Chapter 42:Im No Hero

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Third Person POV:

As the trainers stood for a final battle Mewtwo teleported in three Pokémon, A venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise. "Everyone split up! Take the one your Pokémon will do the most damage!" Lance commanded as y/n took on blastoise with his venusaur and Sabrina with her Exeggutor Charizard had Ajax and Gary, and Venusaur had Ash and Assunta while everyone else took on Mewtwo. They all called for their strongest attacks onto the Pokémon's which unfortunately didnt give them the lucky break of making them faint immediately. The Pokémon shot back attacks as the Pokémon, and trainers dodged most of the attacks and attacked back "This is bad! All of you come out!" Y/n said throwing out ever Pokémon in his arsenal with Sabrina doing the same and soon everyone else following in the same action, well besides lance as y/n did make most of them faint.

"Now strongest attacks! Go!!" Sabrina used her psychic powers to echo her voice out to everyone as they all charged up their attacks and blasted it to their enemies. However they still stood "Its no use" a new voice spoke up as everyone looked at the one whom had the facial expression to match the tone of voice "These Pokémon are stronger, they hold no value for humans as I do and they WILL finish you all off!" Mewtwo said shocking everyone that a Pokémon could speak in human tongue and they can understand a Pokémon "You don't need to do this!!" Ash yelled out with his pikachu crying out its name "I'm not hearing this form a child!" Mewtwo yelled as it rose its hand and shot a shadow ball at ash with pikachu taking the full force of the attack "Fuck it, Snorlax Hyperbeam! Venusaur Solar Beam, Alakazam Shadow Ball! Arcanine Flamethrower! Nidoking, Rip the rocks from the ground and throw it! Hitmonlee go help out the others! Aerodactyl help lance!!" Y/n commanded out loudly as all his Pokémon nodded.

The combined forces of his Pokémon Power's managed to knock out venusaur shocking Mewtwo "You, your a problem!" He yelled throwing him into the wall of the league and threw a massive dark ball at y/n who raised his hands to stop the move from landing, Alakazam teleported in to try and teleport them out but it was too late as the attack landed and both of them raised their hands to stop the move.

"Y/N!!" Sabrina yelled as she ran over to the two followed by ash, and... his dad? "When the hell did you get here!?" "That doesn't matter kid! Hold that off, we'll find a way to get you two out!" He yelled out in a commanding voice y/n hadn't heard from in a long time "That takes too long!" Sabrina complained and used her psychic powers to pull y/n out before His dad stopped her "What're you doing Kai!" "That's way to reckless! You do that and that power might rip through the wall and attack innocents for god knows how long it'll last!!" "Well we have to do something!!!" Ash hurried the two older humans as he had an idea and threw out bulbasaur "R-return!" Y/n said returning some of his Pokémon, knowing they'll be useless with out him only leaving out Venusaur, Nidoking, and dodrio who was in the Possession of Kai, his father "Y/n grab my hand!" Ash yelled to which y/n yelled back "ARE YOU SERIOUS THAT DUMB!!? VENUSAUR HELP US OUT!!!" He yelled as venusaur ran over to its trainer and sent out its vines to grab him "No!" Mewtwo yelled throwing venusaur to the opposite side of the arena "Bulbasaur use vine whip to pull them out!" "Sabrina when that happens destroy the ball!" Kai said as she nodded however, Alakazam yelled out in pain "TELEPORT US SOMEWHERE! ANYWHERE!!" Y/n commanded as the ball crushed them followed by an explosion that blasted everyone away.

Soon the smoke cleared up, y/n along with his Alakazam, Were gone. To the heartbreak of Sabrina and Kai, and the anger of the elite four "EVERYONE!! Shoot your strongest attacks on Mewtwo!!" Lance yelled snapping everyone out and they stood beside him, with fear in their heart being replaced by determination "Y/n's death will be for nothing! We'll take this monster down for y/n and kanto!! FIRE!!!" He yelled out as everyone shot out their strongest attacks on all of their Pokémon with all of it, hitting Mewtwo.

-The End-

Ayyyyyyy we're dead~

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