only the six or seven large sacks on the mud platform, but also the seven large urns with a wide mouth and a height of one person on the ground, which were filled with wheat straw and yellow mud. The lid is sealed so that it can be stored for a long time. After the sack is finished eating, the wheat in the urn is scooped out to grind the flour.

When people are poor, they have no other choice but to exchange food for money and things, and they will lose it when they eat it. If the harvest is not good in the next year, they can only listen to the destiny, and it is good to just live.

There is a lot of grain harvested this year, but it is uncertain from year to year. If there is surplus grain at the end of the year, you will be more assured in the next year. For this reason, Shen Xuanqing also discussed with Shen Yaoqing. They took the cart to Liangzhang Bridge to buy it for ten A new urn was sent along with the store, and it took two days to get the urn back.

There are fifteen old and new big urns in the house. When it's time to harvest rice, fill up the remaining eight big urns. Let alone a year, with so much rice and noodles, if you save a little, it will be enough for two or three years , there are too many big urns to fit in the low house, but fortunately, there is a new house now.

Lu Gu had never seen so much food before, and when he thought that the whole family would no longer be hungry, he was filled with joy in his heart and eyes.

Although it cost a lot of money to buy the urn, after converting it, I didn't make much money selling grain this year, but no one would feel that it was a loss. Food is the foundation of life.

"Our place can be regarded as a granary." Shen Yaoqing patted the cold big urn, happy to see his teeth but not his eyes.

Shen Xuanqing just nodded and hummed, didn't say much, but also smiled, recently he was tanned and thin, but his star eyes were exceptionally bright.

It is often heard that the granaries of the big families are full, and there is no end to the rice. He hadn't thought of it before, but this time he has stockpiled the food, and there is an eagerness in his heart. One day, there will be one in his family who can't finish it. The rice noodle granary, that is called rich!


On the auspicious day of the wedding, the relatives were beating gongs and drums and carrying the sedan chair to Chenjiagou. The third room of the Shen family was full of people coming and going, eating, drinking and laughing.

Wei Lanxiang brought Lu Gu over to help. Now that Zhou Xiangjun's family is here, they must eat a bite of noodles when they enter the door. He doesn't need to do anything else, just serve a few bowls of noodles in the kitchen. The noodles don't need to be too much, just enough for two or three It's okay to stutter, it means, I have to sit down later.

There was not much firewood, so he took the basket to the pile of wheat straw piled up at the door and smoked half a basket of wheat straw. After the wheat was threshed, the straw was dry, and new wheat straw was piled up at the door of every house as firewood.

"Guzi." Zhou Xiangjun was dressed in red and green, which was a joy, and said, "I'll put a poached egg in your grandma's bowl." "

Got it grandma." Lu Gu nodded with a smile.

The grandma that Zhou Xiangjun mentioned was Shen Yu and Shen Yuping's grandmother. Here they called grandma grandma, and grandma was grandma. Lu Gu and Shen Yu were of the same generation, so naturally they also called grandma.

It's hot, even in the morning, cooking in the kitchen can make you sweat all over the body, the water boils away, Lu Gu picks up the noodles with long chopsticks, and divides them into bowls. Among them, the bowl with poached eggs, he The apex was given to the grandmother of the Zhou family.

There are many people coming and going, and the excitement is lively, but men, husbands and wives are all mixed together, so no matter whether it is wedding or wedding, it can be called chaos, and the valuables at home need to be paid attention to.

"Yanyan, do you and Brother Yu eat noodles?" Lu Gu asked when he saw Shen Yan and Shen Yu.

They have been eating and drinking at Sanfang's house for the past two days. Today, they are going to welcome their relatives and pay homage, so the focus is on Shen Yuping. There are too many people who come to give gifts, and they don't have time to take care of others. Children who are too young are led by adults to the kitchen to ask for a bowl of food. Yes, neither Shen Yan nor Shen Yu came out of the pavilion, and the men who greeted their relatives were eating at the banquet just now, and they didn't come out of the room.

"Brother Guzi, I was just going to find you." Shen Yan was just hungry, and both of them followed him into the kitchen.

This year their family raised a lot of chickens and ducks, and they ate them every day when they were doing farm work. Shen Yan didn't like poached eggs anymore, so he only cracked an egg for Shen Yu.

The person who greeted the relatives has not come back yet, the guests at home can't just sit down, no matter whether tea or pastries and fruits have to be served, Shen Xuanqing also went to meet the relatives, Lu Gu felt that it was too noisy outside, many people he didn't know, so they boiled water in the kitchen , Occasionally I felt too hot, so I hid in Shen Yu's room and sat for a while to cool off.

When there is a happy event in the village, the children are the happiest. Grabbing a handful of fruits or snacks, a group of big and small children are eating and playing outside, running and shouting. If it is usually noisy, people will not be at peace, but today no one Thinking like this, I just feel lively.

"Come back, come back!"

The first person with sharp eyes to see the welcoming procession in the distance was a child waiting at the entrance of the village. When one person yelled, the other children followed suit. After hearing this, many people gathered in the third room of Shen's house came out to watch, and after a while they came to the door To throw copper coins, they all waited with a smile, and the short ones had to stand on tiptoes.

The firecrackers sounded, crackled and exploded, and the red paper splashed all over the ground.

The bridal sedan chair was carried back, and Shen Yuping, who was walking in front, was wearing a red dress with a happy face.

As soon as the copper coins were sprinkled, many people looted them at the door. They picked up what should be picked up on the ground, and they could get a few pennies. Even children got into it.

Because there were too many people in front of the door, Lu Gu couldn't squeeze in, so he had to stand in the door and watch, when there was a jingle sound, a copper coin was sprinkled farther away and landed in front of his feet. Qiuyue embroidered it.

Although there was only one penny, he was so happy that he bent down to pick it up, but a dirty little hand picked it up first.

It was Xiao Shunzi from Grandma Ah Jin's family. Xiao Shunzi had always been naughty and bold. In the past two days, he had gone crazy playing with the children of Shen's relatives. His hands were dirty and his face was dirty. He tightly held the penny in his hand and said: "I snatched it first."

Lu Gu smiled lightly with a child, and said, "Then you take it, I don't want it."

Without being scolded by the adults, Xiao Shunzi's slightly slumped body straightened up, He snorted softly through his nose like a little adult, his grandma said that whoever snatches the copper coins sprinkled today will get them, and he will not give them to others if they want them.

It can be seen that Lu Gu's hands are empty, and he looks like a husband who has no ability to grab things. He hesitated for a while, thinking of the two fruits in his left hand, his expression became tangled.

"Shunzi, come quickly."

He hadn't made a decision yet, when he heard the call of his peers, he hurriedly got out of the crowd to play, for fear of being late.

After the firecrackers rang, the suona gongs and drums blew again, and Shen Yuping finally carried out the newlywed wife in the red hijab under the laughter and gaze of the whole village.

Worshiping the house and worshiping the heaven and the earth, after the excitement, the newcomers entered the new house, and the outside yard opened a feast.

Xikou invited an aunt from the village who can cook, and the helper was also someone of the same age as Wei Lanxiang, so Lu Gu would be free to sit at the banquet.

"Guzi, take Shen Yan and Shen Yu to find a seat, go quickly, there will be no place to sit later." Wei Lanxiang was washing vegetables, her hands were still in the wooden basin, when she saw tables, chairs and benches in the courtyard, she hurriedly Call Lu Gu.

"Understood mother." Lu Gu promised that he would take his younger sister and younger brother to dinner. He looked like an adult, but in fact, he was still nervous. There were too many people. He looked around in the crowd, looking for someone Husbands and women sit at many tables.

"Guzi, come quickly." Fulang Quanzi picked a clean table to sit with the doll in his arms. There were people coming and going in the yard, and he also felt embarrassed to be alone. When he saw Lu Gu, he hurriedly greeted Lu Gu. It would be nice to have a companion. Woolen cloth.

After Shen Xuanqing finished talking with the men in Chenjiagou, she saw Lu Gu at a glance, walked over and said with a smile, "Hurry up." "

Yes." Lu Gu nodded, and led Shen Yan and Shen Yu over.

Both Shen Shunwang and Zhou Xiangjun are not stingy people, not to mention the abundance of food, which makes the Chen family feel that their family will not treat the married girl badly. Just like when Shen Xuanqing got married, they also serve ten dishes and one soup, and the guests can eat Well, it is very face-saving to spread the word.

Lu Gu sat at a table with people of similar age, and the spicy fried rabbit meat served was delicious, but he and Shen Xuanqing often ate it on the mountain, and Shen Yuping borrowed the big gray from them to hunt this rabbit a few days ago.

As soon as summer comes, the pheasants are also active, and sometimes steal seeds and missed wheat grains in the fields.

They are all relatives. Shen Yuping doesn't hunt often. The pheasants on the banquet were beaten by Shen Xuanqing. Even Sanfang's eggs, some of them were brought from their home. I was afraid that there would be not enough food for the wedding, so I brought them in advance. It saves not enough time when it comes.

This is Lu Gu's first time to sit at a banquet. It has been a long time since his mother took him to the banquet when he was a child. I only remember that the dishes on the banquet at that time were just Chinese cabbage and tofu, and any meat or fish would be the best. OK

The real brother sitting next to him loves to joke, and he even said a few more words with him. There are also men who are drinking, punching and shouting. This seat is really very lively.

The dishes were served one after another, and the elderly ladies ate straight away, fearing that they would miss a bite. Their table was alright, they were all young women and young husbands, so they wanted to save face, not like old people and children. eat.

Lu Gu loves to have a bite of pork slices on the table, stewing them in a large pot over high heat, it is so soft, fat and thin, it satisfies the gluttony.

At the end of the meal, he put down his chopsticks and drank two sips of tea to relieve the greasy in his mouth. Fatty meat is a bit oily, but country people can eat a few catties of meat all year round, and the fat and fat feel very fragrant. Finally, the bottom of the bowl The oil and water were all poured into their own bowls and taken away.

"Guzi, come here." Seeing that he had finished eating, Wei Lanxiang waved to him.

"Mother." As soon as Lu Gu entered the kitchen, a bowl was stuffed into his hand.

"Bring it back to your sister-in-law, there are pieces of meat underneath." Wei Lanxiang made a bowl of meat and vegetables for Ji Qiuyue who was at home, and put a white flour steamed bun on top, which was just taken out of the pot and was still hot .

"Understood." Lu Gu obediently agreed, took the bowl and walked outside, seeing that Shen Yan had also finished eating, he asked: "Aren't you going back, I'll bring the bowl for sister-in-law." "Going back." Shen

Yan Pushing the chair back, got up and went home with him.

Now it's noon, the sky is getting hotter, and I feel that I can't keep my eyes open after walking a few steps under the sun. After returning home, Ji Qiuyue happened to be hungry. Comfortable, complexion will also improve.

The chickens, ducks and rabbits in the backyard have been moved to the new house a few days ago, and even the sheep have been taken there. The manure in the backyard has been shoveled up, and the smell has been significantly reduced. It's Qiuyue, and others feel uncomfortable.

Another advantage is that although there are still flies in the house, they are obviously much less. As long as the food in the kitchen is covered and covered, the flies will not be afraid of falling on it.

The bowl brought back belonged to their house, and the bottom of the bowl was marked with red paint, so there was no need to return it.

People in the countryside don't have many bowls and chopsticks for weddings, so they can only borrow them from neighbors. Not to mention chopsticks, at least the bowls and dishes must be marked to avoid confusion or being taken away by others. What's more, some people are afraid of bowls It was stolen, and the edge of the bowl was deliberately cracked. Few people are willing to steal a broken bowl.

When he came back, Wei Lanxiang told him that there is no need to go there anymore. This is the village rule. It was the same when Shen Xuanqing got married. In the end, the ones left to wash the dishes and tidy up the yard were all aunts and grandmas. There were very few young people, and they usually stayed behind to clean. Yes, people have to bring things with them when they leave. A young husband like Lu Gu, even if he wants to stay, he can't make it to the front.

The sun gradually moved, the bustle gradually passed, the weather was too hot, and the busy farming was tiring before, not only did Ji Qiuyue go back to her room to rest after eating, but Lu Gu and Shen Yan also went to sleep.

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