Chapter 19:Not Digging

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Third Person POV:

Y/n was in the mountains crossing it to arrive at fuchsia city, but right now he accidentally stumbled upon a meeting of... well something. He doesn't know what but a man with a construction outfit shoved him in with the large group of trainers forcing him to stay in close proximity with people who were really making him uncomfortable, he hated people already and to be surrounded by a large amount really got under his skin "We greatly appreciate all of you talented Pokémon trainers, interrupting your training to come here and help us get rid of the diglett." The same man announced through a megaphone, y/n looked around to see a escape only to find... ash "You with the pikachu on your head! Listen with your ears not with your mouth!" The man said making ash jump slightly, he looked as if he was grumbling something but y/n didn't care much about ash to intruded on his wallowing.

The man then rolled down a large white banner with a diglett in the front Pointing at it "Pokemon trainers, here you see diglett, the greatest parasitic bug Pokémon of the century!" He said as a guy with a blue shirt and necklace raised his hand "Just a minute. Technically diglett is not a big Pokémon. As a matter of fact, the term mole pokemon would be more appropriate" 'does this guy not get metaphors?... wait, that's the same guy I had my first ever battle with... what a day of coincidences' y/n said ignoring the kids ramblings about diglett "They may seem to be weak, but together they can destroy" he said realesing a loud gasp as everyone turned to see a hoard of diglett "ITS THE DIGLETT! ITS THE DIGLETT!!" He yelled horror plastered on his face.

The diglett then flipped over and destroyed a large bus as the same guy announced "I'll take care of this!" As a group of girls began to chant out a random tune they came up with in the current situation they were in "Now everyone will be able to see the top Pokémon trainer in action!" He said kissing his pokeball "What a show off" y/n said as he shook his head "wait... I could've just fuckin teleported outta here this whole time! The hells going on with me!" He said as he closed his eyes and soon disappeared and reappeared, opening his eyes to see a rather normal sized town with the sign "Fuchsia City... finally"

-The end-

A quick one for y'all.

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