Chapter 10:Poke-Prank Gone To Far

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Third Person POV:

Y/n was peacefully walking down a path to a near town, he needed to get to the nearby poke-center, he trained his Pokémon pretty brutally for the last 3 days. Walking on a normal dirt path he started to feel something weird on the ground. Thinking fast he jumped out of the way just as the dirt ground fell to revel a 4 ft deep hole "WHAT THE HELL!" He yelled as he heard multiple laughs coming from Pokémon as he turned to see about 5 Squirtle's. "You annoying littl- Ivysaur Razor leaf!" As they kept laughing 4 of them were hit with the razor leaf's as the one in the middle whom is assumed to be the leader jumps from surprise and shock, then he glares at the two infront of him... before they all run away "He-OI!!" Y/n yelled as he watched the Squirtle's run away with cartoon like speed "Whatever, let's go Ivysaur" he said as he returned the seed pokemon to its ball and he walked to the nearby town.


"Nidorino, Body Slam!" The Poison Pin Pokémon slammed its body ontop of the enemy trainer's Pokémon and winning the battle against Poliwhirl as the trainer returned his Poliwhirl and left with y/n doing the same not wanting the attention on him, as he walked into the building he felt a drop of water on his head as he rolled out of the way, his instinct from the previous... Prank? Was acting up as he turned to see a Squirtle using water gun on him before they quickly left "You-!" "Wait! Please don't be mad at them!" He heard a feminine voice say as he turned to see nurse joy "Hah?" He said as he placed his Nidorino pokeball infront of her.

She took it and gave it to chansey who went to the back as y/n stared down at nurse joy "I know it's a strange request but-" "so you knew they were about to prank me and did nothing?" "They have a good reason for doing suck activity's" y/n glared directly into her eyes an eyebrow raised as he put on a 'interested' face. Despite nurse joy knowing the look was fake she continued "Those Squirtle's were abandoned by their trainers, they act like that because it's the only way they express their pained feelings and how hurt they are"

Y/n rolled his eyes, he didn't care about some wild Pokémon acting out, he just wanted them to leave him alone "Yeah yeah, I skipped the part where I asked. How do I get them to leave me alone!" Nurse joy slightly shocked but knowing that it was inevitable as others have acted like this told him "I would say let them-" she stopped, she had an idea "Be nice to them, show them that it's okay to act out every now and then but that they need to know-" "I refuse this sorry excuse of a side quest" he said as chansey returned with his Pokémon as he took it and walked away "good try though" he said as he disappeared into the town.


After the whole PokeCenter Fiasco y/n has been on a winning streak, he had lost once and suddenly he found himself in a training season, beating ever trainer that he came across. He had won 4 times each with both of his Pokémon and his Pokémon were just getting started, the second best thing is that he hasn't seen the Squirtle's which was... worrying to those who knew of them. Y/n was now in the forest finding a clear spot to train his two Mon's "Hey can you two stop fighting!" Y/n said as his two Mon's stared down each other, they were clearly battling to get the official win they didn't want to be stuck in a tie of 4-4.

Before y/n could stop them from fighting they heard a loud roar "What the f- HEY! STOP!!" Y/n said running after the two Pokémon who were running to the danger. As they arrived they saw the Squirtle gang infront of a raging red Gyarados "What the hell did you idiots do?!!" Y/n yelled as the Squirtle's with a scared expression ran behind y/n "You 5-! Goddamn it, not the time! Ivysaur, Magical Leaf! Nidorino, Helping Hand!" As ivysaur attacked and Nidorino raised ivysaur's attack power greatly hurting Gyarados which enraged the Atrocious pokemon as it roared once more and fell onto the ground as the group jumped out of the way "Nidorino Double Kick! Ivysaur Poison Powder!" Nidorino's kicks had pushed it into ivysaurs poison powder and then all the Squirtle's jumped in to nite into the red gyarados.

The gyarados then shook it's body shaking the Squirtle's off as he then sent a ice beam to them as they all dodged it except two Squirtle's "Shit! Nidorino Catch!!" Before the beam could hit him y/n jumped in saving the Squirtle's. Nidorino caught the moon stone and evolved into NidoKing letting out a roar as the sound of the roar managed to crack the ice that covered y/n. Gyarados letting out it's own roar with it being louder and stronger managed to break
y/n out of his ice prison.

To cold to give a command his two Pokémon and the Squirtle's teamed up against the Atrocious Pokémon, Ivysaur Leach Seed and Razor Leafs. Nidoking Double-Edge and Mega Punch. The Squirtle's Water Guns and Bites. Gyarados eventually fell as y/n warmed up enough to stand and throw a pokeball catching the gyarados. As he shuffled to the ball he eventually fell unconscious.

-The End-

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