Chapter 31:Frozen Grass

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Third Person POV:

"Trainer Noami looses the battle against Y/n's Nidoking!" Look at that, y/n won another battle, he recalled his hitmonlee and Noami returned her Kangaskhan, y/n left the battle field and teleported into an empty seat watching ash's battle both trainers having only one Pokémon left to fight with. Ash's opponent brought out a Nidorino and ash brought out his Squirtle "The young trainer from Pallet chooses Squirtle! Ketchum must be hoping that Nidorino's mighty horn is no match for Squirtle's super hard shell." Y/n watched on with a blank face, The Nidorino charges in. "Nidorino's leading off with a Tackle attack!"
"Alright, Squirtle, Withdrawal and roll!" Squirtle ducks into its shell as Nidorino strikes the rock it was standing on. Nidorino chases after Squirtle as it rolls away "ah, ash really did grow some Brian cell's" he said watching as Nidorino gets closer as Squirtle rolls up on a ramp-like rock and goes airborne, causing Nidorino to stop. Ash then called for a water gun which caused Squirtle to pop out of its shell and nails Nidorino with a powerful Water Gun, sending it crashing into a rock. He quickly followed it up with a skull bash knocking it out.

"Squirtle's Skull Bash was right on target, and Nidorino is shaken!" "Nidorino is out of the competition! The battle and the match go to the green trainer, Ash Ketchum!" "Yeah!" All of Ash's friends and his newly acquired fans celebrate while y/n watches on "And a very happy Ash Ketchum will now move on to the third round of this Pokémon League competition!" Y/n teleported into the reception area "He better enjoy all his celebrating now, I wanna be the one to knock him out" he pressed the red button.

"The ice field will be your final battleground, win this and you'll officially be in the Indigo league" she said as y/n nodded he turned to see his opponent "Hey, that idiot?" "Hmm are you familiar with him?" "Yeah, I didn't think he'd be competing" y/n said looking at his final victim "see ya in the battlefield Ajax"


The next day y/n and Ajax were on the ice field "Hey, I didn't think you'd drag your sorry existence up here with the best of the best" y/n taunted with Ajax clenching his teeth "it's about time someone takes you down a peg, so we prepared to lose" "how interesting" y/n said as Ajax sent out his Sandslash and y/n threw out venusaur "I'll be sure to sink that fantasy straight to Hell, along with your sad excuse of a gym" (anyone get that reference?)

"Would you look at that! Y/n reveal's a different Pokémon!" The announcer said as the crowd got excited, The battle then begun "Sand Tomb!" "Solar Beam" venusaur charged up the beam as the vicious sandstorm attacked it "Follow it up with a fissure!" As Sandslash landed the earthquake so did venusaur's solar beam "Now Poison Powder!" "DIG!" Sandslash dodged the powder as venusaur regained its energy and jumped out the way "Giga drain!" Draining Sandslash's health it rushed in with a skull bash "Now Magical Leaf!" "Fissure again!" Both attacks landed, with Sandslash fainting and venusaur falling to a knee "Sandslash is unable to battle, venusaur wins!"

Ajax returned Sandslash and threw out Golem "aren't you desperate? Poison powder" "Idiot! Poison is useless on golem! Use Rollout!" Golem rushed at venusaur and attacked it "I know that, SOLAR BEAM!!" With golem going in for another attack it got blasted into the ice. Venusaur roared glowing green as everyone went crazy "WHAT A SHOW!! Y/n's venusaur ability Overgrow has activated!!!" The Announcer yelled out as the crowd yelled in excitement "Why can't you just lose! Golem Rock Slide!" He yelled as venusaur dodged the rocks "Magical Leaf!" "Rollout!" Golem rolled to venusaur as I dodged the leaf which quickly turned back to golem, it stopped and allowed its self to get hit as it pushed it onto venusaur and grabbed onto it "EXPLOSION!" "Are you kidding me?!" He said as golem knocked both of them out. They returned their Pokémon and threw out their next Pokémon, Ajax having Onix y/n threw out Nidoking "There it is! Y/n's unstoppable Nidoking!!" Ajax went first calling for a rock polish and y/n attacked first "Hyper beam on the ground" he said as the ice near Onix was blasted open and water fell on Onix, Ajax getting cocky smirked "You missed!" "This is why you'll never be a gym leader. Your too stupid and have 0 creativity. Thunderbolt!"

The attack landed and it caused Onix to scream in pain as Ajax gasped "Now sludge bomb!" Nidoking ran up to Onix and used sludge bomb on Onix which didn't do much "Onix Body Slam!" Onix fell ontop of Nidoking and wrapped around it then slammed it onto the ground "Onix Rock Tomb!" "Use hyper beam to dodge!" As the rocks came from Onix Nidoking used hyper beam to blast into the air dodging the rocks, then it turned its back to Onix still using the hyper beam to shoot itself onto Onix effectively using its OWN body slam "Now use mega punch on the ice!" As Onix fell on the ground and cracked the ice Nidoking repeatedly smashed its fist on the ice eventually breaking it and jumping off Onix which also managed to kick it into the water below "ONIX!!" "Thunderbolt" blasting the thunder into the water it shocked Onix and broke off all the ice which followed a massive roar from the rock snake. Y/n returned his Nidoking as he watched Onix rise up with swirled eyes "Your in luck Ajax, I didn't drag your dreams to hell... I drowned them"

-The End-

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