Chapter 29:All Fired Up

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Third Person POV:

Y/n was currently at the indigo league, he had spent two long months training his Pokémon to the point where they couldn't feel their bones, and his eevee who evolved. He was currently in the Pokémon league village, sitting outside and drinking some (Beverage) and watching the interaction between ash and Gary, their fights were stupid but entertaining due to how stupid they were. After they were done and he finished his drink he went around to see if anyone were training with their Pokémon, to get ahead of the competition. Unfortunately he couldn't use Alakazam to read people's minds, there were so many people around others it was impossible. Luckily he did manage to snag a few people and their Pokémon, the rest of the day was completely uneventful so he just went to bed.


The next day the stands were filled to the brim with excited people ready to see some trainers beat the crap out of others "Pokémon League competition are officially underway! This is where the top Pokémon trainers and their Pokémon come to prove their strength, their skill, and their spirit! These hopeful competitors will battle one another as they strive only for excellence and victory! The victory they will need to enter the ranks of the Pokémon master! And here they come!" Soon, all the trainers come out before the audience "The competitors are proudly entering the stadium, each having proven their worthiness by winning a minimum of eight gym badges!"
Y/n covers his ears, the loud and obnoxious voice of the announcers voice really pissed him off, why couldn't it be someone who made it short sweet and quite? Soon, all the trainers are standing before the torch where the Moltres flame will burn.

"And now, the trainer bearing the flame of Moltres has entered for the official lighting of the central torch which will burn throughout the Pokémon League competition." Y/n look and see the central torch. Then, as the trainer with the torch reaches the top, two characters wearing Greek costumes appear "This is a surprise, it looks like two robed figures representing the League are about to accept the flame." The announcer said with surprise, y/n caught the tone in his voice his instincts acted up 'something bad's gonna happen' he said as it's revealed that the figures are Team Rocket "Shocker" he said and watched ash race up the stairs "that idiot is going to get himself killed with his stupid hero complex!" He said watching a robot then takes the central torch and puts it on its back "Ladies and gentlemen, the central torch has just been stolen by a giant, mechanical monster!" The robot leaps down to the battlefield below, causing the participants in the league to panic and run except for y/n.

He watched Ash's Pikachu use Thunderbolt however The attack lands, but it had no effect The duo evade the robot while Team Rocket laughs at Pikachu's failed attempt "Bulbasaur, Razor Leaf attack!" Bulbasaur materializes from its ball and launches its attack, but Team Rocket's robot burns the leaves with the central torch "ash is a once in a life time dumbass" y/n said throwing out Alakazam and using its powers to place the cup back to its original spot, just as that happens the flame in the cup soon fires into the sky as it form a Pokémon, the legendary Moltres. "Talk about a lucky break" he said seeing Moltres divebombs toward Team Rocket. Team Rocket panics as Moltres races toward the robot and destroys it, sending Team Rocket blasting off.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the opening ceremonies will now continue. Here is President Goodshow to greet our competitors." He said as everyone came back to their original places after they calmed down, a white bearded man grabbed the microphone "Welcome, one and all. This stadium is a very special place, a place where those who truly love Pokémon come to compete. Here, the glow from the flame of Moltres burns bright to light up their hearts and their spirits. Battle valiantly, and keep that fire alive, in your hearts and in your spirits!" Everyone starts cheering. "Nothing to do now... but win"

-The End-

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