Chapter 12:Boat Battle

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Third Person POV:

After winning the vermilion gym
y/n was seen outside the city seeing a big boat, usually he'd blow off everything but this one was REAL big plus he did hear some people whispering "St. Anne tickets runs out in like two days" 'St. Anne? That's a Rich people boat... if I can get on the ship, I could battle strong trainers! But how do I get on?' He said as he looked towards the water... he has a gyarados. So deciding to commit a Small crime he went to the rails and threw out his gyarados "hey bud, how do you feel about committing some destruction?" Gyarados being offered some free destruction listened in "you see that building? Use ice beam on it then a concentrated beam to destroy a chunk of the building" he said as gyarados nodded and y/n ran to the stairs of the ship walking up and meeting the ticket guy.

"Hello! May I see-" before he could finish y/n's plan started with gyarados shooting a beam onto the building then a concentrated one destroying it distracting EVERYONE long enough for y/n to sneak past the man and return gyarados before anyone could notice "Mom! I-I saw a big fish!" Y/n froze turning to face the person who said that before calming down, he had turned to see that it was a kid as he smirked and walked away into the building before anyone checked him. Inside the main dinning hall y/n smirked "Oi! Who here wants to fight me in a Pokémon battle!" 


It's been two days since y/n by entered the St. Anne and he has been on a roll. He's won ever battle, his ivysaur gaining experience left right and center. Now he was up against a Slowbro, his ivysaur using a combination of Sweet Scent and Razor Leaf to win the battle as applause Ensued and y/n returned his ivysaur and disappeared into the crowd walking to another battle and seeing a rich Gentleman fighting against.. Ash? "What the hell?" He said, he didn't think ash of all people would be able to afford tickets onto the ship, and he knows ash couldn't have done something as... criminally charged as him, he hadn't heard of any 'activitys' besides his.

The gentleman picked up his raticate and left calling it a draw as soon as ash was about to win "That guy was weak anyway" he said stepping up shocking ash and his friends and making everyone else whisper his name "How about we fight ash?" He said throwing out a Nidoking, as ash heard the whispers about y/n he grew excited... to win 'y/n? Isn't he the kid who hasn't lost?' 'Yeah that kids the real deal!' "Alright, I'll put you down! Butter free Stun Spore!" "NidoKing HyperBeam" butter free dodged the beam at the expense of not doing the stun spore "Mega Punch!" Jumping into the air and punching the butterfly into the ground causing a small quake, y/n smirked "Now show them your new move, ThunderBolt!"

(Nidoking can learn Thunderbolt at level 26 from Tm's but since the anime doesn't have Tm's we're just gonna say they can learn Tm moves as they can Xp or learn it, Kay? K)

The electric move landed shocking Butterfree, literally. And shocking everyone watching, figuratively. "What! How does Nidoking know that!?" People said as Brock held his serious face "y/n is a really good trainer. I knew he was good, but he's like a natural" "Huh? What do you mean Brock?" Misty said clearly confused "Every Pokémon can use moves that they normally aren't able to use, but they'd have to see it or be taught it, the training is known to be extremely difficult. And the fact that y/n was able to teach Nidoking that means that he's extremely talented and smart" Brock praised y/n watching Nidoking let out a roar of victory as the applause once again ensued with y/n returning the drill Pokémon back to its ball "You ash, were the easiest and fasted 'trainer' I've faced yet" he said walking away "Wait!" Y/n stopped and turned and to face ash a bored look on his face

"Another battle! Come on!" Ash said desperate for a battle as y/n rolled his eyes "Are you that desperate for another loss?" "Who says I'll lose?!" He said not backing down, y/n smart enough to know ash won't leave him alone just sighed "Fine, ivysaur your up!" He said the seed pokemon revealing itself as ash widened his eyes then smiled excited to battle again "Alright! Charmander go!" "Finally learned your type advantages ash?" Y/n teased as Charmander appeared and the battle begun "Ivysaur Sweet Scent" "Charmander Leer!" Ivysaur's defense fell as charmander's evasiveness also feel, a fair trade if you ask me "Poison Powder" y/n called for a poison cloud, Charmander dodged the cloud of poison right into ivysaur's vine slapping it into the poison cloud forcing it to inhale the poison "Now your on a time limit ash" he said as ash fell into y/n's trap "Oh really? Flamethrower!" "Too easy" y/n said Ivysaur jumping into the air and wrapping its vines around Charmander slamming it into the ground repeatedly (think hulk & Loki) "Now giga drain" as Charmander was on the ground it's energy and health was drained

"Well ash? Do you give up?" "No way! Charmander skull bash!" He said but Charmander wasn't able to move confusing ash and y/n returned his Pokémon "Y'know the worst type of trainer ash?" Y/n said walking into ash's face "Your the embodiment of a horrible trainer. Your stupid. Easily affected by taunts. And you don't know when to take a loss nor notice that you already lost. Go home ash, once you've learned how to gain more braincell's then become a trainer kid, later" he said walking away, he needed to heal his Pokémon.


Y/n was in his room, he was a bit tired until he heard a loud commotion. Thinking it was some battle he walked out to see it was actually everyone fighting off... people with an R on their shirts and pokeball sucking machines, thinking quickly he threw out his gyarados and ordered a ice beam freezing the clearly bad men as a gang of pikachu's used Thunderbolt on them making em' blast away "Y/n?!" "The hells going in here?!" "Those guys are Team Rocket members! Their bad people who steal pokemON-!!" Before he could finish the sentence the ship was swerved right making everyone fall "Damn! We need to leave!!" Y/n said running away with his gyarados. Reaching the outside his gyarados jumped into the water as y/n followed getting onto its back "Gyarados find us the nearest port" y/n said as gyarados swam away leaving everyone else on the boat.

As y/n made it onto the port he returned gyarados and headed to the Pokémon Center to check in on his Pokémon. After around a 10 minute check up it was clear that his Mon's were perfectly healthy. He went back to the port in order to see if anyone made it out of morbid curiosity he saw a massive group of people including the caption and officer Jenny but he didn't see ash "...did ash drown?"

-The End-

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