Chapter 24:Volcano Gym

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Third Person POV:

"Why'd this place have to be so hot" "it's a volcano, of course it's gonna be hot" Sabrina said as y/n had the urge to punch her, although they stopped at a steel door using their psychic abilities to open the door The lights soon come on and the stranger is revealed to be on the other side of the battlefield "I guess you solved my riddles" he said as y/n stepped up to the field while Sabrina stayed out of the arena just watching "It's not a hat, but it keeps your head dry. If you wear it, it's only because you already lost it" he said as y/n gained a tic on his head "another dumb riddle?" He voiced his annoyance as he began to think 'only WEAR it because your already LOST it... and it's not a HAT' he snapped his fingers "It's a wig!" The man smirked "Wig is correct!" He removes his wig and mustache to reveal an older man "You get it? I wear a wig because I'm really Blaine, the gym master! Now, which of you two wants to battle me three on three?"

"IM your only challenger Blaine!" Y/n said grabbing his pokeball "Fine! I've already selected by first Pokémon! Ninetales, go!" Ninetales materializes from the pokeball as y/n through out his Gyarados "A water type, how predictable. Go, Ninetales, Fire Spin, now!" "Gyarados Hydro Pump!" Both elemental moves clashed, due to gyarados being stronger in attacks and being a rare breed (a pseudo dragon type) it overcame the fire type engulfing it in water. "Now earthquake" using the confusion from the hydro pump it quickly managed to successfully land the earthquake "Now Crunch!" It dove into ninetails biting down on it with great strength eventually knocking it out.

Blaine smirked "Choosing a Pokémon is more than selecting the right type. It takes wisdom to win a gym battle" "giving yourself wisdom old man?" "Perhaps in reminding myself, Magmar go!" He said throwing out the spitfire pokemon as the battle started once more "FIRE BLAST!" He said as gyarados was going to tank the attack until it landed blasting gyarados into the wall "WHAT THE HELL?!" He said as Sabrina looked completely shocked of the fire Pokémon's power hearing Blaine's laugh "Now HyperBeam!" The beam landed knocking out gyarados to the shock of y/n "Tsk Return! Go Nidoking!" He said materializing Nidoking as it stared down Magmar "Magmar go in for a mega kick!" "Stop him with an earthquake!" Magmar was successful stopped and fell onto the ground "Now Thunderbolt!" Magmar rolled out of the way and managed to landed the kick onto Nidoking "Fire Punch!" With Nidoking falling into the ground it had no way of defending itself the punch landed although before Magmar jumped away Nidoking wrapped its tail around its legs stoping it from escaping.

"Magmar fire blast!" He said however it completely missed "what the hell?" Y/n said confused at how it could've possibly missed but quickly got back into the fight
"Sludge bomb!" The poison move landed as a Thunderbolt followed the move making it fully get up  from the ground "Earthquake" he said as Nidoking stomped onto Magmar forcing it to take the full force of the earthquake knocking it out. "Magmar return, let's go Rapidash!" A Fire Horse appearing "Earthquake" he said with the move landing once more however it looked to tired to do the move once more "Rapidash FireSpin!" The attack landed with Nidoking not making any attempt to dodge it taking the full force yet still standing "Sludge Bomb!" He said "Skull Bash!" He commanded as Rapidash ran into the sludge bomb and bashed into Nidoking knocking it out.

"Return, hitmonlee your up!" Throwing in the kicking Pokémon who materialized in a meditation pose snapping its eyes open and jumping into a fighting pose "Fire Blast!" "Bulk up!" Hitmonlee with increased defense and attack took the fire blast and rushed to the horse "Brick Break" "Skull Bash!" They called with both rushing to each other with Rapidash tucking its head in and hitmonlee sliding underneath it dodging the bash as it smashed its fist into rapidash's face sending it flying into the air "Follow it up with rock tomb!" Rocks appearing and throwing it to Rapidash, specifically behind it making it rush down to hitmonlee "Hi jump kick" he said as the Horse fell directly onto the Pokémon "Stomp!" Blaine said Rapidash raising its hoof's as both Mon's slammed their feet into each other a clash between feet ensuing "Brick Break!" "Fire Blast!" They said however the fist was faster than building up fire to blast it as the fist made the unicorn slide on the ground to Blaine "Bulk Up then rock tomb!" Increasing its defense and attack once again it shot out multiple large rocks Rapidash taking the heat as smoke cleared up showing it still standing "Come on, bulk up again" "Rapidash fire spin!" Hitmonlee managed to take the attack as he appeared infront of the damaged horse "Hi jump kick" he said hitmonlee kicking it into the wall officially wining the battle "Return Rapidash/Hitmonlee" they said as they then Approached each other.

"As proof of your victory i award you with the volcano badge" y/n took the badge "don't tell anyone about this place kid" Blaine said as y/n shrugged and approached Sabrina as they teleported out of the island.

-The end-

I don't know why but this was the most annoying one to make

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