Chapter 36:Lorelei vs Y/n

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Third Person POV:

The indigo league hasn't been this crowded in over a decade, loudest it's ever been, the audience members were practically killing each other to get in a seat wanting to watch this new kid, Y/n against the Elite 4 of kanto. No one has challenged them publicly for a very long time now and people were extremely hyper for this "Ladies and Gen-Tle-Man!! Welcome to the LONG ANTICIPATED BATTLE, between the winner of the kanto Pokémon league Y/n from Saffron city!!! Be the ELITE 4~!!" Mister Announcer yelled out riling then up even more "This is a special battle field! Half Water and Half Grass for the FULL potential of both trainers pokemon! Now without Further ado! On the Left side we have the ice type specialist of the elite 4, Misssss LORELEI!!!!" He yelled as the woman walking out is a lithe and curvy woman, whose hair has been tied in a ponytail. She wears a pair of glasses, with her eyes being hazel-colored her red-brown hair almost shining in the sun. The crowd (mostly men) cried out her name as she waved to the audience. "Aaaand on the right! We have the mad man himself,

Y/n walks out and ignores all the crowds cheering his name as he walked to the trainers deck facing his first challenger "Y/n. As a member of the elite 4 I'd like to congratulate you on your victory of the kanto league, and let you know that your Pokémon will be at my mercy" she said her smile never leaving her face as she threw out her dewgong. Y/n rose a fist to the air as he pulled out a microphone "Hello? Can the announcer hear me?" He said as everyone lowered their voice down to slightly "Uh- yes I can hear you!" "Can I allow two people to sit in the coach seat?" "Well, I don't see why not. However their will have to be two security guards next to the person in order to stop you from cheating!" Y/n didn't respond he turned to face lorelei "I call ash Ketchum and Sabrina to the coach bench" he said putting the mic down as the people found the two and chanted both of their name's until they reached the bench "Thanks y/n! I thought you weren't coming to do it haha"

He didn't respond as he threw out venusaur "THERE IT IS! Y/N's VENUSAUR!!" "A grass and poison type ay? It's good to know your mind isn't shrinking from fear" she... complimented? Y/n who sent a thumbs up to her as the battle began "Dewgong Safeguard!" "Poison powder!" The attack landed, 5 turns and the poison will wear off "Magical leaf" the attack landed, but dewgong looks unaffected "Dewgong Hail!" "SolarBeam!" As the hail started failing onto venusaur it charged up a beam "Dewgong, use ice beam to stop them!" As dewgong charged up a beam venusaur turned around as dewgong shot the beam, Lorelei rose an eyebrow at this action as venusaur released its beam and blasted its whole body weight onto dewgong then quickly turned around to hit it with the last remaining beam as venusaur slammed onto the ground and dewgong got up slightly shaking "Not bad kid, no one's done that to me ever. Keep this up and you might raise your chances of winning. Dewgong Surf!" "Crap! Venusaur make a wall with sludge bomb!" With great urgency he made a small wall of sludge.

It negated some damage but not all of it, but with its type advantage it did help lower the damage, but SURF is a very powerful move so it didn't matter that much. "Venusaur, magical leaf!" As dewgong fell into the water the leaf followed it "Charge up a solar beam!" a couple of seconds later dewgong is hit into the sky "Ice beam!!" She yelled as both beam's clashed with each other as the struggle ended up being a tie with dewgong falling onto the ground. Both Pokémon stared each other down taking in deep breathes "Surf!" "Giga Drain!" Dewgong couldn't make the move as it was drained by the move and fainted, venusaur regaining health and some energy but it was still tired "ROUND ONE GOES TO Y/N!!" The announcer said with Lorelei returning dewgong unfazed but impressed with y/n throwing out a cloyster, it was risky but y/n allowed venusaur to stay in a plan in mind.

"Keeping venusaur in ay? I wonder what you have in mind for me kid" she said as the battle started, cloyster sending in a hail and venusaur using giga drain once more "Cloyster Spikes" she said throwing invisible spikes on the ground "use sludge bomb to locate them" y/n countered as he destroyed the spikes and looking up to see cloyster gone "Now!" She said with cloyster jumping out of the water and a big beam of water attacked venusaur "Dive?" He said as venusaur shook it off and stood tall "Venusaur poison powder" "Protect!" She said with cloyster hiding in its shell as the powder passed it and it opened its shell it was met with a magical leaf, Lorelei called for a hail again "Great, use sludge bomb!" "Ice beam!" The ice beam destroyed every sludge headed to it but it was hit with a surprise solar beam as venusaur fainted along with cloyster the announcer calling it a tie both trainers returned their Pokémon "Go Slowbro/Arcanine!"

They said as they materialized from the pokeball with the battle starting "Slowbro make this quick with surf!" "Extreme speed!" Arcanine stopped Slowbro by tackling into it with blinding speed "Now use the same move to make him dizzy!" Running in a circle around Slowbro the plan worked "Yawn" well it would've if it wasn't for the yawn "Quick use Overheat on the ground!" Y/n said as Arcanine fell asleep "now Slowbro use- Ah!" The overheat came into affect with both Pokémon being hit and waking up Arcanine, of course it didn't hurt Slowbro that much but it did do damage and awoke Arcanine "Sacrificing some of your health in order to wake up Arcanine, a risky gamble kid. Amnesia!" She yelled with Slowbro raising both of its special attack and defense "Arcanine use crunch" "stop him with Surf!" She yelled, but Arcanine landed the crunch and Slowbro took revenge by executing the surf. Arcanine stood up, one more clean hit and it's out "Extreme speed" he commanded once more as the move landed but Arcanine fell as soon as it hit Slowbro "And Arcanine goes down! Winner is Lorelei~!" "Return, come out Nidoking!"

"THE FAMOUS NIDOKING MAKES ITS ENTRANCE!!!!" He yelled with the crowd cheering for it as the battle started again, however with a two quick Thunderbolt's Slowbro fainted as her fourth Pokémon came out "Jynx! Use Attract!" She said with Nidoking falling under the attract. Y/n didn't fight hit knowing it'll wear off soon as It was hit with double slap and a ice punch which awoke it "Nidoking use surf" he said shocking the crowd as Nidoking threw the move at Jynx and jumped off as of knowing what y/n was going to say next throwing a Thunderbolt at the large wave doing great damage at Jynx. Nidoking slammed onto the ground and was hit with a lovely kiss falling asleep "Oh give a damn break!" Nidoking then was hit with ice punch's and double slaps. As Jynx rushed in with another ice punch Nidoking awoke and hit Jynx with a megahorn, he the Used earthquake to shoot her into the sky and jumped up raising its fist "MEGA PUNCH!" Throwing its first into her gut they fell onto the ground knocking out Jynx. "Congratulations y/n. You've beaten all the warm ups, now let's see how you do against my ace. Go Lapras!" She said a excited smile on her face as she threw out the transport pokemon.

"I cant believe y/n actually made it this far" ash said staring in shock "And he's only used three Pokémon" Sabrina added watching her supposed 'cousin' win the battle "Thunderbolt!" He yelled with Nidoking throwing the bolt on the surf move damaging lapras and connecting a mega punch as lapras caught itself and hit Nidoking with a ice beam and it rushed to them "Confuse Ray!" Lorelei said as Nidoking stopped moving leaving it open for a body slam and ice beam. Nidoking rose his feet and stomped onto the ground causing an earthquake as he jumped into the air and dove while spinning to lapras with megahorn to which lapras shot back a ice beam, Nidoking landed the horn and smashed lapras's face onto the ground as it then backed away and fell to a knee. Much to Nidoking's and y/n's chagrin "Use ice beam again!" "Mega punch on the ground!" He said as Nidoking slammed the ground which shot up a small yet decent sized shield to block the ice beam "Grab it then throw it!" He threw it at lapras who jumped over it and used body slam on Nidoking, the move landed but Nidoking grabbed lapras's neck and slammed it onto the ground with it clenching it, chocking it "Thunderbolt" using its last strength it shot out its last thunderbolt onto lapras which knocked both of them out "THE WINNER IS Y/N WITH ONLY THREE POKÉMON USED IN THIS EPIC MATCH, JUST HOW STORNG IS THIS KID?!!" The announcer yelled as the crowd yet in a uproar both trainer's calling back their Pokémon and walked to each other shaking their hand "Y/n, that was the best battle I've had in a long time. From the bottom of my heart Thank you, I would be proud and prideful to call you my champion" she said as y/n nodded trying to hide his smile as ash tackled y/n into a hug and Sabrina patted him once again.

-The End-

This fucking bitch took forever!!

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