Chapter 25:Prehistoric Catch

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Third Person POV:

In grandpa canyon y/n and Sabrina had teleported into the area as they looked around "Why're we in this place y/n?" "Isn't it obvious? IM here to catch a certain Pokémon, I don't know why YOUR here" he said snark clear in his tone as Sabrina glacéd at him in a 'done with their bullshit' look "I came here due to YOU teleporting us here, i don't know why your not tired" "because I used YOUR aura instead" he said as Sabrina's eyes glowed in frustration as she threw him into a nearby Boulder with him surprisingly getting up with just a few scratches and small open wounds "well I think my skills have expired for you, Au Revoir little brat" she said teleporting away as she stared at y/n's eyes glaring daggers into her soul leaving with an amused grin covering her face.

"Fuckin bitch, doesn't she know child abuse is illegal?" He said swiping the dirt off his clothes and using his psychic abilities to heal his injury's he turned to his right to see ash and the two gym leaders "Just my luck, ash has a unique power to attract danger to him" he said following him closely but not close enough for him to notice his presence. He watched them run into Gary and watch them have their little verbal fiasco which nearly put him to sleep from Boredom.. Nearly. He watched everyone digging up fossil's and giggled after hearing Gary had dug up a fossilized manure, he then heard two people called team rocket wanting to blow up the canyon which would've made things a hell of a lot easier for him. But for some reason ash has a hero complex and went in to 'Save the day~' "Fuckin idiot" he grumbled watching him and a familiar lookin Squirtle try to stop the bomb, and watching the two rocket idiots chase after them "What is this a damn cartoon?" A loud explosion followed.

He said teleporting into the cave as he saw ash and team rocket fighting "What difference does it make WHO got us down here?! All that matter's is getting out of here in one piece. Look up there." "AHH!! The roof of the cave is blocked!" Ash yelled 'not for me, I'm a psychic but could this be my lucky break?' Y/n said as he saw red glowing eyes glaring at ash and team rocket. Ash's loud Pokédex told him everything he needed to know "Kabutops? That one seems very useful" he said looking back gaining a 'Wtf' face watching the ancient Pokémon chase after the other humans and their Pokémon "this has to be a tv show" he said watching pikachu's electric be unaffected and a charmeleon sleeping. Suddenly the ancient Pokémon's stopped and looked around as if they were sacred, they then ran away "What's that all about- what the!" He yelled seeing a flying Pokémon knock the charmeleon off its ass and fly ontop of a cliff "AERROO!" Y/n took out his Pokédex "Aerodactyl, an extinct flying Pokémon. It's hard fangs suggest that it was a carnivore" "oh fuck a carnivore! This'll be tricky"

He watched it chase after the others, he heard Brock and Misty's voice call out for ash as he pleaded for them to get them out of the cave. The Aerodactyl grabbed onto ash, it's pikachu and charmeleon latching onto it "Your not escaping me pal" he teleported outside into a cliff not TOO far from the cave. The Aerodactyl blasted into the air, a Charizard came out of nowhere and flew to Aerodactyl. Soon a sleepy song was played "is, that a jigglypuff?" He said watching the Aerodactyl slowly fall asleep "Alakazam! Psychic!!" He yelled teleporting in after the song ended and brought the Pokémon down to his side watching ash and Charizard fall beside him and Aerodactyl floating in front of him.

He brought a pokeball out a tapped it onto its head successfully catching it, he then heard a grumbled and looked to his side to see ash he walked over to him "ugh, w-whose there?" "Hey ashy boy. I think you need a well deserved rest, thanks for doing all the hard work" he said giving him a fake smile as he raised his feet and smashed it onto his face "ooh, that's gonna hurt in the morning, not like I care. Alakazam use you psychic abilities to make EVERYONE forget what happened here" his Pokémon nodded and loyal-y did so, after about 5 minutes his Pokémon came back "good, now help me make Aerodactyl believe it's loyal to me" he said both lifting the fossil Pokémon and rearranging its memories, fabricating a false sad backstory and making y/n and Alakazam the hero's of its life. He then returned both of them to their respective ball's and teleported to viridian's Pokémon center a smirk evident in his face.

-The End-

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