Chapter 134

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Lu Gu followed him out, and saw the boy wagging his tail wildly outside the door. He subconsciously looked behind the village, but there was no sign of Shen Xuanqing, and he presumably had already entered the house.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ."

I haven't seen him for five days, and Lu Gu also misses it a lot. He rubbed the dog's head and squeezed his ears. After the boy was quieter, he went into the house and took the key and door lock. After locking the door of the new house, he hurried home.

Before entering the door, Da Hui and Da Hei ran out to meet him. The mountain road was too far, and even the dogs were panting from exhaustion. After entering the door, they lay on the ground and stuck out their tongues to catch their breath. Shen Yan poured water for them all.

"I'm back." Lu Gu couldn't help showing a slight smile.

"Yeah." Shen Xuanqing, who was washing his hands, smiled brightly. He glanced at the boy who was drinking water, and said helplessly, "I didn't find you when I got back, so I ran out to look for you." "I'll feed Dabai over there.

" Lu Gu said, his eyes shifted to the black-hoofed sheep tied in the yard, or Shen Xuanqing was capable, and this sheep was captured alive again.

Dabai also ran over, constantly rubbing against Shen Xuanqing's leg.

"It belongs to the male head." Lu Gu said when he saw the long horns on the sheep's head.

"Yes." Shen Xuanqing wrung out the cloth towel and wiped his face, and said, "This is not Futian. People in the town have paid attention to eating Fuyang in the past two years. Mutton is very easy to sell. I think ewes are smaller and lighter. , but it is not as strong as the uncastrated ram, and the meat is more tender, but I came across this ram when I was tracking in the mountains.

He threw the cloth towel into the basin and scrubbed it for a few times before wringing it dry and putting it on the wooden stand, he said with a smile, "This time it will be brought to the town to be slaughtered, the price must be high."

The ram that the family raised earlier was actually bigger than this one, and there must have been more meat slaughtered, but that one has been bred well, so it is better to keep it as a breeding sheep. When he returns from shooting ewes in the future, he can eat more meat. Down sheep baby. Lu Gu took a few glances at the black-hoofed sheep, and didn't forget the business. He walked to the front of the basin and washed his hands, and asked, "I'll cook

for you what you want to eat."

That's it." Shen Xuanqing replied.

"Okay, drink some water and have a rest first." Lu Gu wiped his hands and rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen to get busy.

The black-hoofed sheep had just been caught, and threw some grass to it and didn't eat it. Seeing this, Shen Yan brought an old basin to pour water for it, and didn't worry about it. It will be brought to the town to be slaughtered tomorrow morning. There is no need to go to the new house, so as not to be surprised again.

It would be cooler in the afternoon, so Ji Qiuyue sat down and shook the cattail fan, chatting and laughing with Shen Xuanqing.

Just now he understood that he didn't eat a few mouthfuls, now he won't go to the new house, Lu Gu also fed the other three dogs by the way, so as not to fight with Dahei for food.

After resting at night, the next morning, when it was just dawn, and I was still a little bit blind, the door to the courtyard of Shen's second room opened.

Except for Ji Qiuyue, the other five people went to the town. Wei Lanxiang went to Zhou Xiangjun last night for this matter, and asked her to bring Chen Xinlian and Shen Yu to accompany Ji Qiuyue today, and help cook a meal at noon meal.

The grass for the cattle and sheep had already been harvested yesterday afternoon, just let Shen Yuping help feed it, and he needs to harvest some fresh rabbit grass.

They helped, and when they came back from the town, they would naturally share some mutton.

Going out so early is to catch up with the morning market. There are many people to sell meat. Shen Xuanqing is leading the sheep, and Shen Yaoqing is pulling the cart. There are various knives such as a butcher knife and bone chopping knife on the cart, as well as a chopping board for chopping meat and bloodletting. Wooden tub for viscera.

The road was dark, and there was no dog, Guai Zai and Da Hui stayed at home to take care of Ji Qiuyue, but there were two young and strong men with a knife in the car, so they were not afraid of walking on the road.

When they arrived in front of the door of Shen's third room, Wei Lanxiang knocked on the door to wake up Zhou Xiangjun, and asked her to go to the house later at dawn.

The wheels of the car turned again, creaking all the way to Fenggu Town, and it was dawn.

They came early, found a spacious place to stop after paying the market fee, borrowed a pot of hot water from the breakfast maker, sharpened their knives and started killing sheep.

With the help of Shen Yaoqing, the movement can be faster.

Shen Xuanqing is already familiar with bloodletting, skinning and viscera, and only looks at the size of various prey.

Sheepskin is a good thing to keep out the cold in winter. He doesn't plan to sell it. The price of meat and bones varies slightly depending on the part, but the lowest price of meat is ninety yuan a catty, and the highest is less than one hundred yuan. Bones are cheap, such as sheep. Scorpion bones sell for only twenty-eight yuan a catty.

Mutton has always been very expensive to sell, and it cost 80 yuan at the cheapest time. Last year, he sold a head to Butcher Zhao, and took away the skin and a leg of lamb. Butcher Zhao also had to give him five taels of silver, which shows the price of mutton.

Although the slaughter of sheep was bloody, some men in the town heard that someone was killing sheep here, and they came to watch the fun with two or three companions. For a while, look around.

The black-hoof sheep was much smaller than the wild boar before, so it didn't take so much effort to slaughter.

After everything was tidied up, Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yaoqing wiped the blood stains on his hands, and a man who had been watching the whole scene came up and asked him to chop a piece of lamb shoulder, and then stretched out his hand to gesture on the meat, indicating that he wanted to That's the one.

Most of the mutton shoulder is sold with the bones, and it is very good to make soup when you go back. Shen Xuanqing saw the size drawn by the other party, raised the knife and chopped it, and there was a muffled sound.

At this time, Wei Lanxiang yelled at the people outside the crowd: "It's selling mutton, mutton!"

Once the business opened, people would come to hear the news.

For the wealthy people in the town, whether they go out to brag with others after eating at home, or invite people to eat, it is full of face to have the fashionable Fuyang. Besides, the freshly slaughtered sheep are fresh enough.

Shen Yaoqing was talking nonsense while selling meat, and said loudly: "Futian must eat Fuyang. Regardless of the hot weather, mutton is also meat. If it is hot, it is steamed

. In the ninety-odd years, the airs are higher than others, and even the face is unpredictable. After listening to Shen Yaoqing's words, they all nodded in agreement.

Those words were not nonsense by Shen Yaoqing, they really came from Yuqing Fucheng, and some people in the town had heard of them, so they didn't refute him.

However, both he and Shen Xuanqing were clear in their hearts, knowing that this must be a lie made up by the mutton sellers in Fucheng. There was no saying that it was prosperous a few years ago, and it should be true that eating Fuyang is better.

Mutton is expensive to sell, at least ninety copper coins per catty, and people have to watch carefully when counting the money, so Wei Lanxiang and Shen Yan also followed today.

"Ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five, that's enough." The husband who took out the money counted and threw it into the purse, and when he had counted enough, he took a sling of meat from Lu Gu's hand.

Deboned meat has no bones, so it is naturally more expensive.

While counting the money, Lu Gu whispered in his mouth, so no one was fooled.

And both Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yaoqing are paying attention, there are so many people mixed together, there will definitely be opportunistic ones who give less money, bully women and children who are weak, Wei Lanxiang is okay, he has always been able to grasp money clearly, and he is old enough to show his face Talk loudly to people, mainly Lu Gu and Shen Yan, they have to watch closely.

I never thought that this Fu sheep sold really well. It was sold out in less than an hour after it was slaughtered. They have passed their addiction, so they didn't stay this time.

Shen Yaoqing packed up the knives, glanced at the front legs in the bamboo basket, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, the second brother has the foresight to chop off a leg for our family first.

" , I forgot to leave it for your third aunt." Wei Lanxiang was both happy and annoyed.

Shen Xuanqing, who bought one front leg, two hind legs, and sheep neck and sheep scorpion, knew him. He was the purchasing steward who had sold young deer. Their master sent him out to buy when he heard that there was a sheep to eat. If it hadn't come a little later, I'm afraid the whole sheep would have to be taken back.

Last year, when Shen Xuanqing hunted sheep, it was already past Futian. This year was the first time she sold any sheep. She was afraid that the market would be bad, so she went to the market. , I'd better go to those rich households and restaurants first, and sell the whole one to avoid slaughtering and blood staining.

"What's the matter, let's make a pot of stew, call the third uncle and three aunts over to eat together, and make two good dishes, and we will not treat the third uncle and them badly." Shen Yaoqing said.

Wei Lanxiang could only nod: "That's fine, it's more fun to eat together."

A front leg was wrapped in sheepskin and there were a few bones for the dog. After packing up the things on the cart, Shen Xuanqing bought some biscuits Come here, pad your stomach and rush home.

I went early today and came back early. Zhou Xiangjun hadn't made lunch yet. Shen Yaoqing simply chopped his front legs into big pieces and stewed them in a fresh pot. Eating mutton is easy to burn, so Wei Lanxiang and Zhou Xiangjun did it. Two bitter vegetables under fire.

He and his sister-in-law were chatting and laughing in the kitchen, cooking very neatly, so Lu Gu could only sit in front of the stove and add firewood to the fire before fighting.

Although the mutton is a bit stinky, as long as there is meat, the boy will be able to whine with greed.

Shen Xuanqing stepped into the kitchen, just as Lu Gu added some firewood to the bottom of the stove.

"The bones for dogs should be fishable. Let's cook them more, they will be more delicious when they are soft and rotten." He lifted the lid of the pot while talking, and after the white steam dissipated, he used chopsticks to fish out the four bones.

Lu Gu stood up to help him carry the bowl, only the wine and ginger pieces were poured into the pot, and there were no other ingredients.

Guaizi saw the fleshy bones being fished out outside, so he ran in anxiously and pawed at Lu Gu's trousers.

Lu Gu put the bowl on the chopping board, subconsciously said: "Don't worry, it's hot, let it dry before eating."

Shen Xuanqing smiled when he saw him talking to the boy, but said nothing, "It's too hot here Come in when you add more firewood, take a break, and go out to fan for a while."

Stewed mutton, a bowl of wild vegetables under fire, a bowl of bitter vegetables, and a bowl of crunchy mixed cucumbers, Shen Yaoqing put the two tables together, It will be more spacious if eleven people sit around.

The mutton mutton soup was very delicious, and no one talked when eating it. Shen Yuping's cheeks were puffed up while chewing the soft and rotten meat.

Ji Qiuyue also ate a few pieces. She didn't dare to eat more because she was afraid of getting angry. She picked up a refreshing cucumber and ate a few more mouthfuls. Wei Lanxiang specially made egg custard and fried spring vegetables for her. It was enough to eat and drink. I took half a bowl of broth.

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