Chapter 38:Agatha vs Y/n

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Third Person POV:

"Come on, come on!!" Y/n yelled in frustration. He couldn't find ANYTHING on Agatha, sure he knows that she's a ghost Type specialist but that's all and that won't be enough to beat her, he needs MORE info but it's like any history books from her time were wiped away and there was no tapes about her. "There has to be someone who knows at least a shred of her history, but who the hell would be as old as her?!" A knock was then rung into his ears as he turned to face the door and psychically unlock it allowing ash to walk in "Hey! I found someone who knows something about Agatha!" Ash said a dumb smile on his face as y/n blinked. The idiot from pallet town, Ash Ketchum ACTUALLY found a lead before him? This was definitely a shot at his intellectual pride, but nonetheless he looked to the door to see.. "Professor Oak?" "Hello
y/n" he greeted as y/n stared at oak, crossing his hands and tapping his foot clearly impatient. Oak seemingly catching the gesture got straight to the point.
"Agatha and I were old rival's and in our youth, we battled non stop. And there are no tapes of her due to her not being one for the spotlight" "Yeah, I figured that when I couldn't find any tapes! Speed this up old man I have two days to train!" Oak sighed ever so slightly irritated at the boy's impatience "In short, you've forced her into new territory. So she will most likely try to finish your battle quickly" "So do I just have to beat her faster?" "Something like that" he said taking out a pokeball "But I can help you formulate a much more effective strategy"


The stadium is packed, even more so then usual. It has been a long time since Agatha has had to battle, especially out in public. So people have come out to witness this rare moment. Y/n now walks up onto the battleground and is now facing the old woman, Agatha in a callous manner says "This battle better be worth my time" she turns to walk towards her spot with y/n doing the same, very relieved that Agatha isn't as talkative as the other two elite 4 members he had faced. Meanwhile in a box at the upper deck of the stadium, Lorelei and Bruno are watching the battle "So, where's your money going?" "Hard to say, y/n beat us using 3 Pokémon and with efficiency. But Agatha has years of battling experience. Not just that but both have a similar fighting style" "well then let's bet separately, I'm saying y/n will win" "Huh? I was sure you'd take Agatha Bruno" "I doesn't really matter as of now, let's simply watch the battle now"

Agatha threw out a venusaur, just as oak predicted y/n sent out his Arcanine with the battle starting. Agatha tries to play the long game, sending out toxic and leech seed to Arcanine. But it simply uses extreme speed to dodge and attack with y/n taking a quick win after using a combination of extreme speed and fire spin, shocking Agatha "Hmm, perhaps I've judged this boy to quickly" she says looking over to the stadium to spot Professor Oak "Ah, now that makes sense. He's one of oaks" she said a smile now carving her old wrinkly face as she threw out Arbok. Y/n feeling slightly overconfident keeps Arcanine in, this battle is now evened out in speed however Arcanine has only ever battled a handful amount whilst arbok has years of experience giving the cobra a clear advantage taking down Arcanine after 5 minutes of battling with a combination of screech and Sludge bomb after taking a flamethrower bringing the battle down to 5 Pokémon left.

Y/n sent in his Alakazam with the battle quickly starting. Arbok still had the speed, but Alakazam had Technique not as much as Arbok but enough to allow Alakazam to play base. Using shadow ball to make a smokescreen around the battlefield Alakazam teleported all around Arbok using shadow to flood Arbok, however after it used screech Alakazam flinched and bit down onto Alakazam after wrapping around it. Slowly sucking its health away Alakazam used psychic on itself to slam both of them onto the ground repeatedly until Arbok fainted and leaving Alakazam with half health leaving Agatha unfazed and abit excited seeing that the boy was cunning enough to sacrifice his pokemon's health to defeat Arbok, an equivalent exchange if you ask her. Returning Arbok Agatha sent in her Golbat starting off with a supersonic confusing Alakazam as it then attacked it with a poison fang and and air cutter, poisoning Alakazam in the process. After another air cutter he snapped out of the confusion and sent a psywave towards golbat who dodged and went in for yet another poison fang, Alakazam countered with a ice punch and sent a shadow ball towards it, however golbat tanked the shadow ball and sent air cutters towards Alakazam knocking it out.

Y/n sweat dropped, he knew this was going to be hard but he couldn't but feel uneasy. This was the fastest someone's made his Pokémon faint "What's the matter boy? Cold feet?" Agatha taunted as y/n slapped both his cheeks to regain focus sending in a Pokémon he's trained thoroughly for the last weeks "Go, Umbreon!" Throwing out his evolved eevee now an Umbreon, an uncommon Pokémon in the kanto region so it was rather unknown and hopefully it gives him a slight edge in this race "Umbreon Psychic!" He yelled as golbat was sent onto the ground and Umbreon jumped infront of it with Agatha calling for a poison fang, however it dodged "Faint Attack" then bit golbat sending it rolling back then adding a shadow ball to the damage knocking it out. Agatha threw out her Muk, seeing this y/n returned Umbreon "What? Why is he returning it?" "It's smart" "What do you mean Professor?" "Ash you have a muk, you should know" Oak said not explaining any further as y/n threw out gyarados the battle quickly starting with muk throwing out sludge bombs to which gyarados attacks the sludge with ice beam freezing it as gyarados slams its tail onto them sending small ice cubes to muk who absorbs the attacks except for its eyes to which it leaves them defenseless with gyarados advancing on the defenseless sludge Pokémon "Quick, Earthquake!" Slamming ontop of muk causing great damage.

Muk whilst being slammed used toxic effectively poisoning gyarados then using shadow punch pushing gyarados back "Good, Now body slam!" Agatha yelled pointing her brown cane at the pseudo dragon pokemon as muk slammed into gyarados "Waterfall!" Muk quickly jumped off gyarados and threw sludge bombs at it before it could attack, then once they hit the ground Agatha commanded another shadow punch winning the battle against gyarados "Damn! Return, Umbreon your back In Bud!" Throwing in Moonlight Pokémon he immediately called for a shadow ball to which muk jumped out of the way with y/n telling Umbreon to use psychic to throw it back to the shadow ball making it land. "Now, double edge!" Sprinting into muk Umbreon slammed both of them into the ground and used a point blank shadow ball causing a small explosion as it was blasted into the air but then flipped onto its feet back to y/n. The smoke cleared up reveling a still standing muk "Tch- Double Edge once more!" He yelled as Agatha called for a sludge bomb with Umbreon running threw it and tackling into muk's eye knocking it out "Smart, your quite smart for your age boy. However you'll now have to face my strongest Pokémon" she said with an excited grin as she threw out a gengar.

"This match is the most fun I've had in ages kid, let's see if you can keep it up! Psychic!" She yelled out as Umbreon was slammed onto the ground as Gengar retreated into the shadows  and appeared behind Umbreon and used shadow punch on him sending it into the air as he sent sludge bombs to the defenseless, Umbreon all landed. As Umbreon fell onto the ground gengar once again went into the shadows and Umbreon struggled to get up standing its ground and looking around for any signs of the shadow pokemon. Gengar jumped out behind it to which Umbreon quickly donkey kicking it, stunning it for a few seconds landing a faint attack before Gengar licked him, causing paralysis as gengar punched Umbreon into the air then used psychic to slam it onto the ground effectively making Umbreon faint. "Return! Venusaur go!" "Ah, i see you have a good eye for Pokémon as well kid" Agatha said looking at his venusaur feeling glad that a bulbasaur was taken in by a powerful trainer. "allow me to thank you, poison powder!" "I'm fine thank you very much! Psychic!"

She said with venusaur being lifted into the air then thrown into the ground as venusaur attached a sneaky leech seed at gengar which stunned it enough for the poison powder to be inhaled by the Pokémon. "Magical Leaf!" He yelled a leaf being sent at gengar who ran into the shadows with the leaf following it blasting it into the air "use solar beam to boost yourself into the sky!" He yelled as venusaur turned around and shot the beam down Propelling it into the sky and slamming its body onto gengar then down into the ground causing a smoke screen. The smoke cleared as Agatha called for a shadow punch showing a still fighting gengar and venusaur but both breathing heavily. "Venusaur Magical leaf" "Gengar, psychic!" Both attacks landed as they were now on the ground with venusaur getting up first and charging up a solar beam "Quick Shadow Punch!" "Hit It!!" He yelled as venusaur got infront of gengar as both moves collided sending both of them flying into the opposite sides of the walls of the stadium knocking them out. However y/n still has one Pokémon making him the victor.

-The End-

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