Chapter 37:Burno VS Y/n

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Third Person POV:

Two days after his victory against Lorelei y/n spent his day's training with ash Brock and Misty, much to his disliking he KNEW that the best way to prepare for it was to be jumped. And as if Arecus smiled down on y/n Bruno had tapes of his battles allowing y/n to analyze his battles, and Brock tapped in believing two is better than one. and it definitely didn't hurt that ash and his friends somehow met Bruno once but they couldn't give him any good information that the tapes didn't already make clear. Y/n would've kept watching the tapes over and over if it wasn't for Sabrina using her abilities to put him to sleep. And now, they were in the battlegrounds once more with both trainers looking at each other with Bruno starting off the conversation both ignoring the LOUD crowd in the background "I didn't think a random trainer from the league would make it here, especially someone as young as you kid" he said a slight smile on his face as y/n showing well deserved respect to the martial arts trainer shakes his out-stretched hand "Looking forward to our battle, but don't think about holding back just cuz I'm 12" he say's bowing slightly as Bruno smiled even more at this and also bowed "I like your fighting sport kid" they then take their positions on the battlefield.

Bruno threw out a Onix and y/n threw out Venusaur. "Venusaur poison powder!" "Roar" he said as venusaur wasn't switched out as luckily venusaur was abit higher level than Onix making it take the poison "Now Leech seed!" "Earthquake!" Both landed with earthquake taking away a good Chunk of venusaur's health and it replenished it with onix's health as y/n followed it up with a magical leaf and Bruno used Iron Tail to negate the damage which worked, but due to grass being effective against Onix the 'iron tail defense' negated the damage to do an average amount, Onix then rushed in to slam its iron tail onto venusaur as it blocked the attacks with its vines gaining health back by the minute "Now Magical Leaf!" It was hit point blank, as he responded with a rock tomb which normally wouldn't do much against venusaur but this is BURNO's Onix, the attack did an average amount "Solar Beam!" The beam landed as venusaur then used the last bit of the beam to push itself towards Onix turning around and blasting him self into the air ontop of Onix "Quick! Use Rock Tomb to push it away!" As the rocks were sent to it venusaur used its vines to to push past the rocks making it to Onix and slamming its body and vines onto of it sending both slamming onto the ground knocking out Onix.

"Heh, not bad kid. Let's see how you far up against HITMONCHAN!" He yelled throwing out the punching pokemon as y/n returned venusaur and threw out Alakazam "And A new Pokémon from y/n Is reveled! Alakazam!!" Announcer yelled as Alakazam lifted hitmonchan and smashed it on the ground and rocks around the battlefield. After Alakazam had its fun he allowed hitmonchan to move on its own, it ran up to Alakazam and used Mach Punch with Alakazam dodging all of the punches except one that landed and stunned it with Bruno calling for a quick sky uppercut and send rocks at it in the air. The damaging combo caused Alakazam to get angry and glare at the fighting type "Shadow Ball!" Throwing the darkness ball to hitmonchan it used Mach punch to destroy the ball as Alakazam appeared infront of it and slammed a Ice Punch into its gut then using psychic to throw it into a big rock. Hitmonchan got up and jumped to Alakazam whom just finished using barrier, raising its defense by two stages with both of them throwing punches at each other.

Alakazam kept punching it as he pulled his free arm back and powered up a shadow ball and then slammed it on hitmonchan's gut stunning it and causing damage as it then landed a haymaker sending it flying away and then winning "Return! Y/n I'm loving your fighting spirit! Please, PLEASE KEEP IT UP!!" He yelled loudly as he threw out hitmonlee whilst Alakazam was breathing heavily as it begun hitmonlee jumped into the air and shot to Alakazam who dodged and landed an ice punch then using barrier to raise its defense once more as hitmonlee recovered quickly and landed a mega kick then a brick break to which Alakazam responded with a psychic hand shadow ball, the ball not hitting it. He ran up to Alakazam and quickly dodged "Facade" Bruno said as hitmonlee landed its feet on Alakazam's face sending it to the ground.

Alakazam stood up shakily looking around for hitmonlee left, right, down up- "Brick Break!" Bruno yelled as hitmonlee came down fast onto Alakazam, who in turn sent a imperfect shadow ball at it both moves landing and hitting each other away smashing into big rock's knocking both of them out. They returned their Pokémon "Three to two, I'm impressed y/n. Please keep this up!" Bruno said throwing out another Onix and y/n threw out gyarados both no-legged Pokémon let out roars riling the crowd up from excitement, and fear. "A Red Gyarados? ...Onix, Double Edge!" "Hydro Pump!" Gyarados blasted water at Onix who ignored the damage and tackled into gyarados "Now Iron Tail!" Quickly snaking its way up Onix slapped gyarados with its silver coated tail as gyarados responded with a crunch biting down onto onix's tail, he raised Onix and slammed it against the ground "Now use earthquake on it!" The attacked landed upon the defenseless rock snake as it sent another hydro pump knocking it out, to the surprise of y/n.

"Hey! Why was that Onix weaker?" He yelled at Bruno who looked towards him with a stoic face "was it weak? Or was your gyarados just that powerful?" "Hah?" Bruno stayed quiet, Much to the annoyance of y/n, watching Onix return to its ball and seeing a Machamp come out. He returned gyarados and threw out Nidoking as his fans called out Nidokings name "Already growing a fanbase y/n, must be nice" "Eh, there just annoying to me" "Oh so your not one for the spotlight? Could've fooled me, that call out of yours didn't scream 'I don't want the spotlight'" they talked for a bit before getting back into the battle with machamp throwing a scary face, Nidoking couldn't be called back into its ball. "Bulk Up!" "Nidoking, Earthquake" the attack landed but machamp tanked it, thanks to its body. After the quake subsided machamp quickly got infront of Nidoking, jumping up and using cross chop, then quickly following it up with rock tomb.

Falling into Nidoking, it was hit with a mega punch hitting it back to its starting point then sending a thunderbolt to the superpower Mon who tanked it. "Bulk up then use cross chop again!" Getting infront of Nidoking it attacked it but he grabbed machamps hands and smashed him into a rock "Surf!" Having it connect machamp quickly recovered and sent rock tomb towards Nidoking who dodged right into machamps fist surprisingly knocking it out "What the hell-" "Type advantage isn't everything kid" "I know that! Return! Gyarados Come Back Out!" He said throwing back out the atrocious pokemon with a hydro pump already blasting at Machamp, who blocked it with its four arms leaving it open for Gyarados to wrap around it and Chomp down on it with crunch. Machamp grabbed it and threw it in the air with Bruno calling for a rock tomb which all landed. Gyarados slammed onto the ground and shot a ice beam at machamp which landed around it "Now! Earthquake!" Y/n yelled which broke the ice and sent machamp down the whole, 6-feet to be exact.

"Now use Waterfall!!" He yelled which landed directly at it. A couple of seconds later machamp jumped out with red eyed and a yell "What the heck-" "Haha, it's ability is active, be prepared kid. Guts raised its speed and strength by 50% Cross Chop!" He yelled and with blinding speed it quickly got in front of gyarados and landed the move quickly following up with a rock tomb and raising it over its shoulder then slamming it onto the ground as it jumped in the air and stomped ontop of its stomach knocking gyarados out "Shit! I couldn't even call a move. Return! Venusaur your up!!" He threw back in his first Pokémon as the battle began with venusaur using their vines to jump towards machamp releasing poison powder towards him, machamp threw a punch blasting the powder away as venusaur landed a leech seed onto him as machamp punched him away.

"Bulk Up! Then use Rock Tomb" "SolarBeam!" As the rocks hit venusaur it charged up a beam then released it under machamp catching them off guard, blasting it into the air then shooting every rock left in the battlefield then blasting them at machamp using its vines "Block them!" Machamp whilst failing to the ground it used its arms to block all the rocks coming at him with bullet like speed. Venusaur then sent poison powder at machamp, unable to dodge it they were infected by the poison as it ran up to venusaur landing a cross chop to which it countered back with wrapping vines around its legs and slammed it onto the ground in front of it. Venusaur then charged up a solar beam to which machamp got up but fell onto its knee as its ability was wearing off along with its stamina taking the beam and knocking it out, Y/n has beaten yet another elite 4 member.

-The End-

Might take a break, school exams are coming up, and I've only been getting an hour of sleep.

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