Chapter 26:Hardest Gym

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Third Person POV:

After teleporting to viridian city he collapsed in front of nurse joy. He needed a good day's rest to regain his strength due to his use of teleportation. He had his Pokémon checked up and see if they were in top condition for the gym battle, and luckily they were. He walked over to the gym and was stopped by a guard who raised a hand infront of him with y/n almost slapping the hand away "You have seven badges kid?" He said as y/n flipped open his badge case to reveal 7 gym badges, the man smirked looking quite impressed "Not bad kid. Go on ahead" he said opening the door for y/n to enter "bout fuckin time" he said slamming the door behind him and walking into the battle ground he looked around the dimly lit fancy arena for the gym leader, the lights slowly lit up brighter as he looked above to see a man with a Persian on his side "I am the viridian gym leader, who are you" the man said in a prideful voice as he stared down at y/n "Y/n from saffron city, now how about we cut the useless chit chat?" The man smirked even more "Speaking my mind aren't you boy" he said as two men came from the side of the arena "You will use five Pokémon, no time limit. Let the Pokémon battle begin!" They both said in a almost robotic voice as a bell sounded out in the room.

"gym leader's first" he said, the man smiling throwing out a Rhyhorn and y/n responded with his venusaur "oh? Planning on ending this fast are you? I'll let you know it won't be that easy, Scary Face!" He said locking in venusaur and stopping it from escaping, while lowering its attack "Poison Powder" "Rock Blast" they said rhyhorn blasting the powder away seeing venusaur wasn't where it stood "Magical Leaf" y/n said was they looked up to be met with a crescent shaped leaf attacking the spikes pokemon "using the powder as a distraction, clever mind boy. Earthquake!" He said as venusaur hit the ground rhyhorn released an earthquake damaging venusaur "now take down!" Rhyhorn rushed to venusaur tackling it onto the ground.

"Now rock blast" Rhyhorn blasted rocks onto venusaur's face, after it was done with its attack it tried to jump away only to realize it was caught on venusaur's vines "Now Solar Beam" y/n said as venusaur smirked at the wide eyed rhyhorn, venusaur released a roar and blasted it into the wall winning the first battle.

"Rhyhorn is unable to battle, the winner is venusaur" the two robotic voiced males said as Giovanni returned his rhyhorn "Making me believe I had the upper hand by letting me attack, such cunningness and ingenuity kid" he said a evil grin making its self more obvious on his face. "I try my best I suppose" he said returning venusaur and throwing out snorlax, Giovanni threw out Dugtrio "let the second battle.. BEGIN!" "Snorlax Body Slam" the sleeping Pokémon jumping into the air and falling onto Dugtrio "Slash" the gym leader said landing the attack doing some damage before snorlax dropped onto it and get off taking three steps back "Now Yawn" "Earthquake!" He said as snorlax tripped onto the ground as Giovanni smirked "Sand tomb" he said trapping snorlax in a painful sandstorm as it stood up "Shadow Ball" it threw a ghostly ball at Dugtrio as the sandstorm attacked it "Use your own earthquake!" Snorlax slammed its feet onto the ground disrupting Dugtrio's balance and making it fall onto the incoming shadow ball "Now Yawn" "Slash it away" he said the Dugtrio slashing the bubble away and rushing to snorlax and slamming onto it making it fall onto the ground "Bombard it with Mud-Slap" he said as the ruthless sandstorm began to disappear and Dugtrio slapped snorlax Repeatedly "HYPER BEAM!!" He yelled Dugtrio blasting it into the celling as it fell "Mega Punch!" He said punching the dugtrio into the ground knocking it out.

"Dugtrio is no longer able to battle. The winner is snorlax!" "Dugtrio return, Nidoqueen show yourself" he said throwing out female drill Pokémon as the battle started once more "Nidoqueen Poison Sting" getting infront of snorlax it gut checked the sleeping Pokémon "Mega Punch!" Both pokemon punched each other away, nidoqueen got up faster due to it not being as tired as snorlax "Double Kick" "Hyper Beam!" Before it could shoot the beam nidoqueen landed the fighting-type move knocking it out "Snorlax is-" "SHUT UP WE KNOW!! Venusaur your up again!" Throwing out his starter the battle started once more "Poison Powder" "Earthquake" allowing nidoqueen to get poisoned Giovanni made venusaur stumble onto the ground "Body Slam" nidoqueen jumped into the air and fell ontop of venusaur "Giga drain" draining its health and energy Venasaur stood up as it flipped nidoqueen on its back "Solar Beam" before the beam could land nidoqueen kicked venusaur's legs as it released the beam on Her face then she kicked Venusaur into the air as the solar beam made venusaur crash onto the ground with great force knocking it out "Return, hitmonlee your up"

"Go Poison Sting" "Bulk up" he said tanking the attack "Brick Break" he said hitmonlee slamming nidoqueen onto its knee "Follow it up with Hi Jump Kick, then Rock Tomb" with its much more advanced speed it blitz the attack onto the tank, as it blasted rocks on nidoqueen, it slowly got up but fainted as the poison powder chipped away at its health. Giovanni returned the queen and threw out the king "Thunder" "Bulk Up" they commanded hitmonlee taking the electric move "Earthquake!" "Rock tomb!" As both moves landed both Mon's got hurt "Hi Jump Kick" y/n said, hitmonlee appearing in front of the king "use your tail to slap it away!" The kick landed as it was slapped away from Nidoking and it rushed to hitmonlee as it was in the air "Double kick!" Jumping into the air Nidoking kicked hitmonlee into the ground then backing away "Leer" hitmonlee's defense was lowered "Brick break!" He said "Mega Punch" he commanded both Pokémon slamming their fist into each other and knocking themselves out "Return! Your up/I choose you Gyarados!/Rhydon!"

"Hydro pump!" "Thunderbolt" both attacks landed, both being super effective. Rhydon was pushed back "Crunch!" Gyarados wrapped itself around the drill Mon and crunching down onto it "Horn Drill" gyarados still wrapped around it was drilled by its horn letting out a roar of pain "Now Thunderbolt!" Being stunned by the pain for a second the bolt landed making the atrocious pokemon throw Rhydon away "Ice Beam!" "Rock Slide" both attacks landed, however gyarados getting hit by two thunderbolts and a rock slide was taken out.

"Comeback gyarados" "this is your last Pokémon boy, I wonder if you'll loose" Giovanni taunted as y/n let out an annoyed 'tch' as he threw out "Sweep this battle into the skies! Aerodactyl!!" Throwing out his new ancient Pokémon it let out a Shriek "Oh my, quite the rare Pokémon you have there boy" Giovanni said "don't stare to long, Aerodactyl Ancient Power!" He said as Rhydon took the full force "Now Dragon Claw!" Rushing in its claw's glew a light green and extended a foot longer as it slashed the drill pokemon "Rhydon Thunderbolt" it's no use, Aerodactyl was extremely fast, faster than thunderbolts as it got closer to the Rhydon y/n called for "Steel Wing!" Rhydon grabbed onto the steeled wings looking At Aerodactyl who released a point blank HyperBeam blasting its away then bombard in it with steel wings knocking it out.

"The winner is challenger y/n" the two males said as Giovanni stood up and returned hit Rhydon "Not bad kid, i Hear-by award you with the earth badge" he said throwing it to y/n who caught it and placed it in his case feeling a wave of pure satisfaction flood him. He then left the gym "follow that boy and take his pokemon" Giovanni said as the two males nodded and chased after y/n. Unfortunately for them, y/n already teleported away.

-The End-

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