Chapter 40:Team Rocket

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Third Person POV:

Panic ensued as multiple beams but the stadium and some people "Run for you life!!" A scared man yelled after getting hit with a hyper beam, people running out of the stadium but being blocked in by the tough and tanky pokemon of team rocket. "Mommy? What's happening" a little girl asked as her mother held her close kicking the grunt away from grabbing her or her daughter "Agh-! You annoying bit-!" before he could finish a dodrio sent its pecks into it making the woman and girl scream as the watched the triplet bird throw the man away its peck slightly covered in blood as they looked at the mom and daughter "Nice work dodrio!" A deep male voice said reveling a man with a brown trench coat and black undershirt, a necklace holding a light blue jewel "Come with me miss, I'll help you escape!" He ushered as the woman nodded thanking the man. She and her daughter got onto dodrio as it flew away, outside the stadium. The man looked towards the main battlefield seeing Giovanni on a floating machine with a armored Pokémon on his side as the elite 4 and y/n were trapped inside a forcefield with them "Be careful kid, SEBASTIAN LETS KEEP GOING!"

Meanwhile in the forcefield Giovanni and the mysterious Pokémon were battling. Giovanni using his strongest ground types and the armored Pokémon, as the elite 4 used their own strongest Pokémon, with y/n throwing out Alakazam and venusaur "Ash! Sabrina! You two going to help?!" Y/n yelled at the two as he called for a shadow ball, snapping the two out of their shock. Sabrina threw out Alakazam and Mr. Mime, ash threw pikachu into the battle along with Charizard. "Come on people, no need for theatrics. stand down and hand over your Pokémon" Giovanni said stretching out an arm "Like we'd ever do that! Pikachu Thunderbolt!" "Alakazam Psychic" "Venusaur Poison Powder" they yelled shooting at the enemy with the armored Pokémon creating a barrier to block the attacks "What?" "A psychic type?" Sabrina and Y/n said as the elite 4 stood in front of them "Don't fight, this battle is ours!" Bruno said protecting the young children as he threw out machamp "Know your place kids" "It's too dangerous, find a way out" Lorelei asked them kindly as Agatha just degraded them "We're wasting time" lance said as the elite four threw out their strongest Pokémon "Gym leader of saffron, I understand your a psychic? Find out how to break this barrier" Lance commanded as she went towards the pink bubble barrier followed by y/n, ash stayed with the elite 4 knowing he'd be useless with the two psychic's.

"Damn! This barrier is way to strong!" "Keep focusing" "I'm Doing That!" The cousin's argue slightly, however it was no use. The barrier and the psychic was Too powerful, not to mention y/n isn't the best psychic out there "It's no use" "Well, your the natural born psychic. Any idea?" Y/n asked as Sabrina looked around, eventually looking at the armored Pokémon "That one, it's a psychic type" she said as the two jogged towards the elite 4 "Venusaur, Solar beam! Alakazam Shadow Ball!" "Alakazam, Psychic" they yelled out attacks the psychic and solar beam blasting away Giovanni's pokemon and the shadow ball was sent to the armored Pokémon "What are you doing here?" "The barrier is way to strong for us. The best chance to destroy that barrier is to knock out that armored Pokémon" y/n answered Lorelei making then look towards the mysterious Pokémon whom just smacked away the shadow ball "Very well, Lorelei Bruno ash and Sabrina will focus on the ground type Pokémon, everyone else focus on that Pokémon!"

Lance commanded as everyone nodded y/n standing next to Agatha and lance with Agatha using her gengar, golbat and lance using dragonite. "What a honor, I'll thrive in beating all of you" Giovanni gloated as he sent an arm out indicating for the Pokémon to use a move, the Pokémon brought its hands together then slightly pulled them apart making a shadow ball appear, a big one. "Dragonite, HyperBeam!" "Gengar, Shadow Punch!" "Alakazam, shadow ball! Venusaur Leech seed!!" They all commanded their power effectively destroying the ball and landing the leech seed "Now, Hypnosis!" Agatha yelled putting the Pokémon to sleep "Oh no you don't" Giovanni said pressing a button shocking the Pokémon awake. "Dragonite, IceBeam!"

The beam landed but Giovanni smirked as mewtwo was enveloped in a green aura the damage being erased "Great, it knows recover" y/n said As mewtwo slashed into the air sending a pink like slash at him making him dodge.

-The End-

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