Chapter 40

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Since buying chickens and ducks, Lu Gu listened to them chirping and calling every day, it was much better than being alone, but now there is another pup, it is more lively than usual.

The pup's voice is not too small, and it will bark a few times when it's playing by itself. .

When sleeping last night, the pup slept with Da Hui in the main room, fearing that it would be too cold to sleep on the ground, so Lu Gu packed hay and rice straw in a sack, stuffed it quite full, and the sack was big enough for big Hui also lay down on the bitch, away from the bitch, but slept next to the big dog, with company, and the pup didn't bark much at night.

Now that it's colder than before, Lu Gu also put sacks on the two puppies so that they can huddle together at night so that they won't sleep on the ground again.

Shen Xuanqing took the big grays and they went out. Now that the sun is out, it is time to let the chickens and ducks out to graze and swim. When I went to the backyard, I saw that the chickens and ducks had all come out of the grass nest and were walking around digging the ground.

As soon as the fence gate was opened, the puppy followed Lu Gu in. When it saw the fluffy chicken, it ran over and wanted to bite, which caused the chicken to flee in a hurry, flapping its wings and screaming, and it became a pot of porridge. Lu Gu quickly grabbed it. It carried it away by the back of its neck so as not to bite the chicken or duck.

Because he wanted to drive the chickens and ducks out, Lu Gu could only lock the pup in the main room and closed the door of the main room, but the pup kept barking as soon as he was away from people. The more he screamed, the more panicked he became, and the voice was not low. If he heard this voice at night, it would be quite scary in the silent mountain forest.

Lu Gu couldn't lock it in the main room anymore, so he carried the small bamboo basket in front of him, and put the pup in it, the pup could see people when he looked up, and the barking immediately became quieter, Lu Gu touched it again, and there was nothing wrong with it. After a while, I stopped barking, tried to scratch a few times in the bamboo basket with my paws, and wanted to bite a few times.

The chickens were first driven to the fence outside, and they were full after a day of planing and eating. Lu Gu went back to the stone mortar and brought a basket of dried peppercorns and a long bamboo pole. The ducks followed him, lined up like a mother duck, and went out.

He drove the ducks into the water, they swam a few times, and they were born with it, so there was no need for Lu Gu to drive them into the water. He put the stone mortar basket on the ground, and then unloaded the bamboo basket carrying the puppies on his back. up.

He moved two stones to sit on one and placed the other in a mortar, pounded peppercorns by the pond, looked up at the ducks in the pond from time to time, if they swam to the other side of the river, they would pick up the long bamboo poles on the ground and slap the water surface, The water splashed, and the duck was scared back.

The pup's skin is skin, but it's still pretty good. It played beside Lu Gu and didn't go far. At first, it wanted to go to the stone mortar to smell it, but Lu Gu pushed it away gently with his feet. , He himself covered his mouth and nose with a cloth towel, and he approached the basket full of peppercorns to smell it, and he probably didn't think it smelled good. His wet little nose wrinkled, and he didn't come any closer.

Later, the smell of pounding peppercorns dissipated, and it didn't go in front of Lu Gu, biting the hem of his clothes behind Lu Gu's back, imitating a big dog's threatening whine in its throat, but it was so small that it couldn't even Children will not be afraid.

Lu Gu was busy with work, as long as he could hear the movement behind him, he knew it hadn't run far, and besides, the numbing smell of prickly ash was on his hands, so he couldn't play with the puppies, so he let it go first.

When it was almost noon, he looked at the sky and felt hungry, so he went to the river to wash his hands, and the pup followed him all the time, step by step. After he squatted down by the river, the pup was still crying The little head rubbed against his leg, which made Lu Gu smile a little.


life is busy and fulfilling, but seeing the accumulation of mountain goods and prey in the yard, no matter how tired I am, I am happy.

The mountains and forests are far away, and the valleys are deep. A few dog barks echoed. Lu Gu bent down to search for purple bellies and green snails in the mountain stream. It rained yesterday, and the stream was bigger than before, and it was rushing.

Today Shen Xuanqing came with him, followed by two small dogs, and locked the door to let Dahui watch the puppies in the yard.

Both rolled up their trousers and walked barefoot in the stream. Lu Gu came out this time with an extra sack, caught belly purple and threw it in, and the bamboo basket on his back was filled with green snails, so they could be separated easily.

The mountain stream is colder than before, and when autumn comes, the stream seeps deeper and deeper, but the green snails become fatter, and they will grow old and hide in the late autumn, and they will never be found again.

"If it's cold, go up and rest first." Shen Xuanqing grabbed a handful of belly purple and waded over to the water, throwing the small crab into the almost half-full sack.

Now that he came over, Lu Gu also threw the green snails he found into the bamboo basket on his back, the two of them worked together as one.

"It wasn't cold just now." Lu Gu shook his head, he had just gone up to rest for a while, it's really not very cold right now.

Hearing this, Shen Xuanqing said: "That's fine, if you pick it up again, it will be colder in the day after tomorrow, so much is enough to eat for a long time, and you don't need to use it anymore."

Lu Gu nodded and agreed.

The two of them went into the water specially when the sun was bright, and it was past noon by now. This mountain stream was brought by Shen Xuanqing to Lu Gu. It was not the place last time, and it was far away, but there were a lot of green snails and small crabs. .

After the two of them landed on the shore, Lu Gu sat on the stone and stroked the water on his calf with his hands. His legs and feet were a little blue from the cold. Even though the sun was shining, he subconsciously covered them with his palms and rubbed them lightly. , trying to keep the calf and feet hot.

Shen Xuanqing, who was sitting next to him drying his legs and feet, saw it, hesitated, but stretched his arms and moved his legs over.

Lu Guren was still blindfolded, and his foot landed on Shen Xuanqing's thigh.

Shen Xuanqing's hands were bigger than his, and there were rough calluses on the palms. She rubbed his legs and feet with both hands. I don't know if it was caused by rubbing heat or embarrassment, but the cold soon became less so.

Lu Gu didn't dare to refuse or speak, the young man who helped him rub his head bowed his head in silence.

Rubbing and rubbing, Shen Xuanqing's Adam's apple rolled, her lowered starry eyes gradually dimmed, Lu Gusheng's paleness, compared to the man's hard legs and feet, Shuang'er's legs and feet are completely soft and smooth, even the toes are round and cute.

So the hands gradually slowed down, and the rubbing movements became lighter, with a certain impenetrable meaning.

Even Lu Gu, who doesn't understand any emotion, can feel the charm, but he doesn't dare to let out his breath, his heart trembles slightly, he raises his eyes nervously and confused, and carefully looks at Shen Xuanqing's face.

Shen Xuanqing, who was gradually getting lost, caressed such fair skin lightly, and slid her warm and rough palms like blasphemy, until he inadvertently raised his eyes, and the dark color in his eyes directly frightened Lu Gu.

After seeing Lu Gu's terrified expression, Shen Xuanqing woke up. He froze, and it took him a long time to recover. He pretended to put down Lu Gu's legs naturally, and said, "It's getting late, let's go back."

Lu Gu hurriedly put on his shoes and socks, the trousers tightly covered the back of his legs, the texture of the fabric made him feel at ease like never before, he didn't quite understand what was going on, but he also knew that he was embarrassed and embarrassed, so he didn't dare to look at Shen Xuanqing again .

It happened that there were a lot of cress here, so Lu Gu squatted by the stream and picked half a basket of the tender ones.

After he finished his work, Shen Xuanqing came out today carrying his big bamboo basket as usual, with half a basket of green snails in it. It can be seen how many he touched today, which is definitely enough to eat for a long time. He tied the sack containing the small crabs, To avoid climbing out, I put it in a bamboo basket and carried it together.

Lu Gu followed him back with a smaller bamboo basket on his back, and the two small dogs followed him unhurriedly.

Compared with the previous journey, both of them were a little silent and uncomfortable. On weekdays, even after having intercourse, Shen Xuanqing would not feel anything, this is his own husband, intercourse is a matter of course, but now he can't figure it out, he doesn't understand why he would like that.

Even if a countryman has studied, what he usually worries about is earning money and rations. He doesn't have the time to think about other things. He only knows how to have sex.

As he was walking, Lu Gu stopped to pick wild camellias. He saw them when he came, and told Shen Xuanqing to pick some when he came back. The wild camellias he picked last time had already dried in half a basket. I drink it often, but I can take it down the mountain to Wei Lanxiang and the others. Sometimes if I want to exchange things with the villagers, I can take these camellias.

Shen Xuanqing came back to his senses and picked tea leaves with him. It was not as embarrassing as it was just now. While picking tea leaves, he said: "I saw a lot of them on the other side before, and I picked them some other day. I will see them in a while." Bring him some when Master is here, he likes to eat wild tea from the mountains."

"Yeah." Lu Gu nodded and agreed in a low voice, and when the bamboo basket on his back was full, the two set foot on the road again.


the yard, three bamboo plaques are placed on the horizontal wooden frame to dry goji berries, and two large bamboo plaques are placed on the pile of firewood to dry wild camellias. Chestnuts and hazelnuts are air-dried in a cool and ventilated main room, otherwise the sun will dry out the meat inside and it will not taste sweet.

There is also a lot of slender grass in the front yard. After drying, it can be used as a fire or as a nest for chickens and ducks. In late autumn, when there is a lot of rain, the grass in the nest can be replaced frequently. There is straw in the house at the foot of the mountain, but not much is brought up. The mountain road is far away, and it takes effort to carry everything, so it is better to live with hay.

The mushrooms I picked were also sliced ​​and shredded to dry, and I put half of them in a clean cloth bag. It rained yesterday, and I will go out in the next two days. There must be a lot in the forest, and the road is far away in the mountains. Mushrooms are on sale.

Autumn colors are getting thicker and the weather is colder than before. In previous years, he was very worried at this time. Once winter came and he couldn't find food outside, he would be cold and hungry. This year is different. He has food and clothing but he still cares about winter I was afraid, so I wanted to save all the winter rations I could save. I even dried some wild vegetables, put them in sacks and put the mushrooms in a cool and dry low house, and put two baskets of dried goji berries in it.

Lu Gu moved the goji berries on the bamboo plaque with his hands, and turned them evenly for better drying. He was still thinking that when he went out, he saw a lot of horse-tooth vegetables on the road, and they were edible. The tender ones could be fried or steamed. , after being dried in the sun, it can still be eaten in winter.

As long as there is enough water, horse tooth vegetables will grow very vigorously, and there are few other wild vegetables, but it should be possible to add this to dry a sack, and there are also ground vegetables. When I went uphill with Shen Xuanqing, I saw land on the ground Vegetables are not far away, you can pick them up after eating, and you can dry them and eat them in winter when you carry them back.

Compared to mushrooms, wild vegetables are worthless, so Lu Gu always put them in sacks. He also prepared a sack for dried fungus.

After two days, the sweet nest roots can be dug up. They are also wild vegetables, but they are eaten in pieces, and the big ones can be bigger than his fist. When they are dug up, they are piled in the corner of the wall, covered with soil, and can be eaten until the next spring.

There is quite a lot of work to be done, Lu Gu hurried into the kitchen to cook while thinking.

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